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, � �� <br /> �JQ �C� G� �L�Q� �OC� � [� �� O �:D. � n <br /> _ _ -- _ — __ _ _ <br /> -.= =- _ _ <br /> __ --- _ <br /> 3]219��C40PP 6 6ARTLETY CO..PRINTING,LITHOORAPHING,STATIONERY;OMqHA � � <br />.. .... . . .. . . . . . . . . . � � . . . . .. �.�.: ._�_." _ "_�.:: "" '_.�-. �:ii.- :�.'""._ _-:___".__ <br /> safd Nelson �aoney left surviQ:ing him a.s his heirs at law, and his only h�irs at law the $aid <br /> Charle� Sloan, a half-brother, and the said �argaxet Mooney. a si$ter, �►ho are the �ame and <br /> identical �ersons who appear as Ch�,rles �i. Sloafl and Ma.rgaret A. Mooney, t�o of the �rantor�r� <br /> �n said deed recorded in $aid Book 14 of Deed$ at Page 4�1. <br /> Affiant further s�ates tha� he knows of h3s own personal kno�rledge tha,t the said �illiam S. <br /> P�rrott, brother of the said John AI. Yarrott, died prior to the death qf the said John N. Parrot�+ <br /> and that the s�id William 8. Parrott lett survivin� him as his heir� dt la�v.�and only heirs at law, <br /> Cora �. Parrott, Charles �. Parrott� $lmer �. P�rrott, an� Lettie Parxott, his sons and daughters, <br /> the s�id Cora �d. . Parrott� Charles Y. Parrott� and �lmer E. Parrott being three of the grantore in <br /> the deeds recorded in said Book 28 of Deeds a�� Page� 142 and 313. and deseribed as Cora �arrott, <br /> Cha.rlea Parrott, and Elmer Parrott, in the fina.l deeree settiing the esta,t� of the said John N. <br /> Parrott, deeer�sed; that the s�.id yettie Parrott died int�atr�t� on the 27th day of Yarch, 1896, <br /> r�ged 19 ye�.rs, unmarried, and without iasue. and with no utzp�.id debte, and that she left survivir,� <br /> her a.s her i�eirs �.t lav� and only heirs at la�. Bell Yeltor� (formerly B�11 Parrottj; �er mother, <br /> and th sa, d E . <br /> e i lmer E �arro�t and Chaxle$ �. Parxott ?zer broth <br /> ers and th� said C �. <br /> , • . ora Parro�t, <br /> her sister, and being four of the grantors in the deed recorded in $aid Book 28�at Page 313. o�' the <br /> Deed Records of Hall County, Nebraska, and thi$ �ffidavit is made Por the purpose of explaining <br /> �.nd correcting the record tit2e to the premises hereinbefora described. <br /> George C. Humphrey <br /> Subscribed in m3r pr�sence �nd �v�orn to before me this 19 day of November, 191�. <br /> (��y) R. R. I�orth <br /> My comrc�ission ex�ires �arch 29, 1923. Nota.ry Public. <br /> I+'iled for record this 12 day of April 1919, at 11:55 o'clock A. Ai. <br /> ��� �� � <br /> Register of 17ee <br /> -0-4�0-0-4-4-0-0-0-�-�-t�-�-0-0-0-0-�-fl-0-0-0-4-0-0-fl-0-�J-0-0-0-fl-�-a-3-0-0-0-4-(�-�-fl-4-�-fl-fl-0-�-0 <br /> CONTRACT AP� AGR:�'�NT. <br /> " THIS CONTRACT . made this 14 da.y of April, A•D. , 1919� by and between Ella E1lington and <br /> 11�.rk E. l�llington� wife �nd husband, of Grand Isl�.nd, ATebraska., parties of the first part, �.nd <br /> Adolph Boeh�c of Gr�.nd Island, Nebraska, party of thE second part; <br /> YD'ITNFSSETH: That the parties of the first part have thi� day sald and agreed to convey unto <br /> the ;��.rty of the seccnd part the following described prop�rty, towit: <br /> Zots Six (6} and �even (7j, and Fr�.ctianal Lota Eight �.nd Nine in �31ock Six (6) , Woodbine <br /> Addition to the City of Gran.d Ialand� Nebraska; and rractional Lot� Eight (8�, �Tine (9) �.nd Tert <br /> (10), in Fractional Block Sixteen (16�, Wasmer� s Addition to the City of Grand Island; and Frac- <br /> � <br /> tional I,ots-�Nine (9� snd Ten (1Ga, in Blocak Sixteen {16) , in lpaemer' s Ann�x; said property con- <br /> of �'ive (5) lots, �.nd con$tituting the South HFzlf of Block Six (6 j, �Coodbine Addition <br /> and its comple�ients in �Pasmer'a-Annex �.nd Wasmer's �.ddition, for the agr�ed price of One Thousand <br /> Tight Hundred Dollars (�1,�i00. QO) . to be paid �.s follows: <br /> One Hundred Doilars (�lUU.00) cash in ha,nd� receipt of which is hereby acknowledged: <br /> The bal�.nce� towit, One T housand See�n Hundred Dollars (,�1, 700.00j, to be paid on �pproval <br /> of �he abatrrxct r�nd delivery of Warr�.nty Deed for the �.bove described preusises. <br /> IT I� FURTHER AGRFFD' that the parties of the first pa.rt will give a Wa.rx�.nty Deed� and <br /> will warrant the title to said prerr�s�ses to be free and clear of liene �,nd incumbrances, with all <br /> taxes paid up to and including the year 1918. <br /> IT Iu FLT�THE� AGRFFD between the parties that the deed vsill be delivered to the party of - � " <br /> the second part on ox before 20 days from this date. <br /> IT IS FU�tTHER AGR�FD that time is the essence of this contract and fvr the faithful per- <br /> formance of all of the conditions �h�r�'�z�dex� <br />