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QbD� . <br /> . ��'� <br /> �1 � �� � �[�� � �0 � � G� �� O� D �1 � � � <br /> � _ __ _ ._ _. - - - - - <br /> _ - - = - . _ � _ _ --- - --- ---- - ---- -- _- <br /> � <br /> 7ZI:) CLOPPi8l1RYLETTCO PflINYING.LITH06RAPHING,STnTiONEHY OMAHR _ <br /> j; <br /> ' I� is provided, hov►ever, that in case there ehould be any delay on the part of the under- <br /> ' $igned in perfec�ing the title to the above property for more than---- daye a�'t��;�notice of <br /> !, the eiection of the holder or holder� hereof to purchaee the �aid property, then and in that � <br /> , <br /> case the holder or holders hereof reseree the right to cance2 this option and receive back the <br /> consideration her�for or to extend the time until sa,id title is perfected. <br /> �' Dated at Grand Island, l�ebraska Aug Wrehe � (gFp�,) <br /> ' this 9th day of April A.D. 1919. <br /> ' State of Nebraska.} <br /> } ss. <br /> ' Hall County ) _ On this 9th day of April; A.D. 1919, before me the undersigned T. .7. <br /> , Hans�n � Notary Yublic, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said County� per- <br /> ' �onally came Auguat Wrehe to me known to be the identical person whose name is affixed to the <br /> foregoing in$'�rument a$ grantor and aeknov►led�ed the sr�,me to be his voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notari�,l Seal the day and y�ar last above wxitten. <br /> . (SEAZ) T. J. :iansen, <br /> � �y commission expires �ebruary 17, 1922 Notary �ublic. <br /> ' Tiled for record this 11 day of April 1919, at 10 o'clock A. M. <br /> , - � <br /> Register �f Desds'� <br /> -0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-Q-0-4-0-0-U-U-G-Q-0-0-Q-G�-0-0-0-�-�-Q-O-�-G�-C-0-4-a-G-�-0-0-0- <br /> . <br /> l AFFIDAVIT , <br /> AFFIDAVIT FXPI�AINI2JG AND CORRECTING the record title ta the West Ha.lf of the South�►est <br /> , Quarter of Section 14� in Townshfp 9� I�osth, Range 10 West. in Hall County. Nebraeka. <br /> ' 8tate of I�eb"ra�ka. ) <br /> ) ss. <br /> ' Hall County. ) <br />, <br /> aeorge C. Humphrey, b�ing first duly sworn, on his oath deposes and says <br /> ' that he now is and for more than 40 ye�rs last past hs,s been a resident of Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> ' and he is the ssme George C. Numphrey who was formerly the owner of the �eat Half of the South- <br /> ' �r�st Qua.rter of 5ection 14, in Township 9, �torth, Ran�e lfl �'eat in I3�,li County, f�ebraska, having <br /> ' received title thereto by deeds recorded in Baok 14 of Deeds at Page 421, aud Book 28 of Deeds. <br /> ' at Pages 142 and 313, of the Deed Records of Hall County� Nebraska. <br /> ' Affiant further etates that �a.rgaret J. Humphrey, one of the grantore in the deed recor�ed <br /> in said Book 34, at Pa�e 421, and �vho was one of the heirs at law of John �T. Parrott._ decea�ed, <br /> ,! was at the time of the execution and delivery of said deed, the wife of thi� afFiant� and this <br /> '; affisnt is the �sme George C. Humphrey who �as �rantee in ssid deed. . <br /> - Affiant further s�ates tha.t his said v�rife, �argaret J. Hum.phrey. xas a sister of the said <br /> John N. Farrott;j deceased, and of 1Ni31iam S. Parroit, Jame� Id. Parrott, Abram C. Parrott� and ; <br /> $lizabeth biooney. who �re nam�d as brothers and sister of the same John 1�. Parrott� dec�ased, <br /> in the final decree in the administration of the estate of the s�id Jahn N. Parrott, in the <br /> County Court of Hall County, �ebraska� and affiant was well and personally aeq�r�inted with them, <br /> and of tY�em, during the Iifetime of each, and with the reapective fa.r�ilies of esch. <br /> Aff3�nt further e�ates that the said $lfzabeth Yooney died prior to the death of the s�id <br /> John D(. Parrott. and that at the tim� of her death the �aid Eliz�beth �dooney was a �ridoa, her <br /> hu$band, David Mooney, h�zving �reoeded her in d��th by several years, and at the time of her <br /> death the �aid Elizabeth Mooney was a re$ident and inhabitant of Hall County, Nebraska, and that <br /> said �lizabeth Mooney l�ft surviving ner �he following sons �nd dau�hters: Cha.rle$ 31oan� a son, <br /> by a npc��riage Frior to hsr marria�;e �vith the said Dav3d �ooney ; Nelson �ooney and �argaret Mooney,, <br /> . a son and dau�hter, the fr�it of her �arriage with the s�id David Mooney. deceased; that the <br /> said Nelson �ooney� with whom affiant was well acqaafnted and who vras never married, died inte�tate <br /> in Hall County, Nebraska, on the Sth day of September. 1890; t:hat the said �elson lEoaney left <br /> no debt$. and his funeral expenses wexe fully paid; and that the said David �ooney. father of the , , <br /> ! said Nelson Yooney, died many yeara pxior to the death oP the said �telson �oon�y; th�.t the <br />' � <br /> l . , _ <br />