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��� <br /> �] � �C� � ��a�J �O � � � �� O � D � � <br /> _ _ -.__ - - - ---- _._ - - - - <br /> __ - - --- - - -- <br /> ..3I�1J—tLOGPSBAATLETYGO.,PAINTING,LITHOOflAPHIN^a,6TNTION6AY:OMNHA ... . � .. . � � - <br /> AFFI�AVIT <br /> ST AT� OF AIEBRASKA, � <br /> 4 <br /> HALI, COUNTY � Harry S. Faton, being first duly sworn deposes and says tha,t he is the <br /> i��n'�ieal person na�med as a grantor in one certai� warranty deed, dated Yarch 4, 1910, wher�in . <br /> � this �ffiant and his wife conveyed the Sonth half of the South-east Quarter of �ection Twenty- <br /> thre� (23�, Tor�ship Ten (10} N'orth, Rr�nge ��►e�ve �12� 11�est of the 6th P.M. , i.n Hall County� <br /> Nebraska. to "G. �. Bond and Brother & Edgar 8. I,eaoenworth", xhich said de�d �vas after�rards <br /> recorded in Book 45 at page 417 of the xecords of deeds in Ha.11 County, �ebra$ka. <br /> Affi�nt further says tha� he knows vf Mis o�n knowledge thh�a..t at s$id time the said G. 1�. <br /> Bond, whose full name is George W. �3ond, had but one livin� brother, v�hose nam� ias�then Fxank <br /> Bond, and that the said Frank Bor�d is the id�nLical person designated by the word "7�rother" in <br /> said deed, �nd to whom the said George ii�. Bond, undex date of Jur��` l, �.911, aftez�varde conveyed <br /> said premises by warrant� deed recorded in Book 46 at ga�e 180 of said reeords. . <br /> AffiaMt further says tha,t he convey�sd said premises by his deed aforesaid to George W. <br /> Bor�d, b'rank Bond and Edgar S. Leavenwozth, and tha� they are the identieal persons who are <br /> designated in his said deed as " G. i!'. �ond a.nd Brother & �dgar S.I,��.4enworth", not�►i'Chstanding <br /> any descrepancy ox insufficiency of d�seri�tion in said deed contained. <br /> Harry S. E�t on <br /> Subscri.bed in rqy presence and sworn to before me this: 31� c�ay of �areb 1.919. <br /> (��,) �. P. Burmood <br /> My Comrnission e�pires Apl 5-1921 Notary Public. <br /> Filed For record this � day of April 1919, at la o�elock A•�. <br /> _���,z� ��Q� <br /> Register of Deed <br /> -o-o-Q-e-e-o-o-Q-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-c-o-o-o-a-Q-o-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-c�-o-Q-Q-�-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o <br /> opr zo� <br /> KN01N AT,I, �EN BY TI3ESE PRESFI�TTS: <br /> That I, August �rehe, of the city of Grand Isl�nd, Coun�y of Hall, and State of Nebraska for <br /> the eon$ideration of the stam af Ten and no/100 Dollars in hand paid, at or before the ensealing <br /> and delivery of these presente by W. J. Heflin of the city of Grand Island, Caunty ot' Hall, and <br /> StatP of bTebraska agreed and do hereby a�ree to hold until the 29th day of April, A.D. 1919, <br /> a� 12 o' clock �. . time bein� the eseence �.nd important part of this option, $ub�eat to the order <br /> of the $aid August �'reY�e, or assigns. the follo�ing desaribed property, to-wit; The residence <br /> property kno�vn as lUl2 �est Sevent� $treet, Grand Island, Nebraska, (Fractional I,ot Eight (8 ) in <br /> Fractional Block Seven (7) of N►alliahts Additivn to the City of Grand ���and, Nebr�eka, as sur- <br /> veyed �latted and recorded �.nd it� complement, tosrit: Fractional I.ot I�ight {8) 3� Fractivnal <br /> Bloak Two (2} of Rollin' s Addition to the City of Grand I�land, Nebraska a$ surveyed, nlatted, <br /> and recorded. or to Lransfer the said praperty at any time _ �i��h�n th� time dbave presorfbed, to the <br /> said W. J. Heflin, or such �erson ar persons s� he or they may direct at and for the pries of <br /> Twenty-two hundred and na/I00 Dollars �ood and lawful money of tY�e United States-°of America, <br /> ;, <br /> p�yable on the following terms: to �.ssume the �3uildin� & Loan �ort�age. t�.ke second rnortgage fo�c <br /> �p50Q, balance ct�sh. <br /> In the event that the holaer or holder� of this option shall decide to purchase Lhe �aid <br /> property at the above price �.nd terms within the said time, then and in that case, the said. <br /> mmount paid for tnis option ahall be credited u�on t�ie said purchase price, l�ut in the event <br /> the holder or holders hereof do not �onclude the purehase above named �rithin the time prescribed, <br /> the�n �nd in that c�,�e, the said amount paid for this option ahall be retained by the underaignied <br /> in fu11 s�tisfaction for holding the property eub�eot to the said order for the said time• <br />