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�DF . <br /> ��� <br /> �i1 � �C� �� �a� �C� � � � �C� O �D �1 �� � <br /> - - -:- - - - _ <br /> _-__ _ _ � __ ,- - - -- _ - <br /> _ _- - -- <br /> , y��IZ� CLOAPABARTLETTCO PRINTINf.{.ITHOORIIPHlNG�STNTIONERY OMpHR .. � � __ __ __ _ v__ ,______�...� <br />- _,_-. .__ ._;_._- .. . .._ . :� ._ �__"� -:._ � :_:: _ � . <br /> �__ "-._:._... . _ ' ' ." _ ._:_' _. .._ _ . _.-_.-__:. <br /> ' the proceeds thereof shall be �.pplied. First, to the payment of expenses ineurred by the �aid <br /> party in the premises including the time spent by xim in aonnection there�ith: Seconda in pay- <br /> ment of said rent; �hird, the remainder, if any shail be paid to the second party for His ser- <br /> ' vices in pl,�nting and tending �aid crops, and seeds furnished by �iim. <br /> It is further sgreed that the covenants and agreer�ents on ths r�verae side of this inatrument <br /> I are hereby incorporated into and made a par� of thig <br /> SIGIv'ED thi� 17th day of February, A.D. 1919 <br /> John Wilken fSeal) <br /> Signed and delivered in presenee of <br /> By I[ark Cline t4gent <br /> ' 1/. H. Luers <br /> ' G, �. Talbert ESeal� <br /> 3TATE OF CAI,7FORIdIA, �}; <br /> � �S• <br /> ' COUNTYDF .SAA DIEGO� ) On this 2nd day of April, A.D. 19�9, before me J Brooks a> �vtary <br /> I, Public in and for said County �,nd $tate. residing therein. duly com�issioned and sROrn� per- <br /> '� sonally �.ppeared �[ark Cline, A�;ent for John Xilken known to me to be the person whoae name is <br /> � subscribed to the within instrument, and he duly a.cknowledged to me that he exeeuted the same. , <br /> I�1 WITNESS �RT�OB, I have herEUnto set my hr�.rRi and affixed my official seal � � offfca ' <br /> ''; tn San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Californfa, the dsy and year in this Certificate <br /> II`� firet above �ritten. <br /> '' (�yI,) J. Brooks <br /> , �iy Commission expires Dec 1-1921 l�otary Public in and for the County � <br /> " - _ � of San Diego, 3tate of Californi�. <br /> ; �'iled for record 10' t?!�;l��k A.}�. � Apl 7 A.D. . 2919� �iJ��� � <br /> � - <br /> J� ��Y <br /> : <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> -o-o-o-a-o-o-a-o-�-c-o-o-c-o-a-o-o-o-o-e-a-o-o-Q-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-e-o-e-o-o-�-o-e-c-Q-o- <br /> � AFFiDAVIT <br /> ' ; 3T ATE OF REBRAiSKA, � <br /> � <br /> HAI�L COUITTY. } i�dgar S. I,eavenworth+ being first du]i.y sworn deposes and says t13a.t he is <br /> the identical person nained as Ed�ar S. I,eavenworth in one certain deed, dated April 15� 1909, <br /> , wherein 1�'illiam A. �.her conveyed by warranty deed to thi8 affiant and "G. 19. Bend & Bro. " the <br /> ' South 23$1f of the �CorLh-east Quar�er and the �Torth half of the South-eest Quarter of Section <br /> ' 23, Township 10, Range 12, N►est of the 6th P.I�. . in Hall Courity, Mebraskas which said deed is <br /> ; recorded in Book 43 at pa,ge 653 of the record of deeds in said county. <br /> ' Affiant further aaya that he kno�vs of his own knowledge that at said time the said �. 1�/. <br /> Bond, whose full name was George W. Bond, had but one living brother and tha,t hie name v►se <br /> 7'renk Bond. and that it xas the int�ntion of said grantor in said deed named to thereby convey <br /> said premises- to this affiant �nd to George �1. Bond and Frank Bond, and to no other person or - <br /> persons whom$oever, and affiant �sys tha,t the aforesaid George �• �ond, Brank Bond and thi$ <br /> ' affiant are the grantees in said deed nsmed notwithstanding any discrepancy or insufficiency <br /> of descriptian therein contained. . <br /> � �dgar S. 7�eavenworth. <br /> Subscribed in my presence and sworn to befvre me this .J37x!' day ot_�a�ch� 1919. <br /> (gEpL) �I. P. Burmood <br /> Yy Commission expires Apl 5 1921 Notary P,ublic. <br /> Bilad for reeard this 8 dqy of April 1919, r�t 10 o'clock �..�. ___ <br />� ������ /����� <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> ' { <br /> i <br /> , <br /> i � __ � - <br />