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n4�� <br /> �10 �C� C� � �a � �0 � � � �� O� D � � <br /> _ � ----- �_ ._ ��___----- <br /> _ _ : _ _ _�=_ -_-�_ __, ---- �_ _-- -_-..--- <br /> ;37L1S-6lOAPSBAXTLETTCO..PflINTING,LITHOOHAPNING,STATIONERY�OMANk .. . . ,,, _ _,_'. ___ ' ,; ____ <br /> Y�� . ...��y� . .� " <br /> THIS AGREE�ENT, made and ent�red into this 17 d�y af February, A.�. 1919 by and bet�reen <br /> �r. . �ga.rk Cline. Agent for JoYin 1�'ilkins, party of the firs� part, �.nd G. �. Talbert party of the <br /> s�cvnd part, �I�NES. a H, That the said party of the first part has thia day i��ed unta the party . <br /> of the seeond part, the follo�ing de$cribed property, sittzated in the county of I3a11 County and <br />, state o� Aebra�isa, to-�it: <br /> The N. vne�-h�.lf quarter of section 18, in To�enship Center, Range of t1�eTP. M. together +�itY� the <br /> buildings and improvements thereon and thereto appertaining from the lst day vf Yarch. 1�19� to <br /> the lst day of yarch, 192� a,nd the said �econd p�.rty, in condideratifln of the leasing of the <br /> above nremt$es, hereby covenants and agrees with the said party of tha fir�t part to pay th� said <br /> party of the firs� p�,r� as r.ent for �he same as foliaws, to-a►it: $175.04 Cash rent f�r Alfalfa:� <br /> and �asture• �nc�-third of all grsin to be deliaered to markst. <br /> A1�7� 2� IS �URTI�R �XPRESSLY AGREED betv►een the partie� hereto tha.t the said party of the first <br /> part �hould He deem it nece�sary, may+ _at the cnst �.nd expenee o�' tY�e party of the second par�, emplo� <br /> men ar�d teams to go uvon s�id prami�es and cultivate the crops �.nd ha.rvest them or to do anything � <br /> that is nec�essary to promote their gro�►th or save t�em at �ny time before Lheg are in the gr�.naries, <br /> the whole expense of the same to be a lien upon said second party's sYu�.re of said crops. <br /> A.�'D IT IS FURTHER EXPRESSLY AGRI�ED by the party af the second part Lhat He �ill carefully protec� <br /> all buildings, fences and improvement� of e�ery kind that are now on said premises �r thx�t may <br /> be ereated thereon during ths continuance of this leaee; tha,t xe �rill pr�mptly, at the expiratioz� <br /> of the term herein �ra.nted yield up possesaion of said premises, without notic�, unto the party <br /> of t2�e first part, fn �s good repair as they no�r are or may ba �.t any time during the continuance <br /> of thi� leaee, ordinary wear and loss by fire excepted, � second party a.lso expressly, agrees <br /> to ha.ul and scatter u�on said land xe�ularly in the months of Spring and Fail� sll manure accum- <br /> . <br /> ulated thereon �.nd He will keep the cultinated lands o� said premises free from weed$ and destroy <br /> a11 weeds along the fence� and _about all the buildings, on the highv��,y �d�joining ths land and alot�g <br /> the border� of the fields before they ripen their seeds: tY�at He will keep the well, pump and wind- <br /> mill on said premisea in good repair,, exceptional loss by heavy wind or fire excepted. <br /> A�fD IT IS FURT�R AGR�ED by the party of the second part tha.t xe wi11 not sub-let �or in any manner <br /> release any part of the described premises �ithout th� e onsent of the party of the first part. <br /> AND IT IS FURTHER AGR�D tha.t the party of the first part and �is agents ma,y go upon said premises <br /> at any �ime to inepect the same or to make improvement� thereon a.nd to plow for future crops and to <br /> �ow small grain in corn and stubble ground in the fall before the expirati4n of this lease. <br /> The ac7venants herain sYiall extend to �y�be binding upon the h�irs, �xecutvr� and administratar� <br /> of the parties to this lease. <br /> I! A14D IT IS FURTIiER I�RPR�SS�Y AGRB'�D '��a.t Lhe second party shall secure the perFormance c�f the <br /> terms and conditions �5f this iease on His part by giving to tY�� �'irst party oa demand a ch�ttel <br /> mortgage u�on �11 or any part of the crops �ro�in� or gathered on said premises during safd tertB. <br />� <br /> And if the said second party shall neglect or refu�e to �ive such chattel mortg�ge upo� demanc3„ <br /> or if He �Y�.11 at a.ny time �ive or attempt to give to any peraozi or persons s. lien upon said crop� <br /> or any part thereof, or violate any of the conditions in thi� contraet� then this lease sY�a.11 <br /> thereby terminate a.nd in order to force a forfeiture for non payment of rent it shall not be <br /> neaessary to make a dernand on the eame day th� rent sha.11 q�come due. and the said first part� mayy <br />� at once recover possession of said �remiseg �.nd all crops thereon and tl�e said aecond party ehall <br />, <br /> in that event be heid and conaidered to ha�e pl�nted and culivated said crop for tk�� benefit of said <br /> firat party and shall be ?�aid for such se�rices as follo�rs: Said first party may sell said crop <br />��� <br />�� �� � <br /> and th� unexpired term for cash a.t private sale�- He may at His optian. procure said crops to be <br /> further cultivated or gathered and sold in such ma.rket as He may see fit. and ir� eithex event <br />� <br />` <br />