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,� 4�= <br /> � � �C� C���a � �0 � � � �� O� D � Q <br /> - _ _ _ _ _ -_ _�- _` __ -- - — <br /> ,e��I219—��-Ofi�PdaBANTLETTCO.�PHINTING.LITHOOHAPFIING.&4ATION£HY�OMAHA � � � ` <br />. _ —• .:� .. . . . . . .�� . . _. .. _—..._:..'_—'.. ...__—___�--_—_—_____.�.«--�____._ <br /> . .. .... . . ...,--.� <br /> AFFI3�l-�ti�IT <br /> _ -- <br /> �, <br /> � <br /> State of Nebraska) ' <br /> ) ss: ' <br /> rlal l C ounty ) <br /> J. F. �ill 'oQin� first duly sworn, u�on oath deposes �,n3 says th�.t he is <br /> well and �e.rsona.11y acqua.inted �uith R. N. Dill to whom Flizabeth McCrary, (Widow� conveyed the <br />' followin� descriped lands in Hall county, Nebr�.ska� to-i�it: S.E. �. Section 2-12-12 by �Jarr�nty <br /> deed, dated �Tan. . 29th 1890 �.nd recorded in book 11 of Re��l Est�,te on p�,ge 5it� ;in ��he �ecerciers -� <br /> office cf Hall County �,nd �vith F�obert 2�I. 17i11 ��no ccnveyed 'said premises :�o Joseph �P. . Skelton <br /> by F�arr�.n'ty deed, duted Niar.. I�.-�I�52, ard affi�,nt posi'tively kr.ows that �he said R. N, laill �nd <br /> Robert N Dill are one �.nd the same p�rson, not�rithst�:r�ding the discxepancy in ndmes=, <br /> J. E. Dill <br /> Subscribed �,nd stivorn to befcre n�e this 31" ��.y of t��rch 1�319. � � _ ; .. - <br /> Ali, Corr.�r:issior ex�ires .TU1�� 25 1�324. . ���,�� S. G. Huston <br /> l�ot�,ry ��zblic. <br /> Filed for record:: ttiiis 31 day of g�Tarch 1919, ��t 3: 15 0' clock P.�1"i. - <br /> ����� ���°��. <br /> Register of Leeds:U y~'�^� . <br /> -0-0-C-0-G-C-G-C=-G-O-C-G-G-C-fl-U�-(,�_C,_G-C-G-G-U--0-0-C-C-U--C-G-O-Q-C�-C�-0-Q-0-Q-Q-�-0-Q-0--Q-0-C-C�-C- <br /> AFFIDAVIT <br /> The 8Late of �'ebraska, ) <br /> � ss. <br /> Hall County. ) <br /> F. S. Slusser being first duly sveorn on his oaLh dep�ses �and �ays, tha'L <br /> the matter� herefnafter mentioned and set forth are W�thin his kn��►�.,�dga, and the same are true. <br /> Affignt says that on �ur�e 2,_ 19�4� one genry 0. GiPford, who executed a deed t� Ja�es ]i. <br /> Gifford for the NortY�east Quarter ef 8e��Gion Thirteen (13�, in Township Blever� (11�,. �ortM, of <br /> ; <br /> Range Twelve (12�, West of the 6th P.Y. , in Hall County, �iebraska., tnhich d�ed is recorded in b�ook� <br /> 37, page 56 of the Deed Record�e �f said �all Courity, rra�. _at the dat� of the execution �f said de�d <br /> an unmarried mar�, E�idoaer) of lawful age and competent to eonvey. <br /> Affiant further saya tha,t Oliver �. 3dead, t0 whom �. mortga�e wa$ given upon said premisea, <br /> recorded in b�ok 28, page 586 of the Real Bstate mortgage reeords vf said County, �.nd the O.X. <br /> T�ead mentioned in the deed to said �ramise$, rccorded in bc�ok 37 page 56 c�f the deed record� of said <br /> County� as the holder of a mortgage for �2.400•00, are one and the same person. <br /> F. . <br /> E Slusser <br /> Subscribed in my presence and sworn to bef�re me this 13 day of lda.rch A.D. , 1919. <br /> (lS�AL� H• P. Burm�od <br /> I,�y commissien expires Apl 5 1921 2�otary Public. <br /> Filed for record this 3 day of April 1919, at 9 o�clock A. M. <br /> �c-�a"� � <br />� <br /> V �� �egister of Dee <br /> �0-�-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-�i-0-U-0-fl-fl-fl-0-0-�-4-fl-0-�-o-U-0-0-0-0-0-fl-U-U-fl-fl-0-0-0-0-0-fl-�-0-fl-0-0-0- <br /> A�'�IDAVIT OF I1�7'DE�TTIFICATIO�T <br /> State of �ebraska� ss. <br /> Hsll County } �`,_ ]�. Holi�star bein� first du�y s�rorn, up�n �ath deposes �nd says that he <br /> was �rell and personally acquainted writh tiilbert I.. �addock to wham J. H. MacColl and �. ]�. LePlang <br /> conveyed the following described lands in Ha.11 county. �ebraska, to-rrit; I,ots thr�� and four in <br /> blc�ck eleven in the �'irst Addition to the �own vf Wood River, �ebras�Ca by lparxant� deed, dated <br /> Jan 24,, 1�389 and with G. I,. Maddock wha conveyed ssid premises to �'�seph 8tillens bx Aarranty deed, <br /> dated Oct. 2'7� 1890, and affiant pcsi`�ively know� that the said Gilbart �. Maddock are one �nd <br /> th� same pexson� notwithstanding ths discrepancy in names. <br /> F. ld. Hollister <br /> Subseribed and sworn tc� before me thi$ seavnd da�y of April 1919 <br /> Yy com�aiasian expires �arch 27� i924 �• b. 8pr�tgua <br /> (SI�AI.) Not�,ry Public. <br /> � Fi1ed for recard this 3 day of .�pril, 1919, at 9:3a o'clock A. 3�. <br /> , �J��.��� � <br /> . Re�is,ter .of . eds <br />