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��� <br /> ��1� <br /> � � �C� GL� �Q �1 �0 � � � �C� O � D � � . <br /> _. . _ -_ . . ._ <br /> _.__-_ __ :_ �___----- ----- - _ <br /> ---- ---- _ - ----- <br /> _ __ _ _ __ ___ _= - _ . _ _- <br /> _3�LIS, CIOPPbHARTLETTGO PRINTING LITH061lAPHING�BTATIONERYIOMANdG . ____ <br /> A�zn�vTT <br /> STATF OF 2:FBRASKA) <br /> ) ss. <br /> HALL C OUPv'TY ) <br /> C�r.arle$ D. Ev�.ns 'aeing first duly sworn, ugon oath deposes and says <br /> that he is well �nd pereon�.l�y acquainted v�:ith Jennie �i. Harmisvn to whom T. A. EvaY1s <br /> ccnvey�ed the following described lands in Hall ccunty, 2�'ebraska, to-y�it: �r, undivided inter- <br /> - <br /> est i�a lots thirteen und fourteen in block twelve in Erett and Johnson's Add.ition to the <br />� � Vill�i,ge of S�Tood River, Nebraska by svill, dated April 1, 1918 �.nd v�i th Jennie M. Harmegon <br /> : who conveyed s�id pren�ises- to Annie E. . Si�p$on by Warranty deed, dated Gct. 5 , 1918, and <br /> a�'fi�.nt positively know� thG.t the said Jennie �. Harmison and Tennie &'I. �Iarm�son are one and <br /> the s�.�ie person, notwithstanciin�; the discrep�.ncy in names. <br /> Ch�,.rles D. Ev�ns <br /> Subscribed �.nd sworn t� 'aefore rr�e this �6th d�.y of BG.arch 1919 <br /> P�y commission expires -&iarch 27, 1924 <br /> (SEA''�;) �7. I.. Sprague <br /> Notary Public. <br /> Filed for record this 27 daS� of Ma.rch 1919, �.� 4 o' clack P.�Q. <br /> �.����_�1 ��-� <br /> " Register of Deed� �+ . ���;�� <br /> -G-C-G-O-Q-C�-O-C-G-L�-O-C-C-G-Q-0-C-0-0-C-C-O-G�-C-C-C-C-Q-Q-Q-G-C�-0-0-C�-G-G-0--0-G-0-C�-0--0-0-Q-C- <br /> BILI, OF SALE <br /> KNO�`J AI�I. +�I't BY T'r �,SF PRESFRIT S: <br />' Tha,t J. E. V�lri�ht CountS> of Ha,ll, and State of Nebraska, party of the f�.rst p�;,rt, for and in <br /> . consideration of the sum of One Thousand & no/100 Dollars, l�.wful money of the United States� <br /> to him in hand paid, at ar before the e�seal�'n� and delivery of these presents by Nor�._ <br /> , <br /> ?�urray of the second pa.rt, the receipt whereof is her.eby acknowledged, have bargained and � �, <br /> ; <br /> sold and by these�� presents dc gr�,nt and ccnvey unto the said party pf the s�econd part, her , <br /> ' <br /> heirs, executors, adnini�trators ar.d �.ssigns, One two story house and �,dditions, �nd barn now <br /> s i t ua.t e on Lot Fleven of Frank �. Bark' s Subdiv i s i on of the East Half of the North e�.st <br /> � qu4,rter of section Ten of To�nsl�ip Eleven North of Range Nine. West of the Sixth I'.M. tY:e <br /> said progerty being situate in the town now city, cf Grund Isl�nd� �:all Ccunty, Nebr�.ska.. <br /> The � second �arty hereby agrees to remove s�,id house �.nd barn frcro said premises within <br /> ' a re�.sonable time �,fter date hereof. belonging to--------- now in--------- possession at the ': <br /> place aforesaid. � <br /> TO HAVE A]`1D TO HOI,D the same unto the said pdrty cf the second part, her executors, admin- <br /> istrators �.nd assigns� forever. And I do, for my neirs, executors and �,drr�inistrators, cove- <br /> nant �.r�d agxee to and with the said party of the second p�.rt, h�r executors, �.ciministratars <br /> a.nd assigns, to warxdnt �.nd defend the s�.le oF said propert3r, goods a:nd chatt�.ls hereby madet, <br /> unto the said party= of the second part, her. executors, a.dmini�tr�,tors and assigns, �,gainst <br /> all and every person and �ersons wh�nsoever. . <br /> In witness whereof I ha,ve hereunto set my h�,nd and seal this 25 ddy of Febru�.ry, A. D.. 1.918. <br /> In presence of <br /> ,T. E. Wri�ht <br /> G. N. Hale <br /> G. W. �3roadwe 11 <br /> Received of G. V7. Broadwell One Thousand L�ollars �.s payment in full for property sLecified in <br /> Bill of Sale �.bove v:rritten <br /> Nora Aburray <br /> Filed for record tne ti9 dwy of P�:arch 1919, wt 2 c'clock �nd 45 rr,inutes P.�. <br /> ��:� �-� t��z ' <br /> ��tegis er o e s ' <br /> � <br /> � <br />