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F.- <br /> �,4 a� <br /> � ��� G� � �a � �O �J � � �� OG� D � � <br /> _ --- -- _-- - - <br /> _ _ - - _ = - = — <br /> n _ _ _ <br /> ��Z/Y.'{4A�Pb0ARYLETTCO.�PHINTING�tITHOONAPHING.STATlONE0.Y��Mpµ/1 . . . . .._.. . . � - - . - <br /> Fred �u.el�lsQn, received the title to the north 8 feet of tn.e north half of the southeast �uarter � <br /> of said Section 9, _ by tax deed .recorded in Book 11, at la�e 54, of the �eed Records of H�,11 <br /> County, Nebrdska, and is th� same .:�erson v�ho, as Fr�nz Friedrich Suehlsen, co�veyed the south- <br /> �u�,rter of said �ection �� to Herman J. SuenlsAn, by deed r.ecorded in Bo�k 42, at Page 321. <br /> of the Deed Records of Hall County, Rre��rasxa. �,nd is the ��,xne Fr� Friedrich Suehlsen �ruho con- <br /> Z7eyed said southeast c3uarter of Secti�o►� 9, the �vest nalf of the southc�vest �uarter of Section 10, <br /> und�he East i3alf of th� n�rthV�Jest :�uarter of tne northwes't qu�rter, of Section 16, �,11. in Town- � <br /> sliil� 12, North of Ra.nge 9, �'est, in Hall Cn,.�nt;r, 2�ebraska, to Henry F. Suehlsen, 'oy deed recorded <br /> in Book 43 of Deeds, �.t P�,ge 422� of the I3�ed Records of Hall County, �3ebr�,ska; and is the same <br /> _�erson ��rho, as Fritz Suehlsen, r?ceived the title �o the northv�rest �uarter of the north�vest <br /> quarter of Section 16, in T�wnship 12, l�Torth of Range 9 V`fest, in H�.11 Gounty, Nebraska, '��y state <br /> deed recorded in Boc�k 11� �t Page 5 '71, of the Deed ?z,ecords of Hall County, Nebraska, and is the <br /> sarne �erson ��vho, as F. Sue?;lsen, received the title t� the t�est ha,1f of the southwest qua.rter of �_:_ ._ _ " <br /> Said Section 10, in To�vnshi� 12� North, Range 9, West, in Hall County, 21e'oraska, by patent re- <br /> corded in Book 11, cf needs, ut Pa�e 572, of the�Deed Records of �:all Gbunty, 39ebraska, and this <br /> 1 <br /> �.ffidavit is m�ade for �n.e ��ux�:�ose of e�z>laining the discrep�ncies appearin� in the recer:�s� in <br /> respect to my n�.me. <br /> Franz Friedrich Suehlsen <br /> Subscribed in m ?�re�ence �nd sworn to before me on this 21 da of �arch 191 . <br /> Y � Y , 9 <br /> (r�;AI,) R. R. HoTth <br /> My co�nm�ission expires ?darch 29, 19i9 Notary Public. <br /> Filed fox re�ord tnis 21 d�.�r �f Fda,rch 3919, �:t 11 o' clock A. 3�. . <br /> G��.�e � <br /> Register of Deeds + <br /> -0-6-0-0-J-0-0-0-0-G-0-U-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-Q-0-(?-fl-0-0-0-0-0-G-fl� <br /> AFFIDAVIT: <br /> _�_.__e___._._ <br /> State of Nebraska, } . <br /> }ss . <br /> Hall County ) P�att Jarvi�;, baing fir�t d�ily �worn deposes and says that for nanp <br /> year� laNt r_.,a�t, he ha� been a�guainted with Orie J.Bauder, who, wi�h Joseph H.�arvis, �vere the <br /> only member� of the firm of the Jarvis Bauder Auto Company, avhich wa� formed on or abaut the I9th <br /> I day af �arch, 1912, in �rand Island, Hall Caunty, Nebra�ka; that he ir the father of caid Joseph <br /> - H.Jarvis, whose midd2e name is Henrq; that said JoGeph H.Jarvis, and Henry Jarvi�, wha wa� one <br />; of the grantars in a warranty deed, ta J .E.Dill, .datea August 13, 1913, re�orded in �3ook 31, Page <br />� - <br />;` 358, of the Deed Records of Hall County, �t�bra�ka, f�r lots Cne (1) and 7.'wo (2) in Block �iz (6} <br />� af Bannie Brae Adc�ition to �rand Island, Nabra�ka, is ane and the same person. <br /> 4 <br /> i <br /> ��tt JarsTis <br /> Subsczibed ir my presence and �;worn tc before me thie 22nd day of �arc� 1919. <br /> i (SEAI�) J.H.&oo lley <br /> I <br /> �y commission e,apires an the 12th day of July, 1921. Notary Public <br /> Fil�d for record on the 22 aay of March 1919 at 2:30 o'clock P.�. � <br /> ��<��� �-�-��-- . <br /> I �~ Register�of De��`�" <br /> -o-c-c-c-a-c-o-o-c-c-a-o-e-c-c-o-a-o-c-o-o-c-o-a-o-o-o-c-�-o-c-o-c-o-o-c-a-c-o-o-o-o-r�-c-o-o-c-o- <br />