E�t!�� ,
<br /> �10 �C� �L��a �1 �0 � � � �C� O� D � � .
<br /> 449,�
<br /> _^ ____ _- _ - =-_ -_ - :__=- _-- - _ - - - - — -- - _ _
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<br /> . .. , e3�T.19 CLO?P6BARTLETTCO PRIN7ING LITH06RAPHING,STATIONEAY OMAHA . _ _ - __ ___ __ —
<br />'-=-.�.:___... '_"'__-� ...._.::.-.-_ . .._"_ .-'_" _._. . . . . ..�:�___ _. .�..� . . -�.:. .--'. __ ' �.:_'"___ '_"___ "".. .:_:__ ,. ._ �__'
<br /> TI�E STATE OF 21FBRA�KA. '�3 �;:.�
<br /> j s. s.
<br /> �iALI� COL�tTY )}
<br /> , On this 18th day cf �:rch 1919 before. the undersigned, a Notary Public i
<br /> within and for said County, persondlly came Fred A. Timpke and wife Alice Timpke. to me per-
<br /> scnally known to be the identica]�persons whose names are affixed to the above instrument as
<br /> /
<br />�
<br /> �rantors, and severally acknowledged the execution of the same ta be their voluntary act and
<br />� deed for the purposes therein expressed.
<br /> I1�I ��'I�'Z'ESS P�HEF.FOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at Grand
<br /> .. Island, Nebraska�, on the date^'above written.
<br /> (�;�,} S. C. Fiuston
<br /> �y commission expires July 25 -1924 Notary PWblic
<br /> �
<br /> �'iled for record this 19 d�y of �da.rch 1919, at llr o� cloc:k A.1�.
<br /> �,��� � �
<br /> Re�ister of Deeds '� ��
<br /> -U-0-0-Q-0-Q-Q-0-Q-0-Q-Q-Q-0-0-�-C-Q-0-Q-0-Q-0-�-0-0-0-G-Q-G-Q-C'-0-G k�0-C-Q-C-C-Q-G-�-Q-�-�-�-C-G�
<br /> STATE OF Zd�BRASKA� )�
<br /> � )j s�. �
<br /> HALZ GOUNTY. )
<br /> Peter I,yons, being fir�t duly sworn, on his oath says tha.t he is a son of.
<br /> John I,yons, and Rose Lyons, late cf Hall Ccunty , Nebraska, Und that he has resided in Iiall
<br /> CountS� , Nebraska, for more than thirty y�ears last past. Tha.t sa.id �ohn Lyons died test�;�e
<br /> in Ha.11 County, Nebraska, seized in fee of the east ha.lf of the northeast quarter of �ection
<br /> 10, Tov�n 10, I�ange 12 West, in Ha.11 County , Nebraska, and tha.t in his last will and test�.ment
<br /> � he devi.sed and bequeathed to -hi� wife� Rose Lyons� for and during her natural lifetime, the
<br /> above described real es�ate, which last will and testament was duly prob�.ted in the Cov.nty '
<br /> �
<br /> Coutt of Hall Count�r, Nebraska., and recorded in Book 1 of Wills and �ecrees at Page 2.96 of
<br /> the Records of said county; that said Rose Lyons, t�idow of said John Lyons, died �.t her home in
<br /> Ha,ll County , Nebraska� on �'e�ruary 14, 1919, a.nd that �.ff'iant was gresent at the time of her
<br /> deatr..
<br /> Pe t e r I.y ons
<br /> Subscribed in my� presence and sworn to before r�ie on this 1'3 ddy of 1'da,rch, 1919.
<br /> (SEAI�) Chas. G. Ryan
<br /> ' T�y Com.. Expires 2/1/192� ' Notary Public. '
<br />�
<br /> Filed for record this 19 day of �,rch 1919, �.t 3 o' clock P.�. �-��� �i
<br /> �J( ���
<br /> Register of Deeds ��
<br /> -0-Q-0-Q-0-Q-4-0-4-Q-0-Q-0--0-C�-Q-Q-0-C�-Q-Q-0-0-C-O-C-C-C-0-0-�-Q-�-0-Q-0-C-0-0-0-0�0-Q-0-Q-0-0-q-
<br /> • St�,te of Nebraska, � �ffi:��vi'�
<br /> ) ss..
<br /> I Ha.11 County. j
<br /> Franz Friedrich Suel�lsen, peing first duly sworn, on his oath deposes
<br /> and �a.ys that he is a resident of Hall County, Nebraska, and has been such for fifty years
<br /> last l,ast.
<br /> Affiant further states that he is the same Franz Friedrich Suehlsen who received the
<br /> title tc tlze north half of the southeast qua.rter of Secti on 9, in Township 12, North� Ran�e
<br /> 9, �est, in Hall County� Nebraska, by deed recorded in:' Book �i� at Page 105 , of the Deed Records
<br /> ' , of Hall County, Nebraska� �.nd �� tr�� same person,�as Franz� S�sen, received the title to the
<br /> �
<br />� south half of the sou�heast �u�rter of said Section 9, in Township 12� North, Range 9 West�
<br /> by deed xec�rded in Book H, a.t :�age 533, of the Deed �ecords of Hall County, NeUraska., and is
<br /> the s�me �erson vaho, as F. Frede�ick Suehlsen, conveyed the north 8 feet of the north half �
<br /> of the�southeast quarter, of said Section 9, to Fr�.nk J. Brunner� by deed recorded in Book F,
<br /> �;,t Page 36�, of the Deed �ecords of Ha,ll County, Nebxaska, and is the same ,�erson �rho, as _
<br /> ;
<br />� '
<br /> � � � � � � � � ---- -�-- �
<br />