<br /> 44�
<br />^ �10 �C� C���a� �OC� � C� �� O� D � �
<br /> ___
<br /> .3721S-tLOPP6BARTLETTGO.,Pft�NTING.LITt106RAPHIN�G,STA'TIONERY�OMAifA . . . . .. . . .. � �� .. . � . . . . -
<br /> �AFFIDAV�i
<br /> �tate of Nebraska } �
<br />� }s�.
<br /> : �3uffalo Caunty ) J.J.Hannon, being first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he
<br />� is well and personally acquainted with H.J.Robbins to whom Samuel A.B�i�kr conveyed the following
<br />� deeeribed lands in Hall Coun�y, Nc�bra�ka ta-wit: SW4 18-10-12 by �larranty Deed, dated 4-23-1888,
<br /> �.nd recorded in book 11 oa page 1�5, in the Rsgister af Deeds office of Hall County, and with
<br /> Howard J.Robbin�, who conveyed said premises to John 4ray by 9�arranty deeci dated 10-22-1888, and
<br /> affiant positivelp knnws that the �aid H.J.Robbins, and H�ward J,Robbins are one and the same '
<br /> perscn, notwith�tanding the discrepancy in name�.
<br /> J.J.Hannon
<br /> Sub�cribe3 and �worn to before me this llth day of �arch, 1919
<br /> (SEAL} �.L.�3a�tian �
<br /> �y comnis�ian ezpire� Sept 12, 1924 Alotary Public
<br /> Fileet for record on the 12 day of March 1919 at 3:2C a'clock P.M.
<br /> � � ___(��-��� �� �
<br /> Register of De ds _
<br /> --c-c-c-e-e-o-e-e-o-o-e-a-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-c-c-o-o-o-o-c-o-a-o-o-o
<br /> �!GREFN'ENT
<br /> THIS I1�iPF1uTURF �ade this 18th d�.y �f �rch 1919 by and between Fred Tim��ke and wife,
<br /> A�.�ce Timpke. �;arty �f first �.�art, and Carl Stobbe. pdrty of second part.
<br /> v�'ITJ�SS�'TH, �"�.t party of first ��art h�s this day sold to the party of the second p�,r� the
<br /> followin� described �.�roperty, to-wit: That pa.rt of the West Half of the Southwest Qu�rter
<br /> of Section �r��nty-one (21} Gr..dth�.t part o�' the �'ast Hdlf of the uoutheast Quarter of �ectiora _
<br /> T�renty (20}, South cf the burlington ri�ht of �ray, consisting �of ninety-six (96) acres, or a
<br /> little rr�ore. The �2000, t,he pµrty of the first part �.grees ta pay 4� interest en the �2000
<br /> �,�.ici I�arch 18, 1919 or to r�e deducted in the final settlerr.ent �dreh 1, I920. A�l=l The land above
<br /> de�cribed is in toRnship Fleven (11) � Ran�e Nine �'(9) , �Vest of the 6tlz P.�d.. �Ia.11 County� �Sebrask�..
<br /> together with all G.vpurteraances thereto bPlongin�. for r�hich the party of the second �art a,grees
<br /> to pay ��e sum of Twenty-fcur �housand and n0/100 Dollars � (�24000. 00� payab7�e �s follow��: T�7o
<br /> T7iousand �,nd no/100 Do1la,rs cash in ha,nd, receipt of which is hexeby �eknowledged. Bala.nce pay-
<br /> able as follows: �8u00 P�Iarch 1, 1920 �.t v�rhich time the said^��,rty agrees to give the gaid ,
<br /> second p�.rty d warxanty deed and said second party- �grees to assurrie the �65U0 rnortga�e on the
<br /> plaee ���th interest fr�ra ����.rch l, 1920 �.t 6j� �er annum, ur,d said first party takes a second
<br /> mort€;ag� baok sub?eCt to the ;-6500 rnort�;�.ge for three yedrs from Mdreh 1, 1920, with interest
<br /> I'� �,t the r�.te of 6�� x�er �,nnum� paydble annually from �a.rch 1, 1920, �rith the option of paying
<br /> part or all at zny tim,e and stcp interest on any amounts so �,aid. Also the party of the first
<br /> p�.rt reserves the right if he so desixes to pldce a lur�;er rriortgage on the proy�erty at the rate
<br /> rot exceeding 6% ura then tuke c�i_n�rt�age for the difference wha,t evex ;:it may be from said sec-
<br /> and party on s�.n:e terrr�s as above�-specified.
<br /> Party of sec ond p�,rt �.�;rees that should he f�;il or refuse to carry out the aeove �ordi ti ons�
<br /> the �oney alre�,dy vaid shall be forfeited as liqv.id�ted damages, at the election of party of
<br /> first part.
<br /> The p�,rt3� of the first ��art ���;rees to furraish �n abstract of title covering said Frc���erty�
<br /> brought dow�� to date, �rd �ive 3G d�,ys for ex�.r�:inution, �nd if the title is defe.ctive said first
<br />' party to �ave a re�son�.�l� : time to correct said defect or de£ects �,nd shov�a sarr�e on the abstract
<br /> Gr�,nd Island, �tebraska. .
<br /> NoTN, if the s�.id party of the second �urt shall pay the surra or sums as above set forth a.nd carxy .
<br /> out the conditions �bo�e ndmed, tirne beir�� the es�ence of this contr�,et �.nd of all the condition.� � ':
<br /> thereof, the party of the first pGrt �rrill furnish �. Warr�.nty Deed to said� �,arty at Gr�.nd Island� �
<br /> Iv'ebr�.sk�. �nd pay a,11 tdxes that are � lien on said property , �,nd up to 1920 an� to assign the
<br /> insurance, and give possession � to' be given 1�4arch 1, 1920, w�hen the further sur� of �8000 is paid
<br /> as �,bove specified. Trie �;arty of the fixst �art to kee;� �,11 the insurunce u� on the place up to
<br /> N�,rch 1, 1920, �.t his own expense �.nd not let �.ny policies- ela�se.
<br /> IN V!rIT2dESS �:'HERFO� the ��,rties aforesaid have subscribed their ra.mes the date a"bove menticned.
<br /> tVitnesses. Fred A. Timpke
<br /> S. C. �iustcn: Alice Timpke
<br /> Carl �tobbe
<br /> t
<br />�._ � � . � � � .
<br />