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n �4� <br /> �I � �C� C�[� �a � �0 � � � �� O � D � o <br /> _ _ _ <br /> _] __ _ : _ <br /> _ _ _ _-�- ___- --= _ _--- - <br /> _ _ � ._ _ _ . _ _ __ ---��__ �,=-_-_-� <br /> .374/9'�C1.QPPABAXTLETTCO.�PRINTING.LITHpORAPHiNG,3TAT10NEfiY:OMAHA . .. � <br /> .... . . . . . .. . . ._. . . . . . . . <br /> .... ..... . .... ... . . . . . .. <br /> . . . . . .. . .. . . . . _.-:-.- :;-.---_ ._ .�...:�::._ _ .:-:.�:- _:...__..:.�. :�. <br /> My Commission expires on the I7" day of Ma.y I9I7 <br /> I hereby �ssign rr�y interest in the �rithin lease to A. i�. Sterne. <br /> J. A. Nlool�tenholm. '� <br /> Filed for record the 7 day of �a.rch� I9I9� a:.t I:� o' clock A. H. <br /> U'�,�"z��� � <br /> �.,,�.�....__ ______ <br /> REGISTER OF D�T+'ED.- <br /> �6-8-6-0-o-6-�i-@�-C-C-C-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-D-0-Q-G-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-�-C-�-G-O-C�-C�-�-�--C;-L-G-G-�-O-e�-Q- <br /> 4tate of Nelcraska } AFFIDAVIT: <br /> Ha11 Caunty ���� <br /> � .A.PriMCe, being first auly swnrn, upon oath deposes and says that he was well and ! <br /> personallp acquainted �vith J.Albert Wingert to whom l�illie �eleen conveped the follow3ng describ� <br /> land� in Aall County, Nebraska tc�rit: Easterly 24 feet of Lot Eight f8a, Bloek Fifty Three (53) ' <br /> af the original town, now city of �rand I�land, Nebra�ka, by warranty Deed, dated ldap 15, 1909, ' <br /> and recorded in book 44 of Deeds on page 240, in the Register of Deeds office of Hall Gounty, <br /> and with Jerimiah A.�ingert, whase estate was probat3l ifi �iall County, Nebraska, final decree <br /> being datea June 16, 1915, and recorded in Book l, Page 616 and affiant positively �o�rs that the <br /> said J .Albert Wingert� and Jeremiah A.�ingert are one and the �ame per�on, notwithstending th� <br /> ciiscrepancy in names. <br /> � A Prince <br /> Subscribed and swarn tc before me this 14th daq of February, 1919 <br /> f�EAL) Axthur L.Joseph � <br /> Yy commissian eYpire� Sept 17, 1921 �iotary Public <br /> Filad for record cn the 10 day of �arch 1919 at 4:ti0 a 'clock P.�d. <br /> . �����_� ����� <br /> �Register of Desds <br /> -o-o-o-e-c-o-o-c-o-c-c-a-c-c-c-a-c-o-o-o-o-o-Q-e-o-a-e-o-o-a-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a- <br /> Affidavit•_ � <br /> IN THE �ATTER GF THE TITLE TC LGT CNE �1) IN �LOCK CNE HUNDRED �100} of RAILRGAD ADDITICN TC <br /> c�RAND ISLAND, HALL CGUNTY, NE�sRAS�A. - ; <br /> State of Nebra�ka, ) <br />; }ss. John Allan, being first dyrl.y s�vorn, depose� and say� that ha has been '� <br />' Hall County ) engaged in the busines:� of compiling Abetracts of Title to real estate � � <br /> located in eaid Ha11 County, for over 37 year� last past. That as a member of the firm of John <br /> Allan � Son Bondsd �bstractors, he recently campiled an abstrac� of title to the Lot Cne, des- . <br /> cribed in tY�e caption to this affidavit, that in abstracting the plat af said Railroad Addition <br /> he maae a remark, as follaws: "�sho�rs Blocks 97 to 121 inclusive) p, and in abstracting the Quit <br /> Claim Deed �rcm 4.M.Dodge: Trustee, to Siciney Di21on, as Trustee &c, recorded in Baok E, Page 255, <br /> in which the propertp thereby conveyeci, fincluding said 81ock 100� is described a� "aIl in the <br /> Tc,wn a�' �rand Island in said County and State &c" he �nade a further remark, to wit: "Abstractars r <br /> Remark; �To.96, i� ths highe�t numberea Block in the vriginal Tawn of 4rand Island, and at the <br /> date of this deed, there was no Block numbered 10�, in the city of 4xand I�land, eacept that in ' <br /> the Railroad Addition, " Affiant further states that up to this date na egaminer of Abstracts of <br /> titl�t� lots in�saic� Railroad Addition has, ta his knawledge, asked further proof than the re- <br /> marks above given, as ta,,Blocks numbered from 97 to 121 in said Quit Claim Deed were meant or re-► <br />' ferred to therein, and affiant further states that up to this date there i� no other Block numbe�ed <br /> lOQ, in the City of ^rand Island, or in any of the Additians than the one in said Railroad <br /> Addi t i on . """"- ' <br /> ���l� Jobri Allan <br /> Subscribed in my preaence and sworn to before me this 6th day of �arch, A:D.1919 . <br /> Benj J.Cunningham <br /> fS�AL� Notary Public � <br /> �y commissian e$pire� Aug 5-1923 <br /> Filed for record �n the 12 c�ay of �arch 1919 at 2 o ',clook P.�. . � <br /> _������d ' <br /> Regi t�r of De s� <br /> -o-o-c-o-c-a-o"-o-c-c--c-o--o-c-a-c-�-a-o-c-o-a--o-o-c-o-c-o-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-o-a-c-c-o-c-o-o-o-o-c-o-o- <br />� <br /> __ <br />�__� . . . - .. . " <br />