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�� <br />, �. 4�`� <br /> �:10 �C� GL� �a �J �OC� � G� �� O � D � � . <br />� H <br /> ___ _�_ _v _=_ -_ - — <br />-- e3]EIS—CLOPp&BARTLETTCO.,PRINTING.LITHOOPAPHING.3TAYIONEHYiOMAHA . . � . .. . .:.-� � ..,,. .. _. s..,_ ._..- :-, ,~ fr.,:__ ..�._..= - .T- <br />._ <br /> AFFI�AVI2: <br /> ST�T.� �F ��EBRA^K�� j <br /> ):u J. �i. �3illurd, of :��v�l�s Co_unty, 21ebr�.ska, bein�; duly aworn, <br /> COL�'TY 0� DOL'G�,,��. ) � � <br /> st�,tes th�.t he was we11 acquainted with �illiam M. Foster �,nd <br /> Fred C4'. Gray, who tvere en�a�ed in the lumber business in �ma,ha for �riany, and during that tims <br /> , <br /> they did business with The Or►�;f.h�. Natiori�.l �.sank of Omaha,� 2debraska, of which the affi�.nt is greside'nt. <br /> That he ha.s ever•3T re�.son to 'aeliPVe thot V'dilli�.m b�. Foster and Fred �. Gray �.re the arties <br /> .. P <br /> described in the abstr�et of John Allan & 5ons�, Bonded hbstr�.ctors of Grand Island, luebraska, r�t <br /> .� <br /> Nos. 8, 10 and 11, as c mveyin�; the follo.�in� �escribed l�.nd: <br /> Northwest �u.4rter (I�'W4) of the Southwest Quaxtex (SV�'4) �,nd the Puoxth�est Qaurter of the <br /> Couthe�.st 4�uarter (SE�) of Section Thirteen (13) Town�hip T�r� (1G) Range 7'welve(12) West, <br /> comprising eighty acres. <br /> Aff�ant sdys he hr�s never heard of any other pez�sans in this section of tMe cour�try by the names o� <br /> �"illiarrr A�S. �cstex c.rid �?^P,d �F�. G��.y . <br /> J. H. A�illard <br /> Subscribed �nd sworn to before me this 27th day o° Febru�,ry.�: 1919. <br /> Z. M. L�ntz <br /> &�y con,mi��ion ex��r�s �ec. 27� 1921. tS E A L) Notary Public. <br /> Filed for r�cerd the 28 day of rebru�ry, 1��19, at 11: �5 0� eZack A.�1. , <br /> ������ ��e� <br /> REGIrTLR OF«D a ,P$� <br /> -o-Q-c-Q-o-Q-c-G-�c-G-o-Q-c-�-o-O-c�C�-a-C-c-0-c-0-c-e-c•�-c-�-�-O�o-C-c-Q-o-0-o-4-c-Q-o-C-o-Q-o-Qo <br /> I�ee�e�-= <br /> Tthis lease ma�e and entered into this 30" day of J�.nuary Ad. D. I5I7� by gnd betv�een <br /> Zouise Hedde of Gr�nd �sland, p�ebr�.ska.� p�.rty of the first part; and Woolstenholm �C Sterne <br /> ( a co-pa.rtners�ip consistin� of Joseph A. �oolstenholm �:nd Adolph 1N. Sterne} of the sszne <br /> place� parties of the second part. <br /> �"ITNESSFTfi, tha.t said p�.rty of the first part, in consider�.tion of t�.e rents� cov- <br /> er�ants �.nd agreerr:ents hereinafter c;ontained, to be paid, kept and performed by the party of <br />� <br /> second pr�rt, ha,th,demised, leased a.nd let, and by these presents doth damise, lease and let <br />; unto the said parties of the second part� the ground floor of the Hedde Building� located on <br /> Lot No. �ne (I } in Block Zdo. Sixty-five(65 ) in the City of rTrand Isl�.nd, in saici County, being <br /> � <br /> sixty-six (6f � feet wide� and ninety (90j feet deep, excepting tha� portion containing the hall <br /> �.nd st�.irvv�y��.nd,e�ceptin� that part }�ow occupied �y Chas L. �iatix and �i place fox storing boxes in <br /> the back yard on said lot ; �lso the westerly for�t� four feet of so much of the basement as lies <br /> under the �remises above described, �,lso i�ooins �No. I3 and �t3 37 in said Hedde Euilding from the <br /> first day of July I9I7, to the 30" day of June I�22. <br /> Steam he�.t and water to l�e furnished by the first party. <br /> TO HAVE �7D TO HOZD the same unto the said I,essees for the time �.fore�aid, and the said <br /> I�essees in �o�i�idera,tion of the leasing of the aforesaid, do hereby �,gree to �ay as rent for �::.__ <br /> said premises; the stam of Two Hundred Seventy-five Doll�,xs. (�275.00j on the first d�y of July <br /> I9I7, and every month there�.fter, for and during the life of this le�.se. Said r�ntal to be <br /> p�id strietly in a�v�.nce. <br /> The privilege is given the second p�.rties to ha,v� �.n exten�ion of this le�se for five <br /> (5 ) years� upon the 30" day of June I922, upon gi�ring six months notiee to first party, �i <br /> writ�ng; Frior to the 3U" day of June I922°, but the rental for saici a�ditional five years sh�.11 <br /> be Three Hundred T�ver��y--five Dollara (�325. 00) per month. <br /> The said Ze�sees further agree tha.t at the ex�iration of the term �.bove granted, or <br /> ,�,t �,ny e�.rlier termination of this lease, in e�,se it should be sooner terminat�d, they wi21 <br /> quietly rznd pe�.ce�,bly yield up possession of said premises. unto the said lea$or in as good con- <br />