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Q���' <br /> 441� <br /> [� Q �C� C� ��a� �0 � � � �C� O � D �] � <br /> —_--_ _ . _= �__ _ _ _-_- _: .___ : -__ __ : -- --_-_ _--- --- _-__ --- ------- <br /> _ _ - _-_- _ : _ _ <br /> .37Z/..�-CLpPP S BRftTLETTCO.�PNlNTING.LITMOORAPHING.STflT10NERV.OMANR � <br /> . ._�::- -�__. .:.:�:_ -.._ .:..�_: .-. . . . .. ._':"__.� _.__�-: --_._..._. __'�_-_�._ <br /> AFFIDAVIT• . <br /> �T�TF OF 21F.BTtASKA� ) <br /> );;,. D. v. Vantine, bein� first :i�xly s�rorn, deposes and says that <br /> COU2dT'Y OF HALL � <br /> he was one of the grantors in a certain Warranty Deed, convey�- <br /> ing title to Zot Seven ( 7), in Block �even (7) , ef Charles �aasmer' s Addition to the Cit;� of Grand <br /> I�land� N�braska, which deed was recor�ed in Book 13, wt z��.ge 633, oi the Deed Reccrds of Hall <br /> County ; tha.t the above described �roperty �vas descxibed in said �Varranty Deed as, "Zot Seven (7) , <br /> Fractional Bleck Seven (7) , Wasmer' s Addition to Grund Isl�.nd. " <br /> Affiant further states tnat a correct descripti_on of s�.id property �vas Lot Seven ( 7) , Block <br /> �3even ( 7) , in Chu,rles C�r�' 3 Addition to the City of G.rand Is�and, Nebrask�,; and affiant knows, <br /> of his pe�sona.l knowled�e, that the said lot was erroneously described in said deed� and that the <br /> correct description therPOf should have been Lot Seven (7j , zn Block Seven (7�� of Cha.rles �'asmer's <br /> Addit3or.� te `"�z� City cf Gr�.n3 Island, 1�1ebr�.ska. <br /> Further affidnt s�,ith not. <br /> D. H. ���.ntir_e <br /> �ub�cribed in rr,y presence and s�vorn to before me this 8th d�,y of Febru�.ry, A.J. , 1919. <br /> i��� cornmission expires April 6tn, 19�4. (S E A L) Jas. �'. I3uck. . . . .Notary Public. <br /> Fil�d for record the 8 day of February, 1919, at 10:�5 o' clock A.A�. <br /> ' ��u-��:- <br /> RFG ISTER OF DEED. <br /> -0-0-�-0-�-0-o-J-o-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-o-J-�-0-0-0-0-0-�-J-o-0-�-0-o-J-o-0-0-0-�-0 -o-G-o-0-�-0-0-�' <br />� ` CONTRACT• <br />; �• ARTICI,I'.S OF AGREFIUlF.NT, �de this 6th day of �T�n. 1919 beta•een VV.S.Allison Agt for Est�te <br /> . i <br /> of John Gra�� of the first paxt, �nd C. J. Soderstrom of the second �wrt. 1 <br /> �V2Tr1FS�FTH t�e said art�T of the first urt has this d� ° bar ained and sold to the sa' I' <br /> . � ., P , y � <br /> �d <br /> ��rty of the second p�,rt, the follo�in� degcrined real estate, situ�,ted in �he County of �all and <br /> st�.te of Nebr, to-�rit: - ' <br /> S'�V4 Section 1£� and N�`.'4 Section 19 all in townshi�� ten �'�.nge t��elve :vest of <br /> the 6th P.�.q. eontuining 3062 acres accordin� to the r�corded plat thereof, for the sum of Thirt�r I <br /> -Fight Thousand Three hundrEd Twelv� �c 50/100. . .DOLLA�?� Two thou�and Dollars of which ha.s been � <br /> paid in hand, the re�eil,t ��hereof is hereby acknowledged. The re�r�a.inin� principal with accrued in- <br /> terest �.t t�e r�te of --- Fer cent per annum, shall be paid to the part- of the first part, �;t tne <br /> office of �'r,elton State Bar.k �'r�elton Nebr the times and in the manner following, that as to say: <br /> l�.rch lst� 1919 or as soon thereafter as clear abstr�,ct and warranty deed i� furnished <br /> �36312•50 Sub�iect to Lease for 1919 to C C yiesinger <br /> �Jo.v, if tne s�id p�.rty of the second p�,rt shra.11 pay tr.e su� as above set forth, time being the <br /> essence of this contr��ct, �.nd s�iall pa� all taxes and assessments, whether speci�.l or aeneral, w':iid� <br /> . may become due on said rea,l Pstate for the yea.r 1919 and there;�fter until the above payments are all <br /> � <br /> madA, then said nart�, of the first ��art sha.11, «,t hi.s u-r�n �ost execute and deliver to the said par�y <br /> 1, <br /> of the second part, or. his assigns, u�on surr.ender of t'r_is contract, a warr�,nty deed to the above � <br /> de�cri��d pxe:ni$es, <br /> �??l� IT IS FURTHEI� l�GfiEEFn ti�l�.t ir. c�,se an�� paym�ent, either of princiF�,l o� int�rest, remaining <br /> un�aid for t��a s��.ce of thirty 3ays �.fter the same sr.�,ll beco:ne due, or �, failure to y��.y� any ta.xes <br /> � <br /> � or assessrnents,at the time tne 3�.me oecomss due, then in th�.t c�se, the t�vizole amount un�aid on this <br /> cor_tr�:et, si�ll �eco,l.e due �,n3 �ayable without furtner notice ; and such deZinquency in payment, or <br /> the failure in other respects by the party of tlze second �art to � erform the stipula.tions of this <br /> contr�.ct, or u7iy ,�art cf tlz�:n, shall enti tl.c� t'.zA y�urt� of. t'ze first part to immedia.te possession o <br /> the prem�.ses described he.rPin� ��.nd thP n�rty of the seccnd ����rt s:1a.11 fcr�eit all payments made un� ' <br /> d�r +��is contract. . <br /> This con�r�.ct snall be in �uplicate, one copy� of ti�rl�ich shall remai�n with eacr. g�rt�� to this � <br /> contract. !�Jhen any payment is m��de on this contract, the perscn pa�iing� the shall a dupli- <br /> cate recsipt therefor from the first �arty hereto or his wssigns. <br /> IN �1ITI�IESS ��IFREOF the par tie s nave he reun to se t t he i r n�.nds t�is dayt and yea.r fi rs t abov e <br /> �eri tten. ' <br /> In presence of 1A. S. Allison. . . . . ,4�;ent figt Fstate J',no.Gray <br /> �T. �,. Johnson C• �'- Soderstrom <br /> Filed for record the � daf of Febru�;.ry, 1919, at 1G o' clock A.i�• ���� � <br /> ;: ; ZsT _ --- ; <br />