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�� <br /> Q��� <br /> 439 A <br /> ; <br /> . �1 � �C� �[� �aG� �O � � � �� O � D � n � � <br />---- .-- --_— --_ _ __ -:._J__ __ _ .__ _ -.:- -.-- ---- -- — <br /> -___ _ _�__:- __ __- ---- — – -- -------- - <br /> r—�— a37219—CLOPP6BAFTLETYCO��PRiNTING.LITHOORl1PHING,STATIONERY�OMIIHA�� � <br />:�_.� . __...._. �.-..'-- .� ."""_ -::--_.— ...__:__ ..._—:_— ..__ — <br /> -..._-_ ..:.__...T_._ _ _..... _"__ ____'—_' —�-- <br /> � State of �iebraska } <br /> �ss. <br /> Hall County � On this 24th day of Jan A.D. 1919, before me, the undersi�ned, G.�i.Vant. <br /> a I�ot�.ry� Public, duly commissioned �,nd qualified for s.nd residin� in said County, personally came <br /> �.rl A.Fasmussen tl�e said lessor and Bert Yoore the said lessee, to me known to be th� identical <br /> perQOns �►hose naxAes are affixed to the foregoing instrtament a.s lessor and lesse� and ackna�►'ledged <br /> said instrument to be their eoluntary aet and deed. <br /> Xitn�ss my h�,nd and Notarial Seal the day and yEar l�.st a.bove written. <br /> (SR,�',L� G H Vant <br /> �y commission expires the 6 day of Sept. 1924 . Notary Public <br />. Filed for record on the 28 day oP Janua.ry 1919 at 10 o�cloek A.�. <br /> �������� LIJ�-��-y <br /> egister of Deed�� <br /> . �����Q�fl��r��Q�O�O�Q��wO�Q�Q�Qr�����rO�O�Or�M��Q�OwO�Q���O�����������O�O���O�'��O�O�'�, r�'. �Qr�". �Q�O� '��Q.I� <br /> �i��r• �- . ' <br /> This, and entered into this lOth day of December A.D.1�18, by and between <br /> L.St�anley of Grand Island, Nebraska, party of the first part, and C.A.I,ee of Grand Islarr�, Nebraska <br /> party of the second part �IT��g�;�g, That tMe party of the first part, in consideration of <br /> the rents, covenant$� and a�reements hereinafter contained, to be ��id� kept and performed by the <br /> part� of the second part� D�ISED, LRASED AND I�T. and by these presents doth DEIi[ISF� I.�T <br /> AND yLAS�, unto the said party of the second party the roc�m in the Northwest corner of the garage <br /> operated by the pa.rty of the first part, said gara�e being at 109 ?�ast Second Street, Grand Island, <br /> ., <br /> Nebraska, said roo� being approximately sixteen feet �ide and fifty feet lang and havin� hereto- , <br /> Yore been used ae an offiee and show-room. for the term of one year to commence and be commuted , <br /> from the lst d�y of December 1918, and end on the 30th da.y of �ovember 1919. ' <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOI.D the same unto the said Lessee for the term aforesaid. And the said Lessee, , <br /> in consideration of the leasin� af oresaid, doth hereby agree to pay a.s rent for said premises� the ;, <br /> � sum of Foxty Aollars (�4�. 04) -on the first day of December, 1918, the receipt wYbereof is hereby � I <br /> a.cknor�ledged, and a like sum of Forty� Dollars on the first day of January� 1919 and on the first <br /> day of each month following durin� the term of this lease. <br /> It is further agreed tha.t the pa�ty of the second part shall ha�e the privilege of rene�ring ! <br /> this lease for a. term of two years after the expiration of the term herein granted, providing he <br /> notifies the party� of the first part on or before Noverr.ber 1. 1919 �f his intention of so renewing <br /> ,the le�se. <br /> Arld the said Lessee further agrees that at the expiratinn of tY� term� above granted, or at any <br /> ea.rlier termin�t ion of this lease. in case it should be soaner terminated, he Aill quietly and <br /> peaceably yield up possession of saici premises unto the said Lessor in as good condition as the <br /> s�une was entered upor�, ordinary wear or dt�rr,�ge by fire excepted. <br /> Said I,essee further ugrees to make all necessaryf repairs on said building so occupied� duiing <br /> the term aforesaid, at his own expense and cost� damages ey the elements alone exce�ted. And it is <br /> further expressly agreed and understood by t�nd between the p�.rties hereto. th�.t in case the rent <br /> above reserved, or �ny p�.rt tnereof, be not �iaid at t� time the game becomes due and pay�.ble� or <br /> if �.ny other condition or �greement herein contt�ined, on the part or behalf of the said Zessee, be <br /> no� by him fully complied with and performed, tY�n, and in that case� the s�id Lessor sha.11 hav'e ; <br /> the right «�t his option to declare this at an end, and thsreby e�ncel and annul the same� anid <br /> to ret�,ke immedi�.te possession of said premises. and to put out and rerr.ove any pexson occupying the <br /> same.: It is und�xstood that t�e covenrznts and agreeff�ents in this le�.se shall succeed to and be , <br /> bindin� upon the respecti.�►� heirs, executors, administrdtors and dssi�ns of the partiPS hereto. <br /> � Nothin herein contained sY�all be construed to pre�rent the I,essor from commencin� an action at larr <br /> for the reconery of the xent due� or any part thereof. <br /> � <br />