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,� 43� � <br /> � � �C� C � �a � �� � � � �� O � D �1 � <br />^ .3J219—LLOPPb.BANTLETTCO..PHINTING.LITMOOpAPP11NG.4TAT10NEAY:OMAMF � � . . . .� _. . � � . . . "".� . -.:" '." '... -_ ' _ ___ -- _ __:.r � . _—. <br /> . � . . . . . . _ ... .-_�_. _ �.. .. �—� ._.-�:- _. _....:�_� . fr-__ ' <br /> .�TTY T.'R,A.�T'• <br /> Thie Agreement, �fade and entered ints� this 24th day of Jan. A.D. 1919 by and be- <br /> t�reen Rarl A.Rasmussen of the County of Hr3.11, a.nd 5t�,te of A3ebraska, of the first p�.rt. a.nd Bert <br /> �aore, of th+e second part, �p12r;�;�r�H� tY��.t the said party of the first part h�,s this day Ieased <br /> unto the party of the second part t�ze following described Fremises, to-�rit: I,ot four (4 }, block <br /> ten (lU) in the orig,Aa.l �own of Cs.iro, Nebr. <br /> To�ether with all the buildin�e a.nd impro4em,ents on the same for the term of five ye�.rs fram the <br /> 1-st day of Feb. , 1919, to the 1-st day of �eb. , 1924, for the sum of I}'ifteen no/l00 Doilare per <br /> month, p�,yable vn the first ��,� of each month, in adv�.nce, at the office of The Cairo State Bank. <br /> AN�D IT IS FURT�R AGRLED. thd.t if any rent shall be due s.nd unpaid or if default be made in any <br /> of the covenants herein contained, it shall then be la�ful for any of the said party of the firat <br /> part to re-ent�r the said premises� and the party of the seeond p�.rt a,gr�c�s to vacate sa,id prem- <br /> ises without nc�tiee, and if it t�ecome necessary to brin�; action at law to reco�er posse�sion, to <br /> pay 8 reasonable attorney ' s fee therefor. Arid the s�id party of the second part further a�rees <br /> ta pay the p�rty of the first �art the rent as abov� specifi�d excegt when said premiaes are unt�n- <br /> ant�.ble by reason of Fire, from any other eause than ca.relessn�s� �f the party of th� second part�, <br /> or �ersons of his f'umily, �r in his employ, or by su�erior force or inevitab2e neeessity. <br /> �nd the s�.id party of the second paxt covenant that he �vill use said preznises as a barber-shop <br /> H <br /> and pool hall, a.nd. f4r no other purpose wh€�.tever, �.nd tl�t he especi�,lly v�ill not let said prem- <br /> ises or permit same to be used for any unlav�ful business or purpose whs.tsoever; that he �vill mot ' <br /> �ell, a�si�n, underZet said premises without the written eonsent of the lessor, under penalty of <br /> forfeiture of all his ri�hts under this lease, at the election of the p�rty of the first par� <br /> �.nd thr�t he will use dll due care �nd dili�ence in �uarding said property, with building�, �a.tes, <br /> fence�, vines, shrubbery, etc. , from d�.mage by fire, and the depredations of; will pay <br /> all water rent and chs�.r�es for gas or electric li�ht that sha,ll beco�e due tY�reon durin� this <br /> lease; tha.t he �vill not permit any noise os nuisance wha.tever on premiaes to the disturbance <br /> of other t�nants, or do or pexrnit any.thing on or �.bout said prez�ises which will inexe�se the r�.ta <br /> of insurance ; that the les�or �.nd its a.gente ma.y enter �t any time to vie�r ssme or for an� n�cese- <br /> sry purpose. The lessee further s.�rees tha.t he will in all respect� comply with the city ordinan- <br /> ces and requirements of the health r�uthorities and p�.rtieularly �.e to kecping said pr�mis�s and <br /> the streets and alleys ad��cent thereto� free and elear from all filtl�, refuse and o3�struction <br /> r�nd. the steps and side�v�,lks free fxvm snow and ice; that he v�ill keep the buildings, glass, gate�, <br /> fences, �tc. , in �ood repaix as th� same now �r� or may be placed at a.ny time by the lessor, or <br /> as often ds the s$sne r��.y r�quire it, �am.age b3� su�erior foxce, inevitable necessity, or fire fro�n <br /> any other cause th�.n ca.relessnes� of the lessee. or person� of his f�nily�, or in his employ except- <br /> ed, and at the expiratian of this lease, or upon a breach by said lessee ot' any of th� eovenants <br /> herein cont�,ined, and he �ill �ithout further notice of any kind, quit and surrender the possession <br /> and occup�ncy of s�id pr�mi�es in as �;ood condition �s reasonable use rznd n�.tura.l �ea� and decay <br /> thereof will permit, damage by fire aa, superior force or inevits,ble necessit�r excepted. <br /> And the said part_of the seconc� ��art here`by gi0es tl�e part of the first part �. lien �xpon <br /> any and al]. property of the said second pa.rt kept in use upon s�id premises, to be en�'orced in <br /> like manner as a chu.ttel mortga�e, whether exezrip� from execution or not� for all rent due or to <br /> become due by �virtue of this l�ase• - <br /> The party� of the secon3 �art fur�her a�rees t�i€�,t he will give the party of the first psrt, sixty <br /> day� notice in case he should wish to �acate befoxe expirati�n of this le�se. <br /> S2� �IT1�'FSS 1►HF?�FOF. '��e �aid parties have hereunto subscribed their nsmes on the date above written. <br /> In Presence of Karl A Rasmussen g�� <br /> Bert l�oore SFAL � <br /> G H V�.nt <br /> . <br />