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�`��'i1 � D D <br /> ��� � �C� �� �Q� �� � � � �� O � D � o � <br />, _ _ T - � _ _ _� _— --_ _ _: <br /> _ .a3�L/J—CLOiA6BARTlETTCO..PRINTING,LITHOdpAPHING,STNTIONERY:OMAHA . . . .. . ' � <br /> . .::.. . ..... . _. ._. .._..._.. .. .._ _ "..._ _ . ........ � ._v__� .. ......_ . ._..__ ..._._ <br />' AFFIDAVIT; In the �datter of t�i� Title to Lots 7 & 8 in Block 1G of <br /> I.a,mbert?s fiddition to the City of Gr�.nd Isla.nd, Hall <br /> Covnty, Nebra$ka. <br /> State of Galifornia� ) <br /> jsB. .Tames 1i. �im;�son, being first dul�r sworn, fleposes and says, that he is <br /> Zos Angeles County. ) <br /> Lhe ,Tames H. Simpson �vho appEars a.s �;rantee in a c�rtain 9larranty Deed, <br /> conveyin� above described lots, from Sr�,muel L. �Ayson� and wife dated 'Jec. 11, 1890 a.nd r�corded in <br /> Book 1"i, page 294, of the records of said Ha11 County, Nebrask�.; th�.t he, by the name of J.H.Sim�- <br /> �on, $�so �,ppears �.s grantor in a� certain V�arr�.nty D�ed, dated Oct. 2t3, 1897 and r�coxded in gook <br /> 41, pa.�e 220 v� said records, conveying said lots to "Y.F.Si�nson", v�ho is the brother of affia.nt, <br /> also known �.s �. Frank �impson, �3T which last n��?e he a�pear� as grantor in a �arrantST ?;eed, con- <br /> veyfng �aid lots (with other lo ts} to �T. W. Bog�ess dated June 29, 1918, �nd recorded in Book 54, ; . <br /> Pr�ge 474; �.rid thut said Jamee H.Sim�son_ ard J.H.Simpson �.re one and the same person, and said Id� <br /> Sim�son �.n3 M.Frank �i::;�son are on� and the s•�;,me person. <br /> James H. Simpson <br /> Subscribed in my presence �nd aa+roxn to before me this 13th d�y of J�.nuar�, 1919, by James H. <br /> Simpson. and per�anally known to me tc be J�.mes H. Sirrlpson. <br /> hi�.rch �olk. . . . . . .Not�.ry Pub?ic. <br /> My Commission ExpirES ��a�� 22, 1920• (° E A L) in and for the County of Los Angeles, <br /> State of Califor.nia. <br /> File.d fcx rQc oxd t�e �l d�.y of Januaxy, 1919� at 3: 30 0' clack P.M. - � <br /> REt3ISTER OF�I.E �• <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-o-fl-0-0-0-0-o--0-v-0-o-�-o-G-o-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-fl-o-fl-o-0-o-t)-o-0-0-�-0 <br /> AFFID�VIT: <br /> gtate o:� �vebra.ska <br /> S. C. Huston being first duly sworn, upon oath depo�es and sap�r <br /> :��all County , <br /> t11at he is well a�nd person�llyt acqua,i.nted �vith �►ilb�r A. Ha.nche'tt <br /> to whom Charle� �3oldt & wife Au�;uste conveyed th� follo�rin� deecribe3 l�nds j.n H�11 County, Nebxas�a <br /> to-v�it: North �est :Xuarter of Northwest quarter Section 35 7'o�nshi� 12 Range 9 �est 6th P.�I. . <br /> in Ha11 �ounty NebraeY 4 'oy S�tarranty deed, dated Au�• 7" 1E399 and recorded in book 22 of H�,11 Cour�ty <br /> recoras on page 504 in the Recorders offi:;e of ��all County and witn �Gilbur Ii�nchett to whom was c �� <br /> veyed SW� of �S!P4 See. 35 Town 12 Ra.n�e 9 �est 6t:� p.M. Hall Cour.ty Nebr. by Edward Eberhart & wife <br /> Bertna by aeed, dated Sept .8" 1899 recorded in Book 28 Page 246 and affiant ��ositivel�� knowrs that <br /> t'ae s�,id Wi1'oer A. t�anchett Ei.rid �'lln�t�' ��enchett are one and the same p�rson, notwithst�.ndin� the <br /> discr�pancy in ndmes. <br /> :a. C. Huston <br /> `�ubscribed and sworn to before me this lOth d�,y of Janua.ry 1�19. <br /> P�y co;nmission expi.res Ju1y 16th 1919. (� F a I.) T.�.Di11. . . . .Notary Public. <br /> Filed fox record the ?2 day of �T�,nu�;.ry, 1919, at 11 o'cloek A.�. <br /> �ti���_� �--��- <br />� :3EGISTFR �F D�.EA� <br /> -0-4-o-fl-o-0-0-0-0-0-o-fl-o-0-0-0--o-0-a-0-o-0-0-(3-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-o-t3-o-0-0-0-o-0-a-0-o-f?-o-0-0-0 -o- <br />