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Q�I�F <br /> 43�� � <br /> �1 � �C� C���a� �0 � � ��C� O� D �J � � <br /> � --- _ - _ _ _ .- __ — _ ---_ <br /> r_ _ _ __ _ _ _ , _. _ - -- - - -- <br /> 37219 CLOPP66ARTLFTTCO PRINTING�IITHOONIIPHIN ,STFTIONERV�OMAHA � � <br />�'i--=..- . . . . _ ,....- � :. . . . . . . .- . . .. . .. ___- . ..:-_' . �___.__. ,__ <br /> . __._.... . ..__ � _..._ ._ . . , .._. . ... <br /> _ <br /> AG REEIVI�NT: <br /> ARTICI�S OF AGRF�'IUt�NT� ��de this 24t:� day of July, 1918� between H. A. Jen�en of <br /> Grand Island, Nebraska, party of the first part, �,nd Bert Phillips of Shelton, Nebraska. part3� of <br /> the secand part, <br /> 11�ITgI�SS�TH, Ti�a"G the said party of the first port hereby coven�.nt$ and agrees that if the �ar- <br /> t of the second art shall first inake the a ment �.nd erform the cover.�,r. tg herein�.fter mentioned <br /> Y P P Y P <br /> or. hi�► part to mad� and performed, the said party of the first part a...�reeg to furnish to secend <br /> pa.rty a good and sfif.ficient �bstrwct of title snw+vi�z� �, �ood tit1P oS' record ta the premises here- <br /> inafter descriUed ir� the party of the first part, �nd will convey a.nd assure to the p�.rty of Lhe <br /> second p�.rt, in fee simpl.e+ clear of all encumbrance whatsoever, by good and sufficient Warranty <br /> Deeds the following lot� pi�ce �.nd p�rcel of ground, viz: <br /> Zat Eight (8�, Elock One hundred thirty.-four (134� , Union Pacific Failroad Company' s Addition <br /> to city� of Gr�:r.d Island, �ccording to recorded Plat thereof� to�ether ti�rith two �as atoves, and fix- <br /> tures, all windo�v sr:�,des� and sorne garden hose. A�lso all l�,ght fixtures. Poeseesion to be �iven <br /> Aug• 20-�.918. <br /> And the said partyr of the secor.d part hereby covenants r�r�d a�rees to pay to the said party of <br /> the first part the sum of Six thousand dollars in the manner follo�ing: Two hundred Dollars, cash <br /> in hand p�.id, tr,e receipt v�hereof is hereby acknowledged, and the balar�ce T�o Thousand eight hund- <br /> red doll�.re cash September l, 1918, and agreesto assume or p�y the present first mortgage for thr�� <br /> thoua�.nd dollars in f��ox of .7ens Rasmussen as part of t�c� �bove purchase price. <br /> ,�rith ir.ter�st �t. tne rute cf --- Fer cent per annum, payablm annually on the whole sum remainin� <br /> f�o� tirrie to time unpaid� and to pay all. t�.xes, �.�sessments or impositions tha.t m�,y be le�ally lev• <br /> ied or imposed upon said l�nd, subsequent to the year 1918. It is mutua.11y agreed that time is an <br /> I essenti�.I elemer�t in this contr�;ct, and in case of �,ilure of said party of the second part to make <br /> either of the payments or to perform �.ryo uf the covenants on his part hereby and et� into, <br /> this contr�.ct sh�ll, at the option of the p�.rty of the first part, be forfeited and determined and <br /> the p�.rt�� of tne second part s��,I1 forfeit all payments �,de by him on this cantraet and such ��.y- � <br /> ments shall be retained by� t:��e sa_ici p�.rty of the fixst part in full satisfaction of all the dama.�e� <br /> by him sustu.�.ned, and he shall h�.ve the right to re-enter ar.d take possession of s�.id premises <br /> aforesaid. � <br /> It is mu'tually agxeed thG.t a11 the covenants and a�reer:erts i�ereir cont�ined shall extend to <br /> �.nc� be obli�atorf upon the heirs, executors. adminjstrators �.nd assigne of the respe�tivs part�.�$. ; <br /> In Witness �hereof� The parties to these presents have hereunto set their h�.nds �nd seals the; <br /> ddy and ye�.r first above written. <br /> H. A. �Teneen. . . . . . (L.S. � <br /> Si�ned� Sealed and delivered in presence of' Lillian Jensen. . . . (L.S. ; <br /> - Bert Phillips. . . . . {L.S. } i <br /> T. J. �i�.nsen ' <br /> Stat e o F 2Te�r�.ska, } <br /> )ss. On tiiis 24tii ��.y� af Jui�= P.D. 1�18, before me the undersigned T.J.F'�r.sen a <br /> l C o ur ty � <br /> � Notary �ublic, duly coinmissior�ed dnd qualif3ed for s.nd residing in said <br /> County,personally came H.A.�''ensen and Lillian Tensen, his wife to me known i,o be the iderztical per� <br /> sons whose names are affixed to the foregoin� instrurr�ent as grar�tors and acknowledged the same to <br /> be their voluntary �ct �.nd dee�. <br /> : <br /> Witness rr�y hr�nd and Rrotarial Sea2 the day a.nd ysar Iast abo�e written. <br /> l�y comrr�ission expires .�eb. 17� ].s22 (S F A L) T.J.Hansen. . .h'ot�.ry Pubi�c <br /> �'iled for record the 2Q day of Janu�i.r�� I9I9, �.t 11 o�ciock a.�. <br /> �.��°� r�� <br /> REG ISTER OF '� �DS <br /> -o-e-o��-o-c-o-o-o-C�-o-o-o-o-c-e-cwC�--c-o-c-f?-o--Q-o-o-o-C�-o-o-c-e-e-e-c-e-o-e-c-e--o-e-c-e-o-e-c�e-o• <br /> _ � . <br />