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E���� �_ , <br /> �cl�� /�', <br /> . �' � �C� C��a� �0 � � G� �� O � D � o � <br />-- ----=�_--- _ _ � __ — _ _: � � --- __ - -- _ _-_- — _ -_ — --_ - <br /> -: _ _ - -_- <br /> . . 3721.9 � CLOPP6BARiLEYTCO..PRiNTING LITHOORNPHING,STATIONERY:OMAHA � � - �_.__ - -_ <br /> -_-:-: _ "�.�.- . :�.... ._ .. . ___.. �- __-.._.._ . <br />�___-_�-.::__'__e� .._-._._- ._.... ..._. . � .._.:_._ ..__... . .. . .... ___ . ..... ._... . . .. .... _..._ .."_____ _' _ . __ . <br /> A�FIDAVIT• ' <br /> � �tate of Nebraska� } <br /> )�s. I,�oolley, being first duly sworn depose and say that I <br /> �� Hall County. � } <br /> was well acquainted wi th �7ames P.Kernohan on and prior to Jun� . <br /> 28, 1881, to whom Geor�e �.P�.c�er �ave Poever of Attorney on that day, whieh is rec c�rded in Book "D" <br /> of 3�isc�ll�neous Records, Page 362, and who executed a release on December 17, 1885, in the nam� <br /> vf J.P.�:ern.ohan, as Attorney in Fact for George A. Facker, which is recorded in Book 1, P�ge 456; <br />, $nd tha.t said James P.Kernohan and J.P.I:ernohan� was ons and the samE person. <br /> I further svu��,r that I �v€�s v�ell acquainted wi th John Hann during his life time, whose name ap- <br /> p�ars of record, in c onnection tvith the title to Hann' a Second Addition to the Cit3� of Grr�,nd Is- <br /> •2and, H�.11 Countyr, Nebraska; also as Johann Hann, �nd also as John Hann. Sr. , and that he is the <br />� <br /> same pers�n in each inst�nce. <br /> I further swe�,r that I wae well acquainted v�ith �kdgax �.�leqtervelt on and prior to the first <br /> day af �?�.nua.ry, i897, and was a practicing attorrey in H�.11 County, 2�ebraska, at the sr�.me time, �q� <br /> lon� prior thereta, and ever since, and well known personally, that the said Tdgar M..�estervelt w�.$ <br /> Receiver at said time and prior and subs�quent, of the Citiz�na I4r�tional Bank of Grand Island, DT��+- <br /> , <br /> raska, and was such Receiver on, priox snd subsequen.t to the 16th d�.y of .Tanuary, 1897� wY�en he <br /> executed a rele�.se of the mort�; ree4rded in Book 23 at Page 74 of the �ortgage Records of H�11 <br /> County, Nebraska, and which r�lease is reearded in Book 11 �,t Page 274 of tne Records of said Count3r. <br /> J. H. �co11e3T <br /> Subscribed ir �y Fresence and 3worn to before me this 4th day of January. 1919. <br /> I�,y commission expir�s on the 17" day of Sept. I�J21. Arthur Z.Joseph. . . . . . .Nota.ry Pt�blfc. <br /> (� E AL) <br /> Fi l�d f or rec ord the 13 de.y of .7anuary , 1919� at 9:1� o'c lcck A.�. � <br /> RLGI ST�R'OF� Ix�� <br /> -a-C-c-C-o-e-o-G-a-O-o-Q-o-O-c-G�-o-G-a-�-c-C�-o-O-a-�-o-Q-a-0-o-0-a-C�-c-�-a-G-o-Q-o-C-o-Q-a-�-o-G-o <br /> • AGREElI?�NT �OR SALF OF R1�AL RSTATF: <br /> THIS AGREFN�2�TT, made and entered into this 15th day of Janu- <br /> ary, A.y. , 1919, between �3annie E. Carson of Grand Island, I�ebraska. party of the first paxt� and <br /> Ross A.Carson of Grand Island, Nebraska, party of the second p�,rt. ; <br /> 'lpI�`�tESSETH: That the party of the first part has this day sold and a�reed to convey to the party �' <br /> of the second part the followin� described property, towit: Zot �umber Ten (10� , in Block Sia (6 ) , <br /> in BoMni� Brae Addition to Grand Isia,nd, �ebraska, as sur�eyed, platted and xecorded� together with <br /> all the appuxtenances thereto belonging and now thereon� for v�hieh the party af the second part <br /> agree�l to pay the sum of Three Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty �ollars (�3, 750.00), payable as ' <br /> follo�vs: Cash in hand, 21►o Fiundred Dollars (�200. �00}, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowled�ed: <br /> The balance sha.11 be paid as follows: The said s�,cond party agree$ to pay the mort�age now held by <br /> the �quitable Buiiding & I.oan on said property (with other l�nd1, in th� sum of Two Thousand �ur <br /> Hundred Forty-six and 38/100 Doll�.rs (�2,446.38)• And ths balance of said purchase pric�, towit, <br /> flne Thousand One Hundred Three and 62/10(3 Dollars (�1,193•62�, shall be paid in monthly inst$11- <br /> mente of Thirty-fiv� Dollars ($35.�0} each. The First payment ahall be made on Tebruary lst, 1919, <br /> i� the $um of �35.04, �nd a like sc�m shall be paid oM th� first day of each and every month there- <br /> �ft�r, until the saic3 sum of �1,1Q3.62 snd the accrued interest thereon shall be fully paid. <br /> IT IS FtJRTHFR AGRF;ED that the said sum of �1.103•62 shall draw interest at the rate of ei�ht per <br /> cent psr annum, fr:orrt� date herecf said int�rest to be cczcputed and pa,id on the lst d�.y of August, <br /> 1919, and the lst day of February, . l92p, and each $ix months from said date thereafter. Intereat <br /> on p�ments is to stop upon payment thereof, as above a�ree�. <br /> The party of th� first part agrees �o furnish to said second party a ll�arranty Deed showing good <br /> ; <br /> �.r�d sufficient title to said premises, to�ether with an �,bstract therefor fox the above described �� <br /> premise�. And said Warranty Deed sha,ll be del�vered to th� said eecond party upon the payment of <br /> � _� <br />