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E���� _ � <br /> 4�l A <br /> �l � �C� C� �L�Q �1 �0 � � [;� �� 0[� D � � <br /> = _ - =_ _ -_ -_ . _ . _. -_ _ . _- _ -_- -_ -- _ _- - _-- <br /> ___ , . :_ . 3��/.�J ilOPP6B11RTLETTCO PRINTING LITH06RAPHINC..BTATIONEFlY OMAHA � � ____ -____ _ _ - <br /> -.-.:. ... -_---. :_- -.-."'. .. _ ' ' " '__�_-_ <br />_ ..._ . .. _... �. :'" _ '_. : -- � ... :___ ._�_ <br /> ��OPfE� OF AT20RA1CY: <br /> �CAN' AI� MFN B'Y THESE PRLSFNTS. That I, Frank R. Dahlstrom (some time kno�n as <br /> Frank �ahlstrom} , a single man, of Grand I$land. Aall County, NebraskE�., befng one of t13e Y�eire at ; <br /> law of Charles A. Dahl$trom, deceased, late of Hall County, i�etrr�sKa, made, conatituted, and <br /> appoint�d, and by th�se presen�s do hereby make, constitute, and appoint Ralph R. Harth of the <br /> r�ounty of Hall and State of Nebr�sk�, �qy trus and lawful �ttor�ey for me and in m�y r�ame, place,�and <br /> etead to sell and ccsrivey by good s�nd sufficient deed. �vith full covenants' of warranty, or other- <br />, , <br /> wi$e at his disas�tion an �nd all real eatate or interest which I ot�n therein of e�s • <br />� <br /> . . Y �Y . � <br /> kind and �ture €ind wher�soever situdted� also to renE� or extend any and all mortgages e�r other <br /> lien� �hieh exfst upon any and �.11 realAOr��ntere�t in real estat� whic2� I now own and to borxo� . <br /> mpney in ray n�►m�, mortgage or pledge any and all re�l estate or fnt�rest therein which I nox own <br /> and �rheresoever situ�te, tfl secure payment of sr�me and to df�po�e of, sell, convey, or ussfgn any <br /> and all interests of every kind �.nd nature which I no�v have in r�nd to any and all r�al e�tate, per- <br /> sonal propexty� chattels, or other _�.f��cts of Ev�ry kind �,nd nat�re, wh�reso�ver situate.and to <br /> collect �.nd receiv� any �nd all moneys, xent�.lsa accUUnts, notes, or otl�r evidences of indebted- <br /> � neas due or �hieY� may become due tc� me at �ny time in the future* and receipt therefor, and reYes,$e <br /> any and s.11 liens and mortgagea in �y favor, or which may hereafter accrue or be created in my fa- <br /> var, and to dv �.nd perform any and �,11 other acts connected with the management, handlin�. sale, <br /> conveyance, and disposition of my property and estate, real, personal_, and mixed. of every kind and <br />� nature and �rheresoe�►er sit�z.te hereb ivi and granting to said attorne full and c lete <br /> . . Y � � �Y Y �P <br /> power to do and perform �.�rery �.ct and thing neces$ary to be done in the premi�es as fully and Qaa�- <br /> I �letely as I could do if personally present relative to all matters conr�ected �►ith my property, <br /> real, pereonal, and miaed, of every kind and nature� hereby ratifying and c ar�firming all thQt �r.�y <br /> said attorne�r sh�.11 cio by virtue Y�ereof. <br /> IA WITIdESS �HLREOF, I hereuntv signed my name to thi$ instrv�nen� on t�j� 2.8th daq oP <br /> JU�te, 19I8. <br /> . .� . � ta�mp�` Frank R. Dahlstr4m <br /> Wi tn�ss: Ch�s. G. �yan Cance lled. <br /> State of �tebraska) � <br /> )ss. On this 28th riay of June, 1918, before rne, a Not�.ry Public in r�nd for Hall <br /> Hall County ) <br /> Cc�t�nty, duly commissioned and �u�.lifiEd� personally came the above riamed <br /> �'rank R. �a�t3:�Lr0m, to me known to be tYie identical per�an whose name is affixed to the abwe po�r�,r <br /> of Attaxn�y as tY�e ma.ker tY�ereol', a,nd he acknowledged the instrument to be his volunt�.ry act an� <br /> deed for the purpose$ therein set forth. <br /> In �itness Xh+�re�a�, I Y�a�ve hereunto set my 2�.nd and aPfixed my Seal �t Grand Island in said <br /> ev�nty and st�.te on the d�.y and ye�r last a,bove written. <br /> Chas. G. Ryan. . . . . .b3ot�ry Publia. <br /> My commission expires Febr. 1-2919. (S g A Z} <br /> �'iled for r�cord the 6 day of January, 1919, at 11:50 0� clock A.M. . <br /> _ ���%��� l�� <br /> RSG I�T�R 0� S• <br /> -0-4-o-O�o-0-fl-0-�-0-a-t?-o-fl-a-0-o-U-�-0-o-fl-o-fl-Q•4-a-0-o-fl-�-0-0-0-o-0-a-0-o-0-a-0-�-fl-o-0-o-a-a <br /> PQWER OF ATTORI9EY�, <br /> SNOVY AI.I. �IJ BY TIi�SE PRFSENTS: Ti�at �, Bl[a� F. Dahlstr�m, a eingle �►oman, ot' <br /> Grand Island, Ha11 CoumtCp. Nebraska., being one of the heix� at la� of Charles A. �ahlstrom. deceas- <br /> ed, late of ii�,ll County, Hebraska, ha,�ve made, constituted, and appoin�ed, and by theas pre$ents do <br /> hereby make, constitute, and �.ppoint Ralph R. Horth of the evunty of Hall and state of i�ebr$ska. my <br /> true and lawful attorney for me and in my name, place and stead Lo sell and con�rey by good and suf- <br /> �ia��nt deed, with full eavenants of warranty, or otherwise� at his discretion, any �.nd all real <br /> est�.te or interest which I ma�y own therein, of ev�ry kind r�nd nature and wheresoever situated, als� <br /> to renew or ext�nd any ar�d all mort�ages or other lf�ns �hich �xist upon any and all real estate a� <br /> interest in real eat�.te vr2�ich 1 Maw own, and to borroro� money in m� �s,me, mort�age or pledge any �n� <br /> �11 real eatate or interest therein �►hich I nov� v�n z�.nd �vheresoever s�ituate, ta ��cure payment �f <br />