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43�) <br /> , � � �iO �C� C ��Q�J �O � � � �� O � D � � <br /> __y � _ _ __ _ _ <br /> :.��ZIJ-«OAPABAPT�ETTCO.,PRINTING.61TH03RNPHINf.,SYATIOINEHY�OMpHA , . . . .. � � <br />___..,..._ . . . . <br /> . . . . . ..... . .. _... . . . . .::� .�.�:�__-.:�._.__,_-. �:�:_-_ .-_,�� :�-.""."'� �::�.�-e��._�. - ..-���- <br /> DEGRFl+, IN �IV�RCF: <br /> r � � � � �� <br /> STA2'F 0�' GOLORADO, ) <br /> )55. I�I THE C�CTtITY GOURT . <br /> Cl2Y ANn C OUNTY OF D�'NVER. ) No. ------- <br /> �f�2rT�1 G. BROCK. } <br /> Flaintiff, j <br /> ns• � D E C R F F <br /> ) <br /> FFt�D F. BROCK. ) � � <br /> T;efendant. ) <br /> Thia cause eoming on to he hsard �his 21st day of August A.D. 1918 upon a.pplica,tion for final <br /> decre�, the Court finds tY�a.t more than six nont'ris have elapsed since the findings of f_act and c on� <br /> clusions of law were filed herein; that sai.d findin�s �ffact �nd conclLSiong of laro� have not been <br /> �e� aside, and that no motion to s�t them �.side remains ��nh�ard and undecided. <br /> Wherefore� upon motion of the attorney for t�e plaintiff and in �,ecorda.nce with findings <br /> of fuct and conclusions of law, IT I� OR]7ERED, ADJUDGED �ND 1�CREEI3 by the Court ;that the bonds of <br /> matrimony existing betwePn the s�,id plaintiff Nine G.�rock�a.nd the said defendant, Frc�d F.Broek be` <br /> and the same are her�by dissoleed, and that saic� �narties are, and each of them is� f'reed and absol- . <br /> utely rele�.sed �herefrom. <br /> AND IT �� �"�"�'.iER ORAERFD, ADJUDGED AN� �C�EED by the Court that the plaintiff be entitled <br /> to tY�e restor�.tion of ?:Pr ma,iden na�ne �in� Gertru�e Stewart. <br /> AND IT IS F[7RT.�ER ORD�RF�, AD�TIIDG�D AND D�CR +, D by the Court that the sole care, custody and <br /> control of the minor child- - - - - <br /> be a.nd the s�.me is hereby avearded to- - - - - - <br /> until t�e further order of thie Court in the premisas. <br /> Tha.t the �l�,intiff hav� iud�ment for her costs in this behalf expended, to be taxed, and tha.t <br /> exec�.�tion may issure ther�for. <br /> 7�one in 4pen Court this 21st day of Au�ust, A.'�. 191A. <br /> �y the Court: <br /> Ge o.�.13unn. . , . . . . (Seal} <br /> �C tilil� eTU�.�@• <br /> STAT� OF CQL4RAA0. ) <br /> )��. I � Thomas I,.�onfils, Clerk of the County Court �vithin �,nd for <br /> G I TY A�W D C OUNTY OF DE�TVER t ) <br /> said Ci�y and G�unty, in the State afo resaid, do hereby c�rtify <br /> that the above is a true, perfect �.nd complete copy of the Deeree of Divorce in �.n �,etion lately <br /> pencting in said Court v�herein 1�Tina G. �rock was �l�intiff, and �red F. Brock, defende�nt, as appears <br /> of reeoxd �n Baok 4p of the records af this Court. <br /> �IT1�.ESS �y hand and the seal of said Court heretofare �.ffixed this 5th day of �ecember �.�. <br /> _ 1918. <br /> Thom�.s Z. �orifils <br /> (g r h Z) Clerk of the �ounty� Caurt. <br /> By. . . .I�.P.3�ace. . . . . . . . . . .DPputy. <br /> F�led for record the 20 day of �ecember, 1918, at 11:30 0' clock l�.�. ��� � � <br /> ��l<-�:«,�l L_�1t�F�j� <br /> � <br /> REG I�T�R p F ?��D <br /> � <br /> -1-0-a-J-�-0-�-0-o-fl-a-O-o-Q-a-fl-a-4-k-0-o-0-o-U-�-O-o-fl-o-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-o-fl-o-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-a- <br />