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_ _ — <br />'���F <br /> "� 42� <br />; <br /> G� Q �C� C� � �a � �0 � � C� �� O� D � o , <br />_�� - _ _- _ - - _- ._ __ _ __ _ - __ _ _ -- ---- �_--- — __-- -- - <br /> - - -- -- _ _ _ __ <br /> _ __ _ .- _ _ - --- - -- <br /> >: .�J7��.�) CLOPP4BARTLETTGO PRINTING LITHOORAPNINC.5T11TIONEHY�OMAHl1 _ <br /> ��'_.._. '"' ._ ___ .._ ..... ._-_ _.,- ...' � - ...- __'_ __' -"__ __- __ - -' -_'__-'_____-_ <br /> _ .�__. _._. .__. _:.:-_ ___.__�_:� . . __��.�. .. .._.� . �.'"'._.._... __'-_'"'-. ..: .____._ "'.'-_._"--='_____. _ ____'_s___-____.-" <br /> At3REFM�NT--SAI� OF REA� FSTATL; �`� _ ____ <br /> THIS INDLNTURE� �nade this 27t�i da.y of June 1918 by and between <br /> �athias J. �cGuire party of the first part, and John �f. Danaher party of the second part. WITNF.S�- <br /> �TH. Tha.t the party of the first part has this day sold to the party of the second part the follow- <br /> ing described property� to-wit: South East Quarter Section Ten (i0) and North �ast Quarter Sectior� <br /> II <br /> Fifteen (15 ) All in Tov�nship 10 Range 12 in Hall County, Nebraska� for �rhieh the party of the secor�d <br /> jpart agrees to pay the �wn of Forty Qne Thousand Six Hundred Dollars (�41.600) . �ayable as follows: <br /> - <br /> Cash in Y�and Twenty Five Hundxe_ Dollars as forfeit, receipt whereof is hereby acknowled�ed. Bal- <br /> ance Fifteen Hundred Dollars on or before Jany First 1919 and tne balance Thirty Seven Thousand Six <br />. Hundred Dollars. on or about February Fifteen 1919. and not later than. March Fi�st 19.I9. First <br /> party to advise second party not lc�.ter than .Tany 15th 1919- if he desire to carry back Ten or Fif- <br /> teen Thous�,nd Dollars u�on First �ortgage on ss�id land at 5ju interest per annum. for a term of Five <br /> year� with the privilege of paying �1000. or any i�ultiple thereof at any Interest due date- Fir$t <br /> � party to have prepared and delivered to said Secvnd party an Abstract to above discribed land By , <br /> Jany Ist 1919 for the purpa�e of having the title to said land examined- Fj.rst party to execute a <br /> - Warran'�y Deed to said above discribed land this day tc be left in escrow at Citizens St�,te Bank ', <br /> for delivery to s�.id Second par'�y upon compliance �ith the above stipulated terms- I <br /> The paxty af tre first part is to �'urnis.h a warranty deed and abstract of ti tle, p�y all taxe� <br /> now due on said land, �,nd if there is a mortgage on said pro�ert5� �rill pay interest thereon up to ', <br /> � this date, dnd will �ive posses�ion by �arch lst i919. It is mutually agreed that time i$ an essen� ' <br /> tial �lement of this contra.ct. Second p�.rty ha.s the right to ga on said l�,nd during the fa31 . of I <br /> 1918 for the purpose of plowing and sowing of grain and to make necess�.ry improvements that will � <br /> ' t .:' t fa lu on the art of ei ther of the within na� <br /> not dis urb said irst art - In the evsnt of he i re � <br /> P Y P <br /> parti�s eomplying with the �.bove terms s�,id party to p�.y the other party the sum of Two Thousand <br /> Dollars. <br /> I� TESTIB�ONY �►I-�RFOF the parties �.foresaid h�.ee subscribed their n�.mes the date �.b �e mention�d.''� <br /> , <br /> ' �[a.thias J. l�eGuire <br /> WITI�ISSS: Ca.therine R[cGuire <br /> � ! D. D. OKane � � � � <br /> iJohn V�. I7�naher ; <br /> ; Filed for record the 2� day of Deee�b�r. 1918, �t 10;45 0' clock A.1�. { <br /> ; �r��t�r � <br /> .�<<.��- � <br /> REGISTER OF EA``• <br /> ; <br /> ; -0-0-o-fl- -�-0-0-o-U-o-4-0-0-�-J-o-0-0-0-o-�-a-fl-o-0-0-0-0-0-o-fl-a-0-o-0-0-0- --fl-i-0-a-t?-o-flfo-0-o�- <br /> ' AFFIDAVIT• � <br /> St�.te oF .Nebra,ska) <br /> � )�s. J.T:Steward� being first duly s�orn, upon oath deposes and <br /> � Fi�.11 Coun ty. ) <br /> ' says that he is well acquainted vrith one Olive G.Stewart, <br /> �' <br /> ; the� grantee in �, certr�.in warranty deed, to Lots Ptine and Ten (9 8� 10) Bloek Nine (9) Gilbert'� <br />' Addition to tne City of Grand Isla.nd� Nebraska, which said deed is recorded in Book 45 of Deeds <br /> at P�.ge 646, H�,11 County recUrds. And who as "Olive �tewart" deeded Lot T'en ( 10 in Block �Tine (9) <br /> in Gilbert' s Addition to the City of Grand Isl�,nd� Nebraska to Nina Stewart Brock, wh3cY� said deed <br /> ie recorded in Book 52 of Deeds, at Pr��e 67, Hall County records. And v►ho in thi.s said deed ackno�r+ <br /> ledged the execution of the s�xrnE before this �ffia,nt. <br /> iThat s�id Olive G.Ste�art a.nd Olive Stewart i� one and the same identic�l per�fln notwithatand- <br /> . <br /> ing the discr�pancy in the name. Said Nin�. Stevrart Brock �v�s also kno�n as l�ina G.Brock. <br /> Furtha,x de�onent say�th not. <br /> �i tne ss ray hand at Grand I s land� Ne br. , thi s 9 th da.y of De cember, 1918. <br /> �T. T. S tewar.d <br /> Subscribed in my pre�enee �,nd sworr� to before me this 9th day of �ecen�ber, 1918. <br /> 'A.B.Hilbert. . . . . . .�ota.ry Public. <br /> I Commissi�n expires �arch 15-1921. (S E A L� <br />� <br /> __ <br /> �I�'iled for re cord the 2fl day of December, 1918, at 11:30 0�cZock A.�. ��u�'������ ,,y <br /> RFGISTER OF DEE . � <br />