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42� � . <br /> �'� � �C� C�� �a� �O �J � � �C� O � D �J � <br /> _ . __ _ ___ _ - __ _ . _ -__-. <br />� ;SJ�I��CLpAP�OARTLETYCO.�PR�NTING.LITXOORAPHING�STATIONEAY�OMpHA . . . � . . .. ._ _ � T_ . � <br />.,.. ... .. .. .. . � . . . ..... . -. .-.�- --- . ..�_". '____�_-___-_.:.._..._ <br /> . ..__ . .__�._._,.__ . .__ . ._�.__ . ____"__� <br /> ceived frorr� the Court. Failure 'to ma.lce tne payments a� abc�ve makes all ciue & p�,yable, <br /> I�t �`�ITNES� �RZ!',OF t'ne parties afore��id have subscribed their nam�s the date �.bove rnentioned. <br /> '�'itnesses: �amuel C. Huston <br /> J. �:. Dill <br /> Thomas UConnor. <br /> Filed for record i.he 30 day of i�ovember, 1�,�18, dt 11 0' cloek A.T�E. <br /> C�=����� <br /> REG I STFR OF I�+�F • r <br /> -o-p-o-0-0-0-0-0-o-U-o-G-o-U-o-fl-o-f3-�-J-o-O-�-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-J-a-O-o-fl-o-�-o-C3-�-0-a-�-o-3-0- <br /> AFFI DAV IT: 3.. <br /> St�.te of �'ebraska, } <br /> }�s. �i,J,Burg�r, be�.,ng furst duly sv�orn on oath deposes and say� <br /> Hall County. ) <br /> that he th� same �.nd identical �.T.Burger who �eceived a <br /> deed of conveyanee from the Union P�.cific Railroad Co. to the S.R.� af the 5.�.� of Sectian 5-9-9� <br />, Hall Count Nebr�sk� d�.�ted Jul 31 188U and th�t s�,id deed of conve ance ives �he name of the <br /> Y, y , , Y � <br /> the grantee as �I.J.Bur�er and that on November 8. 1879, he platted said land and eaused a surveyor�� <br /> eertifiQate and p1�t oF dedication to be filed in tne office �f the County Clerk of Ha,ll County, <br /> N�braska� in whie�. plat of dedic�,tion he used the name of �lilliam J. Burger,_ but that �'.J.Burger <br /> and �illiam J. Burger are the s�.r�e and identic�.l partie�. <br /> I further state that afterwards tha,t on or abot�t May 21. 1881, I conveyed lat 6 of Block 3 <br /> in the n e o� T �.Bur <br /> in the village of Danipha.n the sam� being a part of the $bove deseribed property�o �,�.3urgAa�id <br /> tha.t �.fterwards eor�veyed the �aid I,ot 6 to one $aid Sa.rral� Wilson and in said deed of eo��eyance <br /> used the name of John W. Burg. I r��s pexsonally acquainted with him and knov� that J.�.Burg and <br /> John �. Burg are the same �.nd identic�l partiss. <br /> �G. J. Burger <br /> Subscribed in m,y presex�ee and sworn t� befare me this 16th ds.y of l�c3vember 1918. <br /> 3Qy commission expires Oct 1� 1924. ($ L A L) A. D. Bur�er. . . .�iotary Public. <br /> Filed for record the 9 da.y of Dece�ber 1918 at 4 otclock P.�:. <br /> ����� ��-�� <br /> R:�GISTER OF EDS <br /> -o-0-a-U-�-O-o-fl-�-fl-a-fl-o-O-o-J-a-fl-a-{3-c�-0-o-�-�-�fl-�-fl-a-fl-a-fl-a-f�-c�-J-a-3-a-(3-o-fl-v-�-o-t3-o-fl-o <br /> AFFI�AVIT OF IDEN�I�'ICATIOSS: �- <br /> � STAT� OF Nebr�ssk�,, � <br /> }ss. John �allichs being first duly sworn, �zpon <br /> Ti�.11 Gounty. ) <br /> oath deposes and says th�i,t he was well �nd <br /> personally aequainted with Jakob P. �ind to whom was conveyed the followin�; described lands in <br /> Hall County, Grand Island, Nebr. to-�it: fr�.ctional I,ot 8 Block 91 City of Grand Island, Nebraska <br /> by �darrunty Deed, d�.ted l��.rch 9" 1875 and recorded in book T of Fiall Co. Records on page 3'�8, in <br /> the Recorder of Deeds office of Ha.11 County, and �rith �Ta,cob Peter �ind, who eonveyed said premises • <br /> to Lucy A. Griggs by warr�nty deed, dated January 7th 187fi ar�d affiant positi�ely knows tha.t the <br /> said �akob P Wind and Jacob Peter t�ind are one and the sdme person�, notwithstanding the discrep- <br /> anc3' in na.mes. <br /> John �a119.;ehs <br /> Subscribed �.nd sworn to before me this 28th da.y of August, 1918. <br /> ��'.�.�i11. . .Nota�,y Publie <br /> (SFAL) <br /> A�y commissior� expires July 16th 1919. <br /> Filed for reco.�d the 14 day of Deeember, 1918, at 11:45 otciock A.�. , iGC�� /�-LL� <br /> �JJ <br /> . REGSS�ER OF DEED <br /> -c-0-o-fl--4-�-�-�-0-o-fl-o-fl-o-fl-o-fJ-o-0-0-0-0-0-o-fl-o-fl-o-p-o-(3-o-p-o-0-0-0-o-0-a-f�-a-Q- -0-o-p-o- <br />�_ _; . :_ � <br />