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<br /> � � �C� � L� [�a �1 �0 � � � �C� O� D � � �
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<br /> AFFIDA'�IT:
<br /> State of Vermont )
<br /> )ss. I, the g�id J�,mes Reefe, who �ave a life lease to 2�ary 0'Ke�+te, �vhich
<br /> County o�' Chittenden}
<br /> is recorded in Took K, Pa.�e 244 of the Hall County� Nebraska.� ?�ecorde,
<br /> state that t�ie �aid �:ary a�Keefe departed this life on the 21 day of Feb. 1902, and that a,ll cofl-
<br /> d�tions of said lease were fu11y complied with by me� and all debts were paid� contracted during
<br /> her life by me, includin� the funer�l expenses.
<br /> Signed at Essex Junction. Vermont, Janu�cry 26-1904.
<br /> James Keefe
<br /> Subscri`bed and s�rorn to before me thi� 26 day of January. 1904.
<br /> �y co�mission ex�ires Dec.l-19�4. (g � �, y) �llen l�rtin. . . . .T;otary Public.
<br /> File d f or record the 19 day of I�ovembe r, 1918, at 11: 30 0�c lock A.B�.
<br /> -� �
<br /> ,
<br /> -� � _����-��;� �
<br /> -o-p-�-0-�-�J-�-�3-0-0-�-fl-o-0-0-(3-0-0-�-0-0-0-o-fl-o-0-o-0-a-0-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-�-0-0-0-0 0-0-0-0-0-0
<br />; A�FA!�+:NT- SAZF OF RFAL ESTATE: ,r-
<br /> _.,�._._..._.._.._.�,_...,_.�,..._.�.�......,._.�...__.
<br /> THIa INZ�NTURF, �ade this 21st day of �3ovembzr� 1918� by and be-
<br /> tween Sa.rnuel C. Huston p�.rty of first part, �nd Tnomas 0' Connor pa.rty of second p�,rt.
<br /> 1�1IT2�SSFTI-i, Tl'�a,t pa,rty of first p�,rt has tnis day sold to the p�rty vf the second part the
<br /> � followin� described �roperty, to-�rit:
<br /> Lots Six, {6) ,Seven, (7) ,Eig�t, (8 ) �Nine, (9) ,and Fractional Ten (l�)s in Block Four (4) , in
<br /> '�est ' s 3ubdivision of a part of the Northvuest �uarter of the Northwest �,uarter (I�!'l� of' �I�lg) of Sec-
<br /> tion Twenty (20) in Township Eleven ( 11) in Range hine (9� Vlest of the Sixth (6th) P.�. ; and Lots
<br /> �ight (8),��Tine (9) , a,nd Ten (1G} in �ilock Three (�), �.11 bQing in the said �Test� s Subdivision of a
<br /> pa.rt of the said Northwest �,uarter of the �torthwest Qudrter (1�lf4 of I�.'4) of the said Section Twen-
<br /> � ty (�0�, in Township Fleven ( 11) � in Range 1�`i.ne (9) , 1�'est, and t�o and one-half (2�) �.cres situtzted
<br /> in the I�orthwest ��,u�.rter of the Northeast �u�xrter (NW� of NE4� of ;ection Twenty (20) in Township
<br /> Eleven ( 11) , North of R�xnge Nine (9) � the a�,id two �.nd one,-h�:lf acres bein� immediately west of '
<br /> the said ��est� s Suodivisien �.nd North of the Union Pacific R�.ilroad Company� s right of way, in Hal�.
<br /> County � Ne�raska. to�;ethex �vith all appurtenances thereto belonging� for which tne party of the
<br /> second �art �.�rees to pay� the ,u7a of Seven �iundred and �ixty-seven and 65/100 DOI,LARS (�767.65 ) ,
<br /> payable as f�llows: Fifty & no/100. . . . .D07�I,ARS cash in hi�.nd� receipt of which is hereby �cknowled�
<br /> ged. �3�,Ia,nce Payable as follo�rs��50. {�0 on December 21 1918, & ,�30.00 �a.reh 21 1914, , & �30•00 on tl�
<br /> 21st ddy of eaeh subsequent three mcnths� until such time as said second party can �et a atrai�rht
<br /> � lown to p�.y the b�.lance, or Building �C I,o�.n to pay balance in full. �ith interest �.t the rate of
<br /> �
<br /> M
<br /> � eight �er cent �er �nntam fxom 2�ovember 21 1918 said interest payabls semi annu�.11y.
<br /> � Option is given to pay more or all of this contrwat at any tim� & stop interest on any pay-
<br /> �
<br /> a mente so naid. _.
<br /> N
<br /> � � Party of secon� �art a�;rees tI`ia.t should he fail or refuse to cr�rry out the above �ondit3on��
<br /> . � the money alrer�dy paid shall be forfeited as liquidated d�ma�es� at thP election of party of first
<br /> �� p�.rt.
<br /> Tne party of the first part agrees to furnish an a.bstract of title coverin� said property�
<br /> brou�ht 3own to d�,te, �nd �ive --- da;,Ts for exa,mination, and if the title is defective said first
<br /> � pr�.rty to hu.ve a reasonable time to coxrect said defeet or defects �nd show sarne on the abstract.No;
<br /> � abstra,ct to be give�, unless �did for by said second party.
<br /> � Noev, if th� s�id party of the second �art shall p�.y the sum or sums as �.bove set forth and
<br /> , � carry out ti�e conditions �.bove named, time bein� the essence of this contract and of all the condi:-
<br /> tions thereof, the �arty of the first �art will furnish a special Warranty Deed to s�,id second par�-
<br /> - �
<br /> ty at Grand Tsi�.nd, Nebraska. and �ay all ta�ce� that are a lien on s�id property, �n3 up to 1917 ;
<br /> �
<br /> and to assi�n the insurance, �,nd give possession on delivery of this deed. The s�.id first party �
<br /> "� ��rees to give a special ��arr�,nty i�eed for this �ro�erty� quit claiffiing all ri�ht s�,me as he re- j
<br /> . - _ _ _ _ !__�,
<br />