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42� � <br /> C�� Q �C� C���Q� �O � � G��� O� D � � <br /> _ _ _ . __ _= _ _= _ -_ <br /> -_-- _ -_- - <br /> .37219'-C�OPP 6 BARTLETT CO.�PR I NTI NG.61TM 06RAPH I NG.STATI ON ER V;OMAHA � <br /> .;.: . . . . . ._ .._ .__: �_.. -- _.-- �..-� -.`_'�-__ <br /> the sa,me had been duly cancelled �snd his rights extinguished by reason of his default herein, and <br /> the same dec3ared to be satisfied �.nd of no furtY��r foxce and effect upon s�.id above described prem- <br /> i�ee. <br /> �4'itness my hand �.nd the se�l of the District Cour't of Hall County, dt Grand Island, N�bra�ska, <br /> this 22nd day of August, 1918. <br /> Walter H. �auert <br /> (� E A L} Clprk of th� I3istriet Couxt. <br /> Filed for re-record tne 5 day of November, I918, �t 9;45 o�clock A.�. <br /> ���� � t <br /> � ���y <br /> REGIST�R ,,OF DS• <br /> -o-f3-�-U-�-J-o-fl-o-0-o-�J-�-O-o-t3-�-fl-o-fl-�-�3-�-0-o-U-�-fl-�-t7-o-0-o-fl-o-O-o-U-o-O�o-J-o-0-�-0-0��3-0 <br /> AF�IDAVIT: �t�,te of Nebrask�,) �` <br />� }s�. Ralph A. Van Orsdel, neing first duly sworn. deposes and <br /> County of Douglas} <br /> state�, Th�.t he is of ia.�ful �.ge; that Y�e it3, and has been ' <br /> for a period of fourteen years last pas�, intim�.tely acqu�.inted with �ard �. Rubendall and Clarenee <br /> Rubendall, heirs of PetPr Rubendall� dece�.sed, whieh heixs have an interest in �.nd to the South <br /> '�est �u�,rter of Seetion Sixteen (16 } , Township T�relve (12) Rar��e Ten { 1�) Hall County, �ebr�ska. � <br /> This affiant states ; that the sa,ic� �ard N[. Rubendall is, to his own knowled�;e and has been � <br /> for a period of sever�.l ye�.rs laat past, of l�,v�f�l a�s �.nd thz3„t the heir, Clarence �tubendall, i�, <br /> and Yia.s been for �, period of at least ten yeaxs last past� of lawful age. <br /> Further affiant s�.it� not. <br /> Ralph A. tJan Or�del , <br /> Subscri�sc� in my presence and sworn to before m� �his 15" d�.y of Octnber� 1918. " <br /> Commission expires I�ay 15-1�2� (S-�-A-L} Fr�.ncis �.Yatt�ews. . . .�tota,ry rublic. <br /> Filed for record the 7 �ay of November, 1918, at 4 o'clock P.�. <br /> A • _ �✓ V <br /> REGYST�±'R OF D�E S <br /> -o-Q� o-J a-0-o-0-o-t3-a-0-o-J-�-�-o-t3-o-4�-0-�-o-fl-o-0-a-�-o-0-0-0-o-fl-o-p-o-0-0-4-0-�-o-fl-o-0-o-fl-a- , <br /> AF'F �AV IT: <br /> � <br /> State of Pdebrasks, <br /> Hall County. �. C. :iuston bsin� fir�t duly sworn� upon oath deposes and �ays that hs <br /> is well �.nd personally r�cquainted e�ith United States Alational Bank to <br /> whom wa.s �onveyed the follovring de:�cribed lands 3n Hall County, Nebraska, to-�it: <br /> Zots one to ten inclusive described �.s all of Block 10 in Bak�r' s Addition to Grand Island� <br /> Nebr, by warranty deed, dated Sept, 16th 1.893 and recorded in book 23 of Ha.1Z County record8 on <br /> page 88 in the recorder:� office of s�.id Hall County and with Unite� States National Bank af Ornaha, <br /> �lebraska who conveyed saiu premises to R?'.�.�ill and S.C.i3uston by Quit Claim deed, d�.ted Sept.�6" <br /> 1903 and affiant positively knowe that the said United atates National Bank �.nd United 5tates N�.t- <br /> ion�.l Bank of Omaha Nebraska are oz�e �.nd the same �corpoxation notwithsta.nding the discrepancy in <br />� <br />� names. . <br />� S. C. Hu�ton <br /> SUbscribed and sworn to before me this 8 day of Nov. 1918. <br /> 1�dy commission ex�ires July 16th 1919. J. �'. Di11. . . . . . . .Notary Public. <br /> (SEAL) <br /> Filed for recvxd th� 14 d�.y of �7wember, 1918� at 1:15 0' elock P.M. <br /> �-��C��' ��'�u e. � <br /> y� <br /> REGISTER 0 DS• <br /> -0-0-o-U-a-O-o-�-�-C-�-�J-o-�J-�-0-o-0-a_n_o-t�-o-�-a-J-o-O-�-fl-a-�-a-fl-o-�-0-4-o-0-a-fl-o-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br />