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,���� �,, , <br /> 42�� <br /> �1 � �C� [���Q�1 �0 � � � �C� O � D � o � <br /> _ <br />�-�--_=-_ --n- -___ - __ _ _: _ . __ -_----- -- <br /> _ _. _ . _ _ - - --_ - -�- _ <br /> _ - --- -=— _ <br /> �JI Z 1.q—C4QPP b BARTLETT CO.�PRINTING�61TH06RAPHING,STATIONCRV:OMAHp � <br /> ...'__...__._._. .... _. .._.....___.. . - . : ._._ _ ._. .. ....._ . ..� _'___ _..._.__ _ _.__- .__—_._. ...... ... __—` '—___ .' ___ <br /> __ <br /> . ..._ _. ... .._.. _ . <br /> CERTIFICATE OF OFFICIE:L CHAR�CT.[��?i--��aTARIFS A�ZD ,TUSTICFr. � <br /> �T ATF 0�' I Oti!'A� ) <br />' )ss. I, G.�I.GilbPrt Clerk of the I3istrict Court of the Sta,te of Ioava, in and <br />� ?diarsh�,ll C ounty ) <br /> fox suid County,do hereby certify tha,t S.N.�eekins was on July 25, 1�96 aduly <br /> c�uulified and �.cting Justica of tne PeaCs ; that under the laws of the St�,te of Iowa, he is �,uthor- <br /> 1 � t 0 t�.�C 'C 1{11 y�l 1 <br /> �e e �. { o ed�ments �,nd wdrr:inister o�,tns, <br /> IT7 T�STII�OI�TY '�"��iF��OF, I have hereunto set my hand and �iffixed the ser�l of said Court, at my <br /> office in �I�rsha.11town, Iowa, in s�id county tnis 26th d�.y of October, 1918. <br /> �S E A L) G.t�l.Gil'nert. . . . . Clerk District Colart. <br /> (In re lots 1�-26 blk 12 �rett & Johnson' s A�d to Wood River� �1e'oraska) <br /> Filed for record the 29 d�.y of October, 1918, at 9: 30 e' clock A.�i. - � <br /> ������ ����y�. <br /> ' REG IrTF? OF D+, aD <br /> -o-G-�-0-�-0-0-0-o-Q-o-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-o-G-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-�-0-0-0-o-Q-o-0-0-0-o-C-o-0-o-0-ow <br /> EX PARTB AFFIDAVST. � <br /> State of �i+abraska, } <br /> }ss. C.!�'.Brininger, being first duly $worn on hia oath says he has been a <br /> Hall County. ) <br /> resident of �r�.nd Island, Hall County, �ebra.ska� for 35 years last past,, <br /> tl�t he ��.s �ell acquainted with one M. E. �oore, Who took title to Fractional I.ot Two (2}. in <br /> Block Fifteen (15 ), in Kernoh�x.n & Decker's Addition to the Cit of Grand Isl�.nd l�ebraska b deed <br /> y <br /> . . � <br /> dated �a.y 5, 1885� a.nd rec orded in Book G of Deeds dt Page 536 of the Rec or�s of H�.11 County, Neb- <br /> raska, and knows �aid 1�.E.Moore Lo been the eame person who, in the name of M�.rcus �. 3�ovre, <br /> I aft�r�rards con�eyed the ssid above described premiaes, by deed, to B. �Iaria �cArdl�, date of Decem- <br />', <br /> ber 23, 1885. �vhich deed is recorded in Book 6 of Deeds at 25 of the Records of su�id county, <br /> and th�t the said grantee first mentioned dnd grantor last mentioned �r�.e one and the same person <br /> nvt�►ithat�.ndin� the diacrepanc�� in �aid names. <br /> C. W. Brininger <br /> Subscribed and sworn to before me on thie lst day of �Tov. 1918. <br /> .�ommi�sion expires July 25-1924. (S E A Z) S. C. Huston. . . . . . .�Totary Public. <br /> Filed for record the � day of Novembe�, 1918, at 11 0' �lock A.�. ��� �� <br /> L.a�t'°I �/G�-1 Y <br /> �R GISTER OB S <br /> -v-fl-�-€�-�-0-a-0-o-�-o-t7-o-0-�-fl-o-q-a-0-o-0-0-�-o-fl-o-0-a-fl-o-0-�-p-o-fl-a-0-o-0-a-fl-o-0-a-fl-o-0-0• <br /> ��,�,�FICATE ,�Re-recarded� ,,` E�iIBI�' "Z1" <br /> In the District Court of Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> . Jahn Thomssen, Plaintiff, ) <br /> 4$ � <br /> � • <br /> Yernon H.Thayer� Martha E.T:zayer, Charles j 421a. Certifie�zte. <br /> Judd, Grace Judd, Theodore Soufis, Frank I. } <br /> Ols�n, �da.ude Olsen, Harry J.Coffin, �Villiam ) <br /> L.�a.mps on. Ella F.Sampson, Jame$ �i. Fay ) <br /> Ge or�ina A. I�'ay. } <br /> I7efendar�ts. ) <br /> I, Walter x. ��.uert, Clerk of the District Court of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby certify <br /> tha.t on th� 9th day of September, 1916, a, decree was rendered in the above entitled case and whfch. <br /> said decree was duly recorded in ,.TO�arn�,l 18 at pa.�e 438 of the records of my said office; that in <br /> sdid decree it was f�und among other thin�s th�..t Harry J. Coffin, one of the defendants in this <br /> action, had b�en duly notified of the filing and pendency of this action by personal service of <br /> summons upo� him in the manner provided by la�r; th�.t he� among other defendants , had failed to an- <br /> s�rer, demur or other�vise plead to the piaintiff's petition and that �� reason of sueh failure so <br /> to do, it was oxdered that his def�.ult be entered and that the facts stated in the $aid plaintifft�s <br /> petition be taken a,� true as �.gainst him and vther defendants. <br /> It was further found by the court in eaid deeree that H�.rry �T. Coffin, one of the defendanta. <br /> had no xight� title, lien, or inter�$t in, to� or a�ainat the southerly thirty three (33) feet of <br /> lot three {3) in block �wo {�) o#' Nagy t s add iti on to the Ci ty of Grand Islt.� d, �11 eounty, Nebras- <br /> ka, and that if the s�.id Fiarry J. Coffin had �ny lien or interest in the above described �remfses <br />