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4� ' �� <br /> �l � �C� � ��Q� �O � � � �C� O � D � � <br /> _ _ - == - _ _- _ � _ _- _ -,_ <br /> 3�Z19-f�OPP&6ARTlETYCO.,PRINTING.IlTHODRAPFtING.3Tl�TIONERY�OMAHA .. <br /> . .._. .. .._. .._" _ _ __ . .._"_" ��E-"`".,..�.e__...._.._..� . <br /> : .. . . . . . _._ -.-:: .. - _::- -... .-.__:.. <br /> est�.te by the County Court of �:all County, 2�eoraska, ha.ving �jurisdiction thereof; that the debts ' <br /> of saic� deceased, �duly allo�:ed by st�id C�urt, exceeded the personal property of said estate �,nail- <br /> able for payment thereof, a.nd th�t upon petition of said �i�,rcus Cornelius, Administratvr, to the ' <br /> Di.striet Court of Hwll Count3�, Nebrask�,, the said �dm�i.nistrator was du15� licensed and ordered to <br /> sell the real est�.te involved in this �.ction, with other lands, for the purpo�e of paying daid <br /> debts; that said Helen Cornelias, :r;inor defendant herein, was at the time of the death of said <br /> August Cornelius, her f'ather, unborn, but that due notice was given to all persons interested in <br /> sai,d estate, includin� said ur�l�errn heir; th�t said groceedings were not adversary� but were for the <br /> interest of sai.d estate , and the heirs of s�.id decer�sed, and tha,t the said Pistrict Court� in grant- <br /> ing and giving to said Administrdtox d lice�se and order for the sale of said esta,te� ha.d ,iurisdi.c- <br /> tion of the sub,iect n.�tter� and of all persons interested therein, and tY�,t the description of the <br /> property to be sold as set forth in the petition� �.pplication, notices, license. and published <br /> notice for the sale of said property, and in the license to said Administr�.tor and in his n.otice of <br /> eale and in the report of saici sale mad� by him, was sufficient, and definite as to the said pro- <br /> perty and part thereof now owned by said pl�.intiff �.nd involved in this cause, and tha,t the said <br /> proceedings dnd all of �u,me relative to the sale of said premises now owned by said plajntiff, was . <br /> definite and sufficient to loc�te and corivey said premises ineolved her.ein, and that said Court <br /> �cted under its exereise of its said powers in s�,id proceedings, and that upon confir�a- <br /> tion of said Admi��?istrator's sa2e of said �ren�ises and the conveyance by 4aid Adr�inistrator under <br /> said proceedin�s, a,nd ord�rs of said Court , by deed dated April 1, 1901, a.nd recorded in Book 28 a� <br /> P�.�e 592 of the Reecrds of Hall County, Nebraska, there �vas conveyed to Tohn Cornelius� purchaser <br /> at saic� s�le, a title in fee simple to said premises involved in this cause. <br /> The Court further finds that the plaintiff is the owner by purchase for a valv.�ble considera- <br /> tion of tY�e saic� premises hereinafter described as alleged in his said petitior, and that he se- <br /> cured title thereto by mesne conveyances through the purchaser a't said Administrator' s sale, and <br /> that he h�s been in the open� exelusive, notorious, adverse and absolu'te possession of same under a <br /> claim of ownership for more than tPn ye�rs last ; has �aid the ta.�ces thereon, and placed valu- <br /> able improven�ents ;on, �.nd that none of said �efenddnts h�,s any interest in, title to, or <br /> upon s�,id premises or �.ny part there�f, and are not entitled to �,ny rights, possessory or <br /> there�n or thereto; that pl�,intiff is entitled to have the title to said premises qufeted in him <br /> �.nd all clouds removed therefrom as pr�.yed in his petition. <br /> IT I S T FiFR�FORF BY TI-i3� COU?�T �,DJUDGFD� I�CR:�'En AI�tD CUNS IP_FRED t hat t he t i t le and p os se s s i on <br /> of said plaintiff in the followin�; described premises� to-wit: The E�,st 8 acres of the NVest 20 s.cres <br /> of �.11 tha,t �art ot' the southeast ��uarter of the southeast quarter of Secti on 21, in T ownship 11 <br /> North� p�.nge 9 G'�est of th9 �ixth P.�. , lies south of Pleasant Hc�me Subdivision, of part of tYu <br /> East half of the southeast qu�rter of said Section 21, more particul�.rly d�;scribed as follows: Be- <br /> ginning; �.t a point in the south line of said sectior_, �kiich lies 24 rods and 6 feet east of the <br /> south��est corner of said c�uarter of the southeast �uarter, tnenee running north parallel <br /> with the west line of said `�outheast guarter of the southeast quarter� 78 rods and 13 feet to the <br /> sauth line of said Pleasant Home Subdivision; thence east along s�.id south line 1� rods and 4 feet ; <br /> thence soUth 7F� rods and 13 feet to the south line of said 5ection, and thenee wE�t 16 rods �,nd 4 <br /> feet to the place of beginning, containing 8 aeres. be the same a little more or less, which premi- <br /> ses he �.cquired by deed of conveyance dated Atiril 14, 1913� and recorded April 21R 1913, in Book <br /> 51 Pa�e 305 of the ?2ecord� of Hall County, Nebraska. be and the same hereby are quieted and con�irm- <br /> ed in the pl�.intiff �.nd his heirs and assigns forever� and that the said defendants and all ofthem <br /> and �.11 persons claiz?�in� under� or through them, are hereby forever en ioined from claiming arry in- <br /> terest in said prerr�ises, or any part thereof, adverse to the interest or title of said plaint3ff, <br /> or from i.nterrupting his use dnd en,ioyment therein� �.nd that none of' said defendants has �ny iri�er- <br /> est in or to the sa3.d prem.ises or right of poese�sion thereto, and that �aid title of said glain- <br />