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l���� <br /> „ �. 421 <br /> �i � �� � � �a �1 �0 � � � �C� O � D �J � . <br /> -- _ -_— .:_ _._- .--. -_- __ __ _____ _ -- - ---- --- - - ---- ---- <br /> . -_ . --- <br /> --_- -:--_ -- - __ <br /> 37.�.19 CLOPPi8AR7LETTCO..PflINTING.LITN06NAPHING.BTNTIONERY;OMIIHA � ' . . <br /> _. . "__'. ... . .. _ .z <br /> brought down to date, and give ---- days for examination, and if the title is defective said first <br /> p�.rty to have �. reasonable time to correct said defect or defects and show same on the abstract. <br /> Now� if the said party of the sec ond part shall �ay the sum or sums as above set foxth and <br /> c�,rry out the conditions above named� time bein� the essence of this contract and of all the condi- <br /> tions thereof, the party of the first pa,rt will furnish a �arranty Deed to said second party at • <br /> Grand Isl�.nd National 33dnk� Grand Island� Nebraska, and pay all taxes that are a Iien on said pro- <br /> perty� and up to 1918 and assig�m the insurance, and give possess3on - - - -- - <br /> IN V�ITNESS WI-�REpF the parties aforesaia subscribed their n.ames the date above ment ioned. <br /> �9ITIv'FSSES: H�xxry C. �ade <br /> J.E.Dill Emma I. ��.de <br /> .7ames Thompson <br /> fiT ATE OF NEBRASKA� � Eva �homp$on <br /> ss. <br /> Hsll County. ) On this 3" day of geptember �.D. 1918 before me the �zndersigned, a Nottiry <br /> Public in and for said County, personally came Harry C. tl�ade �.nd �mma I. <br /> �ade his wife �vho is pergonally known to me to be the identical person �ahose name is affixed t o the <br /> above inatrument a,s grantor ar.d they ackno�ledged the said i.nstrument to be their voluntary act and <br /> deed. <br /> Witness my hand and not�.rial seal� the date aforesaid�. <br />� �y commission expires �TUiy 16 1y19. tS F A L) J.E.Dill.-. ..Natary Public. <br /> Filed for record the 28 ds.y of September� 1918� at 9:30 o'clock A.I!�. <br />' - .� � <br /> REG ISTER�OF � <br /> -a-4-o�-e-o-e-o-0-0-�-o-0-a-�-a-p-o-0-o-e-o-0-o-a-o-o-o�o-o-Q-o-e-o-o-o-e-o-�-o-e-a-o-o-e-o-e-a-0-o� <br /> I7ECREF• <br /> � r` I N T HE DI fiT R I CT C OURT OF fiAI�L COUNT Y� NEBRASKA. <br /> Geor�e �. Carr, ) <br /> Pl�,intiff� ) _ <br /> �� ) DECRFE QUIFTII3G T ITIaF• <br />� ) <br /> George Cornelius and Rosellis Cornelius, ) <br /> his wife; Paul Cornelius ; IJellie Hunt ) <br /> and Fr€�,nk Hunt, her husbttnd; CathG,rint� ) . <br /> Battz, soErrie .t fine�.kr��wrn �.$ Cathe.rin�, B�rtz� <br /> �nc1 Car�. Bartz,�er Mu$br�nd��.nd .Fielen C.or-- ) <br /> ��2i�,$am�e time known as Helan Corneliu�} <br /> Def'endant�, � <br /> Now, on this 25n day of September, 1918, this cause c�ame on to be heard upon the petition of <br /> , the plaintiff, the �,nswer of B.J.Gunningham, Gua.rdiun Ad.Litem of Helen Cornelius, a m3.nor, and it <br /> appeaxin� to the Court fr an the files herein tha,t all of ��id above named de•fendants had been duly <br /> and i��aiiy served �rith swnmons in said cause �s by� law rEquired� and it further appearing from <br /> the affidavit of JoYin Coxnelius filed herein on beha,lf of pluintiff tha.t none of said defendants <br /> is now in tY� military or naval services of the United States, and it further �.ppearin� tha,t none <br /> of s�,id defer�dants hs,d plead or ans�rered in this cr�use within the time as by la.w they were requix- <br /> ed to do� a11 of said defenda.nts except the said Helen Cornelius, a minor, were in open Court thri�e <br /> sol�emnly called and ca:me not, and default was thereupon entered a.�ainst them. <br /> And said ca�ase coming on further to be heard upon the petition of the plaintiff and the answer <br /> of B.J.Cunningham� i�uardian ��d.Litem for s�.id mi.nor deferdant, and the eviaence vf the plaintiff <br /> and said defendant Submitted in said cause� and said cause being duly submitted to the Court , the <br /> Court being duly advised in the premia�a, finds for the plaintiff, tha.t he is sntitled to a decree . <br /> as prayed in his petition; tha.t �,t the commenc�ment of this action the pl�,intiff was the owner in <br /> fee simple, and in possession of the prem.ises described in hie said Fetition, �is.d legal esta,te <br /> thereir�, �.nd was entitled to the quiet possessi on and en,ioyment thereof. <br /> The Court further finds fro� the issues �oined herei.n tha.t one Au�ust Cornelius, �ate of Ha111 <br /> , <br /> CountyT , Nebraska, died seized of said gremises, with other lands, �.s alleged in said petition; tha� <br /> he died intestate� and th�t M�.rcus Corn�lius was duly appointed and quaiified Administrator of h <br /> � ' i$ ', <br />