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/ <br /> i 42�� �_ <br /> � O �C� � � �Q �J �O � � � �� O� D � � <br /> _ _ :�_` :,_ -=_�_^�---==_--��__ <br />`_ ..� �_ __ <br /> 37�19-CLOPP6BARTlETTCO.�PRINTING�LITHO6RAPfi1NG,87AT10NERY;OMpHA �_ - �� v ^� <br /> : . .. . .. .. . . _ .. .. .. � �.-: �... '.:__.. . �...:_, :_.._--. _ ... . ....`__ . . . . <br /> AGRE3eMENT--s�� aF R�� �,�r A��: � � __ :- - ---_ _____ :_ _— _ ^:__ __.__-u� <br /> � THI� INI)E1�TURE� l��.de this 21st day of September, A.�. 181.8 between <br /> Barney �G'ebben, pa,rty of the first part, and �a.rk G. Lee, p�rtyr of �he second part <br /> �I�����H� Tha.t the party of the first p�,xt has this d�y soid to the party of ths second part <br /> the follo�ing describeci property, to-v�it; <br /> Southwest Quarter cont�:ining One I3undred Sixty Acre$, moxe or less of Section 22, Town 1Q. <br /> Ran�e 12, in Hall �ounty� Nebraska t o�ether with �,11 appurtendnces thereto belongin� �.nd now t l�re- I <br /> on, for which the part5� of the second part �.grees to �ay the sum vf Twenty One �housand Six Hundre� i <br /> Dollare� �21,600. 0(? payable as follows: Cash in hand 4ne �Thousand a.nd No/lOQ• . .�ollars, receipt <br /> whereof is hereby �.cknowledged, Balance Twenty Thous�,nd Six Hundred and Nof100. . .Loll�.rs �arch I <br /> First, 1919. The party� of the first part is to furnish to the part�� of the secvnd part, or assig��, I <br /> a warr�,nty� deed and a good and suffici.ent abstract af title, on or before �arch First 1919� assign , <br /> a11 insurdnee on s�.id buildings, ��y all 't�xes �ssessed against said land, and if there is �, mort- <br /> ��ge on said property, pay interest therec�n up to �a,reh l�t, 1919 �.nd give pos�ression by �,rch 1$t <br /> 1919. It is mutu�lly �i�reed th�,t time is an essenti�,l element in this contract and it is further <br /> a�reed th�,t in c��e either of the p�.rties hereto shall fail to perform the stipulations af thi$ <br /> contr�.ct, vr �.ny p�,rt of the same, the failing p�.rty shall p�y tY�.� otY�er p�rty of this contract, <br /> the sum of Five Thousand Dollare as damages for non-fulfi ll.rnent of contract. <br /> IN TESTI�[4NY iq�REOF, the p�.rties �,�'or�said have subscribed their ns.mes the d�.te above men- <br /> t i oned. <br /> , &�.rney �e bbe n <br /> Witness: . . .F.A.Kimbrou�h <br /> �ark G.I.�e <br /> St�,te af �Tebr�ska) <br /> )ss. On t�3is 2i day of Se�tember, A.D. �918, �efore me the und¢rsi�;ned F. @. <br /> Buffalo County. ) <br /> Kimbrough a ATotary Public, duly comznissiflned �nd qualified for and resicl- <br /> i n� �.n s�.i d C ounty, pers onally came Fw.rney V�ebben t o me known t o be t h� ident ica 1 pers on whose name <br /> is affixed to the Foregoing instrU,ment as grantor and aeknowl�dged the same to be his voluntarq act�' <br /> and deed. <br /> �itness my hand and Notarial Seal the das� and ye�r lsst above v�ritten. <br /> �y Cr��mnission expires the 29 day of �'an��,ry 192�. (S�AI,} F.A.Kimbrough. ,��. .Not�.ry Public. <br /> Filed for record the 24 day of Septe�ber, 1918, at 9:30 o�clock A.�t. ��' �/ <br /> �`i2��� ��2�-�� � <br /> R�Gr�T�A oF�;�� <br /> -o-Q-o-t3-o-Q-a-C-o-G�-o-G-a-0-a-4-o-0-a-C}-a-a-a-0-o-�-o-�-a-4-c-G-o-Q-o-O-a-Q-o-G-o-�-a-C-a-G-o-O-o <br /> G�F.��ENr - S� o� RFAZ rSTATE: � _ <br /> _ .�_�_. . ..�_�.�_..�..._... ...�. <br />'� THI� IND�NTU�� �.de this 3d day of September 1�1,8 by and between <br /> Ha.rry C. �ade 8c Fmma I. ��,de, husband �.nd wife. party of the fixst part, and Ja.mes Thompson & Eva <br /> Thompson, his wife, party of th� second part. <br />� WIT2d'ES�ETH� That part3� of fixst .��rt has this day sold to the pa.rty of the second part the <br /> i followin� described property, to-�rit: I,ots One Hundred �,nd Sevent3�-Seven, One Hundred «.nd Seven- <br /> ty-ei�ht, One Hundred and Seventy-nine and One Hundred and Tightiy, f 177, 178, 179 & 18Cj, in �7est <br /> Lawn and Addition to the City of Grand Isl�,nd, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded. <br /> together �rith r�ll a�purtena.nces thereto belonging, for which the party of the second part �.�rees to <br /> pay� ths sum of Four Hundred and no/100• . • . .DOZLARS (�400. Ofl) payable as f olloe�s: Twenty-f3ve and <br /> nof100. • • . .Lollars cash in hand� receipt of v�hich is hereby acknowledged. Balance Three Hundred and <br /> Seventy-five �ollars (�3'75 � , as follo�rs: �25 or� �ctober 3� 1918 and the eum of �25 on the 3d day of <br /> each subsequent r�onth, until s�.id b�,lance is fuliy p�.id, t�ith interest thereon at the rate of 6� per <br /> annum.� paya�l.e serni-anntzally. �ption is given of paying more than �25. pQ or all at any payrr,ent date <br /> be f ore due. <br /> Party of secvnd part agrees that should he fail or refuse to c�.rry out the a,bove eonc�itions, <br /> the m.oney already paid� shall be forfeited as liquid�ted damages� at the election of party of .first <br /> part. <br /> The party of the first part �,grees to furnish an abstract of title covering said property, <br /> � <br />