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���� <br />; �. 4� � <br />, . �l � �C� ���Q�] �0 � � G� �C� O� D � � � <br /> - ____ __ : _ _ _ _ _, --.- -_:. - - <br />__ ____-_-__ _. _ _ �-- - -- -_ ---- <br /> _ _ ._- _ --- _ -- <br /> 3�Z�9�CLOAP k BAFTIETT C O..PRI NTI NG.6ITHOOHAPH iNG,3TAYl0 N ERY;O MAHA - <br /> _..::.. .. . �..:=:s�__ . . .. . . ::._- .. - . _.. .._.. ..-__ _:_--:: �"__ ._'-._` = <br /> _'";' <br /> �-_-_"_'" "_ .... ._. . ..... . .... : ._:.._ .--.. . . . . . ; . ,.. . . _ ._.. _"'_ --_".' ._-._ _ ,_.....-... <br /> �.--_::�. . .... .._. . <br /> hereby v�aive v�ritten notice of any such election or any demand for the po�session of the said <br /> �remises. <br /> The covenants herein contained shall extend to� and be binding upon the heirs, executors and <br /> administrators of tne parties to this lease. The said lessor ,nereby guarentees unto the said lesseas <br /> a public right of way extendin� from the dwelling on said land to the public high��ray east leading <br /> to Doniphan. <br /> Executed in ��uplx.cate this 28th day of E.u�;usta �i.D, 1918, at Grand Isl�.nd, Nebraska. <br /> In Pxesence of Isaac A. B�eCarty <br /> �;t. H. Thompson Ernest S. Ogden <br /> , <br /> F. J. Cleary � Albert Cushrr�an <br /> �."it�i,t� of l�ebraska� <br /> ��s. On this 28th day of August, A.D. 19Z8, before me� �, Notary Public, in and <br /> Ha,ll C o un ty. ) <br /> for county duly appointed, comrr�is�ioned �.nd acting, pexsonally appeared <br /> the above named lessor, Isaac A. �eCarty �nd the sai� lesse�s, Erne�t S. Ogden and Albert eushman, <br /> �vho wre �ersona,lly kno�an to mP to be the identical persons �hose names �,re affixed to the ab ove <br /> lease as lessor and lessee� respectively, and each ackno�ledged this instrument to be their volun- <br /> tary act and deed. <br /> Witness :ny hand a.nd tdotarial Seal �,t Grand Island, Ne�raska, on the date last above written. <br /> Commission expires Oct. 21-1921. (S E A L) F.J.Gleary. . . . .Notary Public. <br /> Filed for record the 29 day of August, 1918, at 1: 15 o�clock P.�I. � <br /> �� ��V�/��� <br /> � RFGI�TFR 0�' I1EF S <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-�-fl-o-0-�-fl-o-0-�-0-0-0-�-0-�-fl-o-O-o-G-o-4-0-0-0-0-o-G-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> AFFIDAVIT Or Inf�.'IrTIFICATIOr�'„_ �_ <br /> State of T1�braska <br /> �7ames F. Dill bein first dul � sworn de �oses und sa s that he w�.s well and <br /> � y � � � <br /> I Ha.11 C ounty <br /> pP,Y'3027�tZIV dC�U&ITI'C�C3 c�rith ��ary �,nn Thompson to whom oy V'lill of James Thomp� . <br /> son w�.s conveyed the following described lwnds in Hall County# �vebraska� to-wit; <br /> Blocks rixteen and Tv�ent�� ef �±aixview P�rk ���iition to Grand Island� Iv'ebraska b�- ��iil dated <br /> I+�ch 2�3'� 1893 �.nd rec orded �n bo:ok I� of I�all County rec ords �n page 289 i n the Rec order of I�e�eds of- <br /> fi�:e of �iall County �.nd ��rith T�r.-:r;r �.. Thompson who conveyed said Block 20 to Robert F. Dill by deed <br /> d�.ted 1�1ov 26-1906 recorded in Took 37 Page 51'3 �.nd �vh� cor.��eyed suid Block 26 to R.J.P.i12 by deed, <br /> Recorded in Book 38 Pa�e �0 of suid H�,11 County recorus �,n� �.ffi�nt positively knows that the said <br /> �tary �nn Thompson and tJ',a.r5 A Thom��son are one and the s�.me pey�on, nctv�rithst�,ndin�; the discreFancy <br /> in names. <br /> ,Yames �. Di 11 <br /> �ubscribed �,nd s�Torn to befosp rre this lOth dwy of I�;�uy 191�. <br /> (S E �i Z) �.'. B. Hilbert. . . . .�?ctdry Public. <br /> IV:y cammission ex�ixee� �w�arch 15 -192,1. <br /> Filed for record this 11 d�,,y of �eptember, 1918, �t 11 o'clock A.Pu. <br /> ����v� �J�-L��,-_ <br /> �£GI�TFR OF I7�+FPS� <br /> -o-G-c-C-o-G-a-O-c-Q-a-C-c-O-c-C-o-�-a-O-o-G-o-O-o-G-c-O-c-�-o-�-c-G-o-G-c-Q-o-0-0-0-o-Q-o-0-0-0-0 <br />