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i 4� � � <br /> G� � �C� C� � �Q� �O � � � �� O� D �1 � <br /> _. _ _ _ :__ _ <br /> =-= .---- _=__J-=--�-_ _=----�__ ���- <br /> ��219�C60PP6BAflTLETYGO..PRINTING.61TH06RAPHiNG,$TATIONEpY:OMAHA ' � ^ ^���.� <br /> �- ._. : .,.. . . . . � . . . � . . . . . .. .... � . . . ... . "_ '-.�__. -..�_ _. . .._�,..—�_—�;__.. <br /> ___...._. ...._'__"'.—_`"_.__....__�.._e�..'__...____. e�._.�--- <br /> land ���hen dem.�nded by the said lessees in. the sprin�; of 1919, �.nd the said lessees hereby �,gree t o <br /> r�;ceive the s�,id alfalfa seed and x,�re�axe the �round in � gaod, farmer-like ma.nner and t� seed the <br /> said �round �vith the sazd seed durin� the spring of 2919 to alfalfa to �he amount of at le.ast 6p <br /> acres, and do th� s�.id seedi��; of the said land to a.lf�,lfa �rithaut �,dditional char�es therPfor, <br /> other th�,n the leas in� of tYie � land as �f oresaid. <br /> It is �'urther agreed ny the s�id ���.rtiss of the second �art that th�y will vse for meado�r and <br /> hay land all o�' t±�,t �orti�n of the afares�.ic� lands so leased lyin� and bei.n� south of the fence ; <br /> running from the ha� house to the southea�t corner o#' the Dickman ��uarter-section in �ection Thirty- <br /> fou.x (34) , and all l�.nds lyin�; south of the sAid Dicksnan quarter-section exceFt a'�proxim�.tel�r 50 <br /> �.crPS ,�hexe �here is underbrush lyin� �.lon� and �ioinin� said Pickman land on the south, and a smal�. <br /> p�,sture ne�,r the xanch-house, known as the blue-�rass �asture of about 15 acres, �,nd for no other � <br /> pux�oses athar th�.n tYiut of �eadow ar ha.y l�.nd. � <br /> This agreerr�ent sh�,ll extend to �.nd be binding u�}on the said �.�arties af t�e second part during ; <br /> the life of this lease, - the said tr�cts so xeser�ved as hay land sha.11 be �o exclusively used. <br /> The s�id �.uxty of the first part h�reby re$erves unto hirnself� his heirs �,nd assi�ns, froin <br /> the operation of' this le«.se the roo�n over the �arage, �.nd also room in the garage on the s�.id lar�d <br /> under tl� sdid rocm, for his �,uto vuhen he is there or desires to use the s�,me, and a.lso reserves <br /> the ri�;ht of e�ress and in�°ress to �nd fr�rr: the said buildings over the said l�.nds �.t such time� <br /> as Y�e may desi re. <br /> It i� further �.�sreed b�T the said less�es as � gart of the con9i�exation of the �.f ores�.id leas- <br /> in� �h.�.t they �vill ha.ul dnd on the said f�.rm lands of the ��,id Y�remises all rr�anure on the <br /> s�.id lands �.t th� time they t�ke po�session thereof, �s �ell �s �,ny �.nd all manure a,ccumulating <br /> thereon th8reufter durin� thP life of this le�se, and to keep the said b�.rn and yaxds free and <br /> elear therefrorr�, �,nd to remove the said accumulated mu.nure �.t least once z� year �nd seatter the <br /> s�.rr�e ovPr the said farm lands of the said premises. <br />' Time is hereby the essence of this contraet; and if the condition� of this lease or any <br /> thereof be not strictly �.nd f�.ithfv.11y performed by the said parties of the second part at the <br /> timesand at the d�.tes �.nd in the m�.nner �,s herein �rovided, then sh�.11 all ri�ht , title and intere�t <br /> I in and to the said ��remises, under and by virtue of this lease as to the said lessees eease and <br /> terrninate and they� the said lessees. shall immediately yield ug possession of the said premises to <br /> the said leasox� his lega,tees u,nd assigr�s, without notice, in �.s good condition as the s�,me �.re or <br /> n�ay hereafter be r�laced in� save and exce�at ordirary �ear �.nd tear and damage caused by and <br /> the elements. <br /> It is fz�xthPr a�reed on the ,t,:�.rt of th� s�ic� lesse�s herein that they shall not in �.ny manner <br /> sel1,, assign :, set over, tx�.nsfer or sublet this lease ox any of the lands covered ther�byA or any <br /> ,, <br /> interest therein avithout the v,rritten consent of the said lessar. The said lessees further covenant <br /> with thP said lessor that at the e:�pir�.tion of the time mentioned in this le�.se , peaceablP posses- <br /> sion of the said �remises shall be �;iven the said lessor in as �ood condi.tion as tney no�v are nr <br /> may hereafter be �laced in, the usual �vear, loss by fire and the elements excepted; a,nd that <br /> upon the non-payment of the c�rhol? or any part of the aforesaid rental at the time and in the manner <br /> the becomes due and �ayable, or in default of the performance of any of the provi�ions vf <br /> '�his lease on the n�.rt of the said le�sees to be complied with, the said lessor ma.y declare this <br /> lease at an end, �.nd entAr, xeta,ke and recover possession thereof in an action of forcible deten- <br /> tion or on the terminwtion of tni� lea�e by the said party of the first �art o�=rin� to default of <br /> �ayment of the saici rent or �.ny paxt thsxeof, said p�.rty of the first �a�,r� may forthvrith enter <br /> ther�on and take actuul� full and complete �ossession of the �aid l�.nds and dispossess th° s�id <br /> �arties of the aecond part. auch Qntry u�on the said land may be made by the said party of the <br /> firat part, his �.�;ent or le�ul representative, a,nd the ��osses�ion of this le�.se or �. duplicate <br /> thereof, shall be sufficient aut?�iority to the person makin� such entry. The saic� lessees further <br />