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(.�{��� �.,,, <br /> 41 �� <br /> � �l � �C� �L��Q�J �O � � � �C� O� D �l � , <br />-�_---=- : , - - __ __ _ -- <br /> _--- <br /> _ __ _ _ _ - _- _ -- _ - <br /> S�Z 19-«OPP 4 BAPTIETT CO..PRINTING,LITHOORAPHINL',8TIITIONERY�OMAHA � <br />� _r:_ ..-__'_".." �._""-r_ �:.-..::. . .. . .....; _. _ .�.. _ . .. �� .. �.. . . . . .. ... . _ . , i. <br /> . . . .-..:-. <br /> _._� __ ,-._ __ _ --_ <br /> - - _ _-- --- - - <br /> of the f�rs� ��,xt, hialheirs or �.ssi�ns, at Los �n�eles, C�.lifornia. <br /> , <br /> It is further agreed that the party of the first part shall not be rec�uired to furnish <br /> any in�provernents, or shall he be obligated for any im��roverr�ents put thereon by the sdid parties of <br /> the second part ; and tha.t he, the said �a�.rty of th� first part, shall not be c�.11ed upon to make � <br /> any irnc�rovements or repairs on the said lands or buildings, or fences thereon durin�; the Zife of <br /> this le�,se , unless such im�roYerrents are wrecked or destrvyed byT the Act of God, except that he� <br /> I the lessor is to furnish such posts «nd vaire as m�,y become necesss,ry to spare the fence on the North <br /> �nd South Ch�.nnell. <br /> The s�.id p�,xties of th.e second part shall th? right to xpmone all buildings, if any, <br /> placed on the said la.nds by the s�.id parties of the see ond p�.rt at their ov�n ex�;ense, if d ane with� <br /> out in�jury to the premises� �.t �,ny tirrie before the expir�,tion of this lease. <br /> It is further a�reed by the s�.id Iessees� thei.r heirs and assigns, tha,t the sa.i� less�es sh�zll <br /> not at any time permit to be u.pon the s�,id �remises , or place thereon themselvee, any sheep to be <br /> pastured or feed, Either for themselves or for other persone, �vithou.t first obtaining the written <br /> eonsent of the s�.id lessor thPrePor. <br /> It is fUrthex a�reed on i;he p�rt of the s�.id lessees tha.t they will not cut down �,ny trees, or <br /> �ermit stock to run amon� the trees by the resici�nce on the said l�,nd, or in the grove which lies <br /> about one and a quarter mil� �STest of the s�: id residence , a.lso another grove �.bout a mile south�vest <br /> of the said residence. <br /> It is further �.�reed by and b�tvaeen the parties hereto that at any time during the last yeax of <br /> this lease �,fter the s�all grain is harvested on saici lands said small grain shall be removed from <br /> thel�.nds upon w�rhich the same has been �ro�n, and the lessor, his heirs or assigns, or �.nyone by him <br /> authorized, shall h�,ve the �rivilege of plowing the s�.ic� lands so cultiv�,ted to small grai n on which <br /> the said crc�pa have been so r�n�oved, and entering thereon for that purpose, and sowin� the same to <br /> _ crops, or. other�ise. <br /> The saici lessor also xesexves the r, i�ht to ditch the sald land or any part thereof, ox to place <br /> i im�rove�r.ents thereon 4s he rr,�,y deem best, dnd further xeserves the right to enter ugon the said <br /> land at �.ny tinie he may see fit d'urin.g the life of this le�,se for the purpose of erecting thereon <br /> fences, e�.miniri� crops, or transactin� �,ny other business thereon vrhich �ill not ir_terfer� �Tith <br /> the ri�hts of the said t��tants. <br /> 3t is further agreed in consideration of this le�,sing on tne �:•art �f the said lESSees that <br /> they will cultivate all ti7,lable land in a good, farmer-like manner and in good season� and keep <br /> the same free frort; �veeds or �, and eare for all Y�.y and pasture land and improvemer.ts now or <br /> here�,fter placed on said lanfl in u good farmer-like rr;a,nner, and if the p�.rties of the second part <br /> fail so to do, the same shall operate a.s a brPach of the conditions of this lease, a.nd entitle said <br /> owner to immedi�.te �;ossession of �aid la.nd, th� same as any other breach of the conditions of this <br /> lease, and if they, the s�.id lessees, shal�. f�.il to com�l� �rrith any of the �rovi.sions herein contain- <br /> ed they shall further be li�.ble to the said lessor in such damage$ as he �r�ay sustain by reason af the <br /> said neglect or refus�l or f�.ilure. <br /> It is further rr� a condition a f this lease th�,t the said lessees shall not plow ox culti�ate <br /> an.y of the unbroken lands now included in the �.fores�.id tr�.cts. <br /> It is further �reed betvi�en the said parties of the second part that �hey will keep up t�ae <br /> repairs of fer.ces �.nd buildin�s on said lands , including the hotase, �ran�.ries, gumps, t�nks, scales, <br /> barn, etc. , and see th�,t the same are in good conditi nn as they are in •rrhen the same are ta�Cen <br /> possession of b� the said le�sees , or thereafter X�laced in by the said lessor� ordinar3� wear and <br /> tear of the said buildin�s, d�.rr:age by fire ar the eler�ents excepted. <br /> The s�.id lessor, a$ �, part cf the eonsideration for the aforesaid leasing on the part of the <br /> said lessees, also �.�rees to furnish �lfalfa seed su1'ficient to sow 60 acres of the cultiv�.ted <br />