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4� � � <br /> (Y} 6 0 D O D � <br />�� _ _ <br /> ��1 � �����p� C�O � � ��C�O� D � � <br /> a3�Z19—CIAAP4BARTlETTCO.�PRINTING�UTHpORqAHING,5TAT10N£RY:OMAtiA � � � . . - � � ' <br />._— i :.. .. . . . . .. . . � ....�. .�.� . .. . . . . .. . .._ . .__"_ . ... � __� . <br /> G�ar�d Island and latex rr:oved to Svuth Takota; that the said Ida ?. Fulton is the o�rner of s�.id lots <br /> G.t the present time �.n:� has possession thereof, although she is now residing in the �tate of South <br /> Dakota. <br /> Affiant further states that the possession to said lcts of Olivex &iea�, Fmil Pearson, Isaac <br /> 1Vewton Senseney anc� Ida J. Fulton has been open, notoxious� a.dverse and exclusive since tY�e yeax <br /> 1902 vntil the date hereof. <br /> Further affi�,nt s�.�eth not. <br /> Fen,j. ��. Gunningham <br /> ;�ubscribed in n�y presence and ��rern to before me this 2.1st day of Au�;ust A.SJ. , 1918. � <br /> I�:'y conuri.ssicn e�pires �7uly 18-1923• (S F A Z) F.�•Slusser. . . . .P3otury Publi:c. <br /> Filed for record the 27 dc�y of �u�ust , 1918, �,t 3 0' clock P.��. <br /> � <br /> ��,^��C�� <br /> R�GI�2FR OF T.�F . <br /> -o-C-o-0-0-0-o-Q-o-G-o-0-o-0-a-0-a-Q-o-C-c-0-o-0-0-�-o-Q-c-O-o-G-o-Q-o-O-o-�-o-�-o-0-a-�-o-O-a-G-o- <br /> 7�ASE• ��� <br /> THIS INI�NTUR� this 28th d�.y vf August� A.D. 1�318, by and between Isaac �. �cCarty, of <br /> R Los Angeles, Californi�,, part5j of the fixst part , and Ernest S. p�den of Cha.pman, Nebraska, and <br /> Albert Cushrnan of Chapman, I�Tebrask�.� �arties of the second part, �VTTI'�ES� ,�TH: <br /> That the said paxt�t of the first p�.rt , i.n consideration of the covenants of the said parties <br /> of th� secorid part hereinafter set fo�th, does by these presents lease to the aaid parties of tl�e <br /> second �art the following described pxo�;erty� to-�1it: Zots l, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 �.nd 9 and the South <br /> H�.lf of the Southwest �u�xter �S2 of .`��) , and ths nouth �iaif of the Southeast �uarter (S� of SE�) . <br /> all in Se.cti on T�rrent3T-six �26) �nd Zots 9! 10, 11 and 12, also the Southe�.st Quarter of the South- <br /> east �,uarter (SE� of :�E�� , al�. i,n Section Tgrenty-seven (27� ; and Zots 3, 4, 5 and 6 , also the Sou.tM <br /> H�lf of the Northe�.st Quarter (S� of NE�) , and the Sauth Ha,lf of the Nor�hwest Quarter (S� of Y�W�} � <br /> all in Section. ThirtSr-foux t34) ; and I,ots 1, 2., 3, and 4, a.lso 'the Northwest Quarter (ISW�) and the <br /> �Torth �T�.lf of the Northeast Quarter (?v� of N�g) , and the Sauthwest Q,uarter af the Northeast Quarter <br /> (SZ�4 of NE�) � all in Section Thirty-five (35 } ; all of said land aboee descr�.bed bein� in Toevnship <br /> T�n (10) , North, Range Ten { 1Q) , ��'est of the 6th Principtt.l A�eridi�.n, in Ha11 County, Nebraska, <br /> bein� one thousand four hundred and thixty ( 143a} acres �,ccordin� to Government survey, moxe or <br /> less, for agricultur�.l and �r�.zing ��urposes only. <br /> 7� n.ave and to hold the to the saici parties of the second p�.rt from the first day of <br /> Nie.rch, 1.919� to the fi.rst day of March, 1924- <br /> �'he said parties of the �8cond pa.r't i.r, considex�.tion of the 1Ptting and leasin�; of the �remises <br /> ds ubove �et forth �,nd the �greerrents hereinafter con�ained to ��e perforir,ed by the party of the fi.�at <br /> part , herpby coven�.nts �.nd ��rees with the said party of the first �art ta pa,y as rental for the <br /> s�sne the su7r� af ��35'75.00 Fer year dvsin�; the life of this lease, due and p�.y,able as follov�s� to�rit: - <br /> Ca�h in ha.nd receipt whereof is h�reb�� acknowled�ed� the sum of �a8937.5�, with a deduction of <br /> �:697. 12 thexefxom �,s intexest on the �.foresaid �.mount a.s ��r a�reement this ddy m�.de. ' <br /> �1787.5G, c�ue and �aay�.ble �"�a.rch l�t, 1921• 1 as evidenced by three} <br /> �3575.00, du.e �.nd �ayable ��rch lst', 1922• � promissory notes of } <br /> �3575.00� due �.nd ���.yab1P �tarch lst, 1923• ) even date hereof} <br /> Time und s'�rict �ayment a,nd perform�.nce of a11 of the conditions herein bein� made a pa.rt of <br /> t1v.s contra�ct ; the aforesaid ��yments to be m,�.de, i.f not paid strietly v�hen due, to draw interest at <br /> the rate of seven per cent per annum after due , at the option of the sa.ic3. p�.rty of the firs'� part,- <br /> he, the said party of the first part, having t2�e right ta declarP the said lease foxfeited if s�.id <br /> pu�rments arP not rr.�.de, or to �-ermit the s�.id le�,se to remain ir full force and effect an.d reeover <br /> his interest as �.foresaid on the �,uyments �.t the tim:e �t�.st due �.nd paya,ble. <br /> It is further �.greed by the said �?arties of the second �aart, in consic�er�,tinn of the afore- <br /> said leasin�,: , that no erops of �nSJ kind sh�ll be sold or removed fro�r� the �,bove described Fremises . <br /> �before the s�i.c� for tn�t ye�.r dve �.nd �ay�.ble have been �aid. [�11 &f��'�fo�es�.id rentals to <br /> be paid as aforesuid {save and exce�t the said fir�t C�,Bh ��ciymetlt} to be v�.yab1P to th� sa�d �i�.r�y <br /> � <br /> � i: : <br />