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Q�D� <br /> ,� 4��� <br /> � � � �C� C� ��a� �OC� � G��� O� D G� � - <br /> = -_ :__ _ _ _ _ . _ _: - - - _- ---- <br />_ _ _ <br /> _ _ <br /> : _`a�7Z�9 S60PP6BASTlETTCO..PRINTIN6.61TN06PAPii1NG.STRTIOf3EpY OMAHA . __— ____, ______ ____ __.v.__--- - <br />_ —__ _�.._._ � ._ ..._-.. . .._ .... . .. _ _ .. <br /> AFFIPAVIT: ° � <br /> In the A�":atter of tne Title to I,ots Five (5 ) , Ten (10) , Eleven (11} and T�velve, <br /> in Block Six (6 ) , Brett & Johnson' s Addition to V�tood River, Hall County, ATebraska. <br /> State of Nebraska) <br /> )ss. Zloyd i�I. Hot��e, of V�ood River, Hd.11 County, Nebraska being first duly sworn, <br /> County of Hall ) <br /> on his oath, deposes a,nd says that he is 42 years of a�e, tha,t he is a <br /> �rand-son of Caroline L.Hileman, d.ece�sed; that he ��vas well and personally acc�uainted ��ith the said <br /> Caroline L. Hileman durir�; her life time. Affiant further states tha,t the said Caroline I,.Hileman <br />,I died on or about the 15th day o� Na,rch, 1896, tha,t at the time of her death she was a widow and tha.t <br /> she l�ft surviving her as heir.s at law and the only heirs at l�.w� the following children; <br /> i <br /> Elizabeth Mariah �hearer; ,�iranda R. Jones ; John C. G. Hileman; ll�ichael C'. S.Hileman; <br /> Addie L.�3.Hanigan; Gscar �:. Hileman; Anna S. V. �iowe �.nd Lavina A. Tr.out. <br /> That all of the above named heir�, were living on 1'�'cvember 7th, 1907, and were of legal age on <br /> November 7th, 1907; that the said I,avina A. Trout died on or about the 20 day of �nvember, 1907; �� <br /> that she left surviving her� as heirs �.t law and her only heirs at la�, the followin�� nar�ed persons: <br /> Charles ?. c. Tr azt, her husband; Harry D. Trout ; Earl F.Trout; Bertha Greentivood; � <br /> Dessie F. Bre�,kenridge. <br /> All of whom were living on Novezrber 7th, 1907, •v.nd all of vvhom were of le�al age on November 7t h� <br /> 1907. <br /> Further �.ffiant suyeth not. - <br /> Lloyd M.: �:owe <br /> Subscribed in my presence and sworn to '�efore rne this 20 day of August, A.D. 1Q18. <br /> Comrr�.ission expixes �Tan. 19-1924. (S E A I,) n.D.OK�,ne. . . .Notary Public. <br /> Filed for record the 27 day of �ugust� 1918, at 3 o�cZock P.A4. , <br /> �z��� ��� <br /> RFGI`'TFR OF I7�F� <br /> -0-0-o-Q-o-0-0-0-0-0-o-�-c-0-o-0--c-0-c-�-c-0-o-0-0-0-o-0-c-0-o-0-o-0-a-Q-o-O-o-Q-o-O-o-C-o-O-o-C-o <br /> A F F I T� F_V I T • a-� <br /> EX PARTE kFFlnAjl'IT. <br /> IN THF IVIATTFR OF THF T ITI.r^ TO L�TS FIVE (5 ) , TEN ( 10} � EL3+'VI+:N (11) AT??� T�"!FI.'£, IN BLOCK �I7C <br /> (6 j � BRFTT & .TO��P?;OP1� 5 ADPITIOIv' TO V'OOn RIVFR� HA7�L COtT��ITY� R?EBRASRA. , <br /> STAT�` OF r7�',BRASKA, ) <br /> )FS. �en,�. T. Cunningham, being first duly sworn upon hi� oath, deposee �.nd <br /> COL''NTY OT HALI,. ) <br /> � says he formeriy lived at Wood River, Hall County, Nebraeka; that <br /> his horr�e �vas approximately one-ha.lf (-�) mi1P 2�orthe�st of Lo*.s Five, Ten� Eleven and T�velve, in <br /> C <br /> Block Six� �3rett & Johnson' s �,ddition to the Village of 4`aood River; that he very frequently passed <br /> ever s�,id lots during the years 1902, 1903 and i904; that, during said ` ars� one Oliver Mead, a <br /> widower, was in possessior� of saici lots, and rema,ined in po�session thereo until 1904� at �vhich <br /> time he removed �o the �t�,te of �FT�,shington. <br /> l�ffi�,nt further states th�t, d.uring the time the s�id Oliver Mead �vas in possession of said <br /> lots � this affiant and others b�ere �.ccustomed and did cross over said lots on the v�ray to school; <br /> that, �uring su,id years, the said Oliver P�ead enclosed said lots a vri�e fence to rrevent this <br /> �,ffiant �.n�. others fror�� going across said lots ; that, during said time� the said Oliver Mead planted <br /> the said land to crops and used it for pasture ; that, i:r;medi�.tely u.fter the sai� Oliver. �J`ead re- <br /> rr�cved to �'�ashington, Emil Pe�,rson went into possession of said lots an� xemained ir. possession <br /> thereof u.ntil �iarch, 1909; thu.t, in the I�.tter nwrt r�f the ye�.r 19p4 or in the early Fart of the <br /> year 1Q05 � the �aid Emil Peaxson moved an old house u�on said lots und repaired same lived therein , <br /> until the a�f�.xch, 1909� at which time he sold said lots te Isaac Z�ewton Senseney. �:; <br /> Affiant further states th�it Isa�c Newton Senseney went into �ossessi on of said lots on �� <br /> 19U9; th�.t he �nuilt thereon �, large cPn�ent house , ��nd ��tas in possession of said lots until Apr�.l, <br /> 1913� ut �Jhich tinie the s�,id Isaac P�e�r�tcr. �erseney sold saicl lots and house to Ida ,T. Fulton; 'that <br /> the said Ida J. Fulton vrent int o possessi on of sai� premi ses in Apri l, 1913 , and w�.s in possessi on ' <br /> of said pr�mises �,n� lived in said house until 1917, �.t �r�hich time the said Ida J. Fulton moved to <br />