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_ _ _ _ _ _ ,,�..-- <br />' ���� , � <br /> 411 <br /> � a �C� C�� �a� �0 � � � �� O � D � � . <br /> _� .m= _,:: _ : __ _- - - _ _ <br /> __ _ _ __ .- _ _-_ <br /> _— : -- <br /> _ -- -_- - -- -- -- <br />�� 37219 CLOAP6BARTLETTGO..PAINTING{.ITH06NI1PHING.STA710NiRV pMAHR _ _ ____ _ <br /> AFFIDA�rIT• <br /> ' St�,,te of r�ebraska) <br /> )ss Rich�rd �uenz, being first duly sworn, upon oath� deposes �,nd <br /> �ial1 C ounty ) _ <br /> says: Th�.t r,e is the Register of ?�eeds of Hall County, Neb- <br /> rask�,; that in �ook "C" of l+fortgages, at page 75 , Hu.11 County records, is duly recorded a mort�a,ge <br /> given by Ira I,ewis to Henry A. Koenig and rrederick ��. �'iebe, covering�Lot Six (6) in �ilock One <br /> I� Hundred Sixteen (116} in Koeni� and S�iebe ' s Addition to Grand I,^,l�.nd, Nebraska, with other land, ' <br /> which said mort�age ti�ras recorded October 31, 1873 by ,Tahn �lallichs, county clerk; That on thP <br /> margin af the said mort�a,ge record appears the following: - "�je do hereby ackno�rled�e satisfa.ct ion <br /> of the within mort�a�e in ful2. (signed) Koenig & �'iebe <br /> In presence of John Wa113chs" <br /> Tha,t the si�rtature of Jo�n `Y'allic�is on said r�ar�inal record is identical rtTith the si�nature <br /> of Jonn ',�lallichs� County Cler'_�c, in whose nand yrriting the said mortg�,ge is recorded. <br /> Fu�t�:er ds�onent sa�eth net. <br /> �ate3 at Gran� Island, Nebraska thia i2th day of August, 1918. <br /> Richard Buenz <br /> Suhscribeci in rr�,y presence and :�worn t o be f ore me on the day last above written. <br /> Co�.missioiz expires Mar.24-1919. (s � � y) John A. �'Prgu�on. . . .Nota,ry Publi�. <br /> Filed for rec ord �:rie 21 da;� of August , 1918, �.t 4: 15 0' clock P.?�i�. <br /> �-��-�9 <br /> REG I ST�;R OF DEEA`' <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-�J-�-J=o-0-0-0-o-J-o-4-�-0-0-0-o-J-o-O-�-�J-o-0-�-0-o-J-o-O-o-Q-o-0-0-0-�-0-�-0-0- <br /> APPR�ISP.L F�PORT - CONI7�FlVfNATIODT PpOC�FnI2JGS: �`- ' <br />, State of �Tebr�.ska) ' <br /> )ss To the Hon. Judge of the County Court of Hall County. <br /> County of Fiall ) <br /> Be it remembered that on this 27th d�yj of �Tune 1€�79 the undersigned Comis�io�t- <br /> ers 'oein� residents �,nd free. holders of 'rIall Ccunty dul5r a�pointed by your Honor to proceed and <br /> vieYv and assess the d�.ma,ges done and suffered by the �arties hereinafter named by reason of the <br /> construction of the Hastings an� Grand Island Railroad line over & across their lands resrectively ; <br /> . i <br /> and to determine after viewin�; the the amount of� compensation shauld be awarded to such owner�, <br /> i <br /> after bein� duly notified assembled at the Ccurt House and being duly sworn, according to 1aw,�did ; <br /> on the 27" day of Tune I879 ��roceed to view� inspect and ascertain the dama,ges done to the South <br /> �test quarter of the Noxth East �r. of Section ttiventy, 7�ownship Eleven 3c r�.nge tline in Hall County ; <br /> the pro�erty of Sessee Shoema.k�r, and after fully insuecting the same and �etermined t:�e damages ; <br /> I <br /> to tract to be thirty dollars (�30. 09) . +�Ie then proceeded to view dc appraise the South West ' <br /> cf the South East � and the South Eas� '� of S.�l.� of section twenty and the E�.st half of the �lorth ; <br /> East quarter of Seeti on (29) twpnty nine , all i.n T owns��iy eieven & r�,n�e nine in Hall C ounty & as- + <br /> sessed his damages at two hundred t� t-menty Dollars (�220. CO) which �ras the ���roperty of Henry Geise <br /> and assessed his dama,�;es at that sum. i <br /> � <br /> 4re then ins ected and viewed the East half of the �vToxth :�lest ' <br /> p quarter of section ttwenty nine <br /> � same township and Ran�e �ae�ongin� to Fredrick Becker and assesa his damages at one hundred dollars <br /> and award _him that �um. <br /> tive then ins�ected and viPwed the North East 4 of the �outh t�Iest � and the �Yorth tVest �- of the <br /> South East 4 of s4n.e section to��vnship & r�,nge �elongin� to E. Blunk and affixed his com�pensat ion � <br /> . I <br /> at one hundred & five dollars (i��C5. 00 and award hi.m that sum as dama�es. � <br /> ' i <br /> V'�e then inspected the Sovth East � of the South �est � of Sect�.on (32} thirty t•�: o sa,me tovm- ; <br /> ship & Range, and the East �- of the North �lest 4 of Section five in to�vnshi�� ten �C Range nine in � <br /> Hall C,ounty belonging to Henry T�anne an� determined the d�,s��ages to be one hundred & fifty dollars , ! <br /> tivilicn is assessed in his favoura ! <br /> i <br /> '�'�e then viewed & inspecte� the V�-�- of South East 4 of Section thirty two in township elev�n & � <br /> I <br /> Range nine, dnd tne west half o£ the NE� of section five , in township ten 8c ra.nge nine in Hall ; <br /> � � <br /> , <br />, i ..0 .�.�...,t.:�:�_��� . . <br /> i . _ _ � <br />