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4� 0 <br /> � �'�i � �� ���Q� �O � � � �C� O� D � � . � � <br />- . O_ : . _ _ __ _ _ ---_. <br /> __ _ __ _ __ .- --- -- _ <br />_ y72�.�-CtOPPABNRTLETTCO..PRINTING�LITHOORPPFEING�5YAT10NEHY:OMAHN . ... . . .� � .. �� . � � � <br /> AFFIT�AVIT; � <br /> 5tate of Aiebraska, ) <br /> )ss. I, J. H. �oolley, do solemnly swear �,s follows: <br /> Hall County. ) <br /> That the fixm of Koeni� & �iebe, wne took title from the State <br /> of Nebrask�. for the SE4 of the SF4i Sec. 16, T. 11, R. 9. Hall County, Nebraska, by deed recorded <br /> in Book "D", P�,ge 273, Ha11 County Records , consiste3 of Henry �. Koenig and Fred A. �"liebe; that <br /> they dre the st,rne firrri� tivho took title from the State to the SVPg of the SE4 in said section, tou�n <br /> ��.nd r�r�e, and which deed is recorded in Book "D", of st�id record at Page 274; that they are the ,� <br /> ideritical persons s�rho �,re the gr�.n�ors � in the Plat, Sureeyor' s c�rtificate and dedication record- ;;{ <br /> ed in Eook "E", ra�e 354, records of said County�+ ar_d in the de�� ;eccrded in Book "E", Pa�e 129� ; <br /> records of said county. that �gathe Koenig, a �rantor, in Book �'P", Page 129, �as a.t the ti�e, �.he ' <br /> wife of said Her,ry A. Koenig, and Zouise Wi�be, a �rantor, in said deed, in said Bcok and P�,ge , i�as <br /> �.t the tim�e, the �,ife of said Fred A. Vliebe ; �hat the grantee in the deed, -Sar.�uel D. P.annel3s, in <br /> Book t�F", at P�ge 186, of the deed records of said county, and the gr�.ntor, �.D.Rannells� in the <br /> � <br /> mort�age rec orded i n �ook ��C'� of sai d c ounty� dt page 192, is one «.nd the saxne person� and he i 3 <br /> the same person who� �.s a �;rantor� in a Q. C.D. i:� named �,s S.D. P,annalls, which deed is recorded <br /> in Book 29 of said county records, at Page 548 ; that �Tane H. Rannells, ��ho is a grantor, jn said <br /> �,. C. D. , �vas dt the dute thereof, the wife of said Sa.muel D. Rannells, and. is the identieal person . <br /> who appe�.rs in scme instrumer�ts in conneetion with the title to said premises, and especially in <br /> said �,. C.D. , us s7ane ii. ??annalls ; th�;.t the �r�,ntee, Fr�nk W. �untoon, in the Q. C.D, recorded i� <br /> Book "F�� of sai.d reccrds �:t Page 225 , is the same person as Frank Huntoon, the grantee in Book ��F"+ ,� <br /> in the Q. C.D. � �.t P�,ge �71; and is the same �erson v��ho i s n�,med as �, grantor, Frank �'. Huntoon in <br /> ..,, <br /> the deed recorded in Book "F" of sui:i records at Page 583; tha.t the grantee, V�illiam H. Fikes in the ';, <br /> deed recorded in Book "F�', of s�.i.d records at Page 583, is the iaentical �erson �rho in the deed as <br /> a gr�.ntor, is described as ��Tilliaxn Henry Fikes, in Book "F" of said records at Page 584 ; that A.�^elia '� <br /> l�. Crawford the grantee, in the deed in Book 26 of said Recorfls, �,t Page 114, is the identical <br /> - �., <br /> person, �,vho made the 'J`�'i.11 as testatrix in the of �melia Ann C,ra�vford, recorded in Book 27� at � <br /> Page 369, of said recards ; that Delilah I. l�orrison mentioned in �3ook 27 of said Records at P�.ge - <br /> 369, is the identical person, who in the n�ne of I�rs D. I.I�Zcrrison, executrix, etc. , i�ade an �agree- <br /> �ent :F� �lonzo Cra�,rford, recorded in :Bock "J" o.f said records, at Puge 530; that Chaxles F. <br /> �Sentley , the gr�_ntee in ��ie mort�a�e re�orded in �3ook "D", of said xecords, at Page 1t}7, was .the <br /> �!identical �erson, t�rho in �h° c3f C.F.�3er.tle;� rA1.ea.sed said mortga,�e on the margin of tYie re- <br /> cord; �.nd i further s��rear that I trras v�=ell acqu.�,inted �vith all of the persons above mentioned, for <br /> �many years, exce��t the sa�d Fred A. �iiebe; thdt S had numerous conversations v�ith Henry A. �'oenig, <br />, and have been over t'�e m��tter of th�: ��rtnershi�,, an�? the facts in relation thereto, a numbAr of � <br /> � ;� <br /> times, in connect�on .rwrith tit,les to other properties ; that said Koenig was at one time State <br /> Treasurer, wnd the Presi.dent of a bank in Grand Isl�,nd, 2�ebraska� and he and said Fred A. �'Jiebe <br /> ,��' <br /> did �an extensive ��asiness ; and I am �ositit�e , frorz the information that I havej from various sour- �� <br /> ces, thdt the st�,te�:ents abo�Te. :::ade resL,ecting said Fred �,. 9�iebe, are correct and true. <br /> J. �i. �'oolley �: <br /> Subscri'oed in m;r ��resence and sworn to before me this 34t�i day of July, 191�. <br /> � <br /> (S F A L) Arthur I.. .Toseph � <br /> �. <br /> Commissior� expires Se�t. 17-��21. Not�,ry Public. � <br /> Filed for record the 21 day of August� 1918, wt 4: 15 o' clock P.�. <br /> �/i�����[-��.��-�- � <br /> � R�GISTFR. OF J�I+FD� <br /> -o-O-a-Q-o-O-o-Q-o-O-o-G-�c-0-o-4-o-Q-a-a-0-� -G-o-C-o-0-0-0-o-Q-o-C?-o-0-0-0-o-Q-a-0-o-0-0-0-0-0-�0-� - <br />� , <br />