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Q��� <br /> �^� 40 9 <br /> � � �C� � � �Q � �O � � G� �C� O� D �1d <br /> ^ _ --= _-: - — - __ __— . — _ _ _ _ __ — __ _—_ ---_----- — <br /> a37ZI�J [LOPPi9qiiTLETTCO.,PRINTING,LITNOOPAPHINL,9TNT10NEHY:OMAHR � � � � � � <br /> ��'I��,VIT' � <br /> � State of i�ebr�ska) ' <br /> �ss. �. L. Sprague bein� first duly sv�orn� upon oath deposes and sa�ys <br /> Hall County. ) <br /> that he is v�ell and pesaonally acquainted with Mathew MeGuire <br /> to whom James MeGuire conveyed the follo;�ing described lande in Hall County, Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> South East auarter Sec 10- and North East Quarter Sec 15 All Township 10 Range 12 �est Ha,ll <br /> County NPbraska by will dated Nov 30-1898 and recorded in book 28 of Records of said County on <br /> page 424 in the County Cle rks office of Hall County and tivith Mathias J. �cGuire who coneeyed said <br /> premises to Aetna Life Insurance Co. by Mortgr�ge deed, dated Fe'Qy 22 1904, and affi�.n� positively <br /> knows that the said �dathew McGuire and Mathias J McGuire are one and the same person� notwithstand- <br /> ing the discrepancy in names. <br /> W. L. Sp rag ue <br /> Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7 day of �u�. 1918. <br /> 1�y Co�uni�sion expires Jany 19 1924. (S E A L) D. D. OKa,ne. . . . .Notary Public. <br /> Filed f or record the 7 day of August , 1918, at 4; 20 o'clock P.�. <br /> (-/���� ���£.. <br /> REG IST£R OF DEEDS� <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-0-a-fl-o-0-o-fl-o-0-0-0-0-0-o-fl-o-fl-o-0-0-0-0-fl-o-fl-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> COl�IT RACT� <br /> MF.�dORAT1DUM OF AGRFEMENT , made by and between Jens A. Anderson and Dorflthy Anderson,his <br /> wi fe� of Hra.11 County� Nebraska,, and John Frederick Rohlin� of Howard C ounty, Nebraska, <br /> WIT NESSFTH. that said Jens A. Anderson and Do.rothy Anderson hereby agree to sell and convey <br /> unto said John Frederick Rohling all the followin� described real est�.te situs,te in Ha1Z County, <br />'� Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> I� The westerly forty-eight (48) feet of Lot eight (8) in Block five (5 ) in Rollins Addi.tion to <br /> the c�ity of Grand Island, the same being a tr�.ct of land forty-eight �'ee� wide fronting on west <br /> 0 <br /> Sixth Street a.nd Axtending back that width to the alley in said block and being�8 14 West Sixth <br /> n <br /> Street for the siun cf �4,OOO.QQ (fcur thovsand dollars} x�ayable as follo�s, to-wit: five hundred <br /> dollars (�S�O.�C) cash, the receint whereof is hereby acknowledged and confessed and the residue <br /> thirty-five hundred dollars ($,�3,500. 00) en or �.b�ut December 20th, 1918 on deliver3� of possession <br /> �.nd an abstract showing good title- said house 'to be fully completed and sewer connection made. <br /> $aid Jens A. Anderson to assi�n fire policy for t�!�a thousand (�v2,000.00) dollars insurance now <br /> placed upon said premises and to jrocure �dditioral insurance of at least one thousand dollars <br /> (��1000j said i.nsurance to be taken out by said Anderson and Rohling to pay the premiwns therefor ir& <br /> addition to said �3.500. 00. Said Anderson to bear all risk of fire or other damage to said premi- <br /> ses until possession is delivered and said John Frederick Rohling agrees to pay the said �3,5 OO. OQ � <br /> as above agreed u�on delivery of possession �.e afor�said. <br /> , <br /> Witness our hand� in dur�licate this 12th day of Au$ust� 1918. <br /> .Tens A. Anderson <br /> . Dorot hy Anderson <br /> • John F. Rohling <br /> State of 2�ebra.ska, ) . <br /> ( Be it re�rierribered that on this 12th day of Au�ust, A.D. 3Q18, befoxe me, O.A. <br /> Hall County. ) <br /> Abbott , d n�t�,ry public, in �.nd for said county �nd state, �ersonally came <br /> ,Tens A. Anderson and DorotA�y Anderson, to me personally knovan to be the identical r,ersons named in <br /> the above and foregoing instrur�ent as vendors and they acknowledged the same to "oe their voluntary ^ <br /> _ act and deed for the usPs and purposes above set out. <br /> In witness whereof I have hereun�o set my hand and affixed my not�.rial seal the date last above <br /> written. <br /> (fi E A L} O.A,Abbott. . . . .Not�.ry Public <br /> �y commission exFires Dee. 1-1921. <br /> �'iled for record the 12 day of August, 1918, at 4:�5 o' clock P.�. { <br /> � ��.��' ���.�j-y <br /> REGIST'FR� OF 1�D� <br /> �0�}�0.�)�-o-C-a-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-�c-e-o-O-o-G-c-C-a-a-o-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-a-o-0-o-0-a-o-o-o-o-a-o- <br />, <br />, <br /> t <br />