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4�� �` <br /> � l1NJ� � L� L�L;1 � �lUJUNJ LlvI.SUO�D � n <br /> _ ---- - — -- - -- <br /> _3`]2�9—.CLOPPl.BARTLETTCO.�PRINTING,LITHO6RAPHING.SYI�TlO��EHY�OMIIHA . . ,. . . .. .... . � � � <br /> $ub,ject to your approv�.l. that said Assignee be ordered to so dispose of said real estate and mak� <br /> full report of all hi� doings in rei�.tion thereto to this Court. <br /> Jno.I,.Xeb�ter, <br /> . Regist�r in Bankruptcy. " <br /> "AFFR�VE�: Elmer S.Dundy, Judge. " <br /> That �,fterwards on th� 30th day of April, A.D.1879, an Ord�r of Court e�as entered of record in '` , <br /> cause in th� �ords and figures following, to-wit: I� <br /> � <br /> "This matter this day comin� on to be heard on the report of the Re�ister in Bankruptcy on the � <br /> petition oP John �.�est , assignee� herein� for leave to sell the real esta,te of said Bankrupt <br /> �state, at private eale, and rscommending that the prayex of said petition be granted. ;� <br /> � <br /> 1lhereupon it is ordered by the Court, that said Report of said Register be, and tht same is hereby <br /> �.pproved, and said John W.V9'est� Assignee of eaid Bankrupt Estate, has leave to sell at private sale, <br /> sub�ject to the liens thereon, the real esta,te de�crib�d in said petition and to report the same <br /> to thi+a Court, " <br /> I further certfPy on the 22nd day of �day, A.D.1880, ther� �ras fil�d in �aid caue� the Final <br /> Aceeunt of John W.'�lest, Assignee Eatate of S.D.Rannells, Bankrupt, and that on the MGredit" side <br /> of said Account there appears the followin� entry: � <br /> ''J�zne 4,1879, By Cash from sale of Lot 6 in Block 116, in Grand Island, �feb, " . . . . . . . . . . . . .�60.00" � <br /> (name of Addition not shownl <br /> I further certify that on the 17th day of June, A.D.2880� an Order of Court w�s entered of <br /> record in said cause in the words anr� figures follo�in�, to-wit: <br /> "Thi$ matter this da.y came on for hearing on the re�ort of J.L.�ebster, Fsq. ,Register in �3a,nkruptcy <br /> recommendin� the approval of the final aecount of John W.Ylest, �,seignee of said B�.nkrupt E�tate <br /> and the discharge of s�,id Assignee. <br /> � <br /> �'hereupon. upon consideration thereof, it is ordered by the Court that said Repvrt of said Regi$ter " <br /> in Bankruptcy be and the sr�,me is approved and confirmed, and �he fina,l account of said John �.�est, � - �, <br /> Assinee herein, is approved and he is hereby disch�.rged from furthex liability a� Assignee of said � <br /> Bankrupt Estate. " <br /> VPitness my hand and official se�.l at Omaha in said District this 29th day of July, A.D.1918. <br /> t SEAI,} R.C.IIoyt - <br /> � Cle rk. � <br /> Fil�d for record on the 34 day of July 1918 at 8:15 ot clock A.lf�. ' - <br /> �� �� <br /> � <br /> . Register of Deeds �- <br /> �Q�.Q�a�Q�����.Q�.Q�Q�.Q���Q�Q�Q�Q�Qw��.Q�.Q�.O�Q�Q�Q�Qr.Q�.Q�.Q�Q�u' �Q�Q�Q�Q�QrQ�.Q�.Q��wQ�QrQ�Q.�Q�.Q�Q�Q�.Q�.Q� <br /> 1 AFFZUAVIT: y <br /> In the ma.tter of the title tfl the South-East Quarter oP Section 22� in Township 1� - <br /> North, of Range 11, �est of the 6th P.�. situa,ted in Ha.11 County, Nebraska. ,� <br /> State vf Nebraska, ) � <br /> Hall. �ounty. }ss. Samuel C.Huston, being first duly sworn, deposes and says th�,t he wae well <br /> and personally acquainted �ith Franklin �FJa'�son who a�r�ears as grantor in a certain Warranty Deed dated � <br /> Feb. 1, 1886, and now on record in Book 3, at Page 495 , of the Deed Records of said Ha21 Count;r, by <br /> which he conveyed above descrii�ed land to his son Levi O.�atson and hs knows that at said date °� <br /> said Franklin �latson had a wife ��vhose name was �Baryette (or �aryett} Wa,tson and that said parties, '`' <br /> tho undivorsed, lived separate and apa.rt for many years; that affiant �ras also weZl and personally <br /> acquainted with said P�aryette (or B�aryett ) '6�atson, who �as a near neighbor to him, and he knows ;� <br /> tha,t she died many years ago, to�it: On April 22, 1897 as sho�rn by the records of the County <br /> Court of said Hall County. Samuel C.Iiuston <br /> Subscrib�d in my presence and s�rorn t o before me this 3rd day of August 1918. <br /> � <br /> (SEAL� John Allan � <br /> No�ary Public �-. <br /> Yy Commission expires Jan.5 , 1924. <br /> Filed for reeord on the 5 day of August 1918 at 1Q o'eloek A.ltii. �� <br /> ����� <-/�<-�z�- <br /> Register oP De ds - <br /> � <br />