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- <br /> i <br /> i <br /> 4�� <br /> F��. �1Q �� C� �[�G,1� �0 � � � �� O� D � � <br /> _ - _ _ =- -- -- - <br /> 3]�19-�SLQPP 6 6ARTLETT CO..PRINTING,LITH06HAPHIN�.STI�TI6NEpY;OMpkR � <br /> . . . .. . . . ... ._. . -... .._.-..- _._ :..... ...,_ _ ... __" ..�JL"_ ' _'_- ' _ <br /> AFFIDAYIT; �` <br /> State of Colorado. <br /> I.ogan. County Clara Buffington bein� first duly sworn� upon o�.��i €��poses anc�`�s��'t''��"� �i <br /> ehe well and personally acquainted with John A.Buffin�ton. to whom Isaac �.�ieholas eonveyed the <br /> follo�ing d�scribed lands in Hall County, Nebraska, to-wit: Being seven acres of land in the �ortM�rest <br /> qu�,rter of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 27, Town�hip 11, �Fort� of <br /> range 9, 4�est of the 6th P.�I. �ay vrarranty deed, dated Nov.3�,17 and recorded in book 55 of real <br /> e�tate mortgage on page 233 in the Recorder of deeds office of Hall County and with John Buffing- <br /> ton who mortgaged said premises to B�tilda J,�olla. by mortgage deed, dated July 11,1918 and <br /> affiant positiveZy knows tha.t the said John A.Buffin�ton and John Buffington -are one and the same <br /> person, natwithst�,nding the discrepancy in n�rnes. � <br /> Clara Buffington <br /> Subscribed and svrorn to bePore me this 18 day of July 191a <br /> �y Commission expires R�arch 25 1922 <br /> 3�a.r�aret C.�deCormick <br /> f SEAL� <br /> Notary Public <br /> Filed for recar.d on the 19 day of Jul,y 1918 at 10: 30 0'clock A.�d. <br /> � �u�- <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> -o-o-o-a-o-o-�-o-o-o-�-�-a-�-�-�-a-o-a-a-o'-a-o-o-o-�-�-a-o-a-a-o-�-�-o-a-o-a-a-a-v-o-�-o-a-a-a-o-o- <br /> Po�er vf Attorney: <br /> '`� Know All 3�en By TYisse Fre�ent�: <br /> That Francis B.Regers of the tovrn of Gr�nd Island, in the county of Hall a.nd State of I�ebraska <br /> hereby �ake, constitute and appoint Bertha �.Rog�rs of the City of Grand Island, in the County vf <br /> Hall, and State of �fiebra,ska, true� sufficient and lawfui attQrney for me and in r� name, glace and <br /> stead� to grant, bargain, sell and convey the following piece or parcel of land situated in the <br /> City of Grand I�land in Ha.11 County, State of �Tebraslsa �ot No T�ro (2) in Block 4ne fl} of' ��.rst <br /> Artistie Homes Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska as surtreyed platted and record`+sd or <br /> �ny part thereof, for sueh price a.nd on sueh terms as ta him shall seerm m�et, and for me and in <br /> my name, to makea execute, acknowled.�e and deliver good a�d sufficiant dEeds and eonveyances for <br /> the $am.e, either with or �ithout covenants �nd w�.rra.nty, gi�in� and gr�r�ting unto Bertha �.Rogers <br /> said attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and ��very act and thing whatsoever <br /> requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premi$e�s, as fully to �11 the intents and pur- <br /> po�es as I might or eould do if personally present� with full po�er of substitutior3 �.nd revocation, <br /> hereby ratifying and conf irming all that my said attorney or subs'�itute shall lawfully do or cause <br /> to be done by virtue thereof. <br /> IN �ITN�S$ �HERLOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 2nd day of July 1918 <br /> SSealed and Delivered in Pr�sence of -------------, �rancis B.Rogers <br /> • ( �•25 I.R. <br /> Jas T.O�Reefe { Stamp ) <br />� ( Can�elled � <br /> State oP Ca.liforMia 1 _ <br /> )�s. <br /> San �dateo Cou.nty } On this 2nd day of July A.D.1918 before me, th� undersigned, a l�e'tarq <br /> Public duly Commissioned and aworn and residir� i� said county, �er�onaily appeared Francis B.Roge:rB <br /> to m� well known to be the identical person who subscribed said pov�er of attorney as principa.i, <br /> and acknowledged the said instrument to be his free and voluntary act. <br /> In Testimony �.ereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal at �deMlo Park ir� said County, <br /> the day and year last above written. <br /> Jas.T.O��eefe <br /> � � f$EAL� <br /> Notary Publie <br /> San l�ateo Co. California <br /> Filed for recard on the 24 day of July 19i8 at 2.3G ot clock P.M. <br /> ����z� �� <br /> Register of eeds <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-a-a-o-o-o-a-a-a-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-a-v-o-o-o-o- <br />