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Q�I�F <br /> ,� 40t� <br /> �J � �C� C� �a� �0 � � � �� O � D � � � <br /> - - -- _- . _ _ _ _ _- - - ^ _ ---- — <br /> - - , _ _ _ <br /> .3�2/.9 CLP�P6BNXTLETTCO.�PRINTING,LITH06NNPHING,8T11TIONEHY;OMIIHA �. <br />_«� .-_ :.�_:_ :- .��_. . .�_ _ _ . ..,.. _.. . .:- . . . _. . -�_. ---_-�'_ <br /> ..:._-_ _. _ _..- .... <br /> .. ..-__- ..__._.._. ---� _ <br /> incurred by th� said party in the premisea including the time spent by �--- in connection there�ritYi; <br /> Secand, in payment of said rent; Third, Lhe remainc�e�r, �.f any shall �e paid to the second party for <br /> ��'�.C� �� p�.�nt�ng and �ending said cropl�, and seed furniehed by ----- <br /> . _ _. . _ , <br /> It is further agreed that the crn►enante and agreements on the revers� side if this instruatent are <br /> hereby incorporated into and made a part of this lease. <br /> The cvvenants herein shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, eaecutors and administrators <br /> of the partiea Lo this lease. ' <br /> Signed this 13th day of Suly, A.�.1918 <br /> Mrs �a.ry Liedtke (SEA�� <br /> Si�ned and delivered in pre�ence of <br /> Henry Schuett ($EAL} <br /> I.�2.Alter <br /> State of �ebraska � <br /> }ss. <br /> Hall Cot�nty ) On this 13th day of J'uly, A.D. ,1918a before me, the undersi�ned I.;�. <br /> Alter, a }�otary ��'ublia, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said county, per$or�ally <br /> , came �a.ry Ziedtke the said leesor and Henry Schuett, the said lessee� to me knoqm to be the ident- <br /> ical persons rvhose names are affixed to the foregoing instrument aa lessor and le$see and acknow- <br /> ledged aaid iMStrument to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> �itness a�y hand and NoLarial 3ea1 the day and year last above �rritten. <br /> f S�AL� I.;R,Alter, <br /> l�y commission expires the 23rd day of August, 1919 Notary Public <br /> �'iled for reaord on the 15 of Ju2y 1918 at lls3� 6�'.�elock A.�. � <br /> ' �� � <br /> �� _����� <br /> �` � � Register of De s <br /> I -o-o-a-a-a-a-o-o-a-o-o-o-a-o-o-a-a-o-a-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-v-o-o-o-a-e-o-o-o-a-a-v-a-a-o-o-o-a-o� <br /> �FFI�AVIT- �., <br /> 8tate of Nebraska, <br /> ss <br /> Hall Co S,C,Huston being duly sworn deposes and eays, that he is acqusinted with <br /> . Tohn l� Appledorn who recei�red title to lot 4 block 20 Sernohaxi & Deekera addition to Grand I�land <br /> �ebraska,, said deed being recorded in book 6 page 65 of the I�all County reeords� & who deeded said <br /> lot 4 block 20 Kernoha,n & Decker's addition to Grand Island Aebraska, said deed being recorded ir� <br /> book 10 page 255 oP the Hall County records as John M.Appeldorn and that they are the same person� <br /> not�+ithatanding the discrepancy in names. <br /> Also is well, acqu�.inted with Wilhelm 1Viese who made a loan to �'artina Thompson & husband on lot <br /> 4 block 2� Kernohan & Decker's addition to Grand Island Nebraska, said mortgage is recorded in <br /> book 19 pa,�e 284 of the Hall Co reeords, & xith William Wiese �vho released the above described <br /> mortgage recorded in book 19 pa,ge 284. & are the vne �.nd same person. r�ot�rithatanding the discrep-� <br /> ancy in nam�es. <br /> i <br /> And also with Dorothea Appeldorn who received title to Lot 4 block 20 Berr�ohan & Decker' s additionj <br /> to Grand I$land Nebraska, said deed being recorded in book 31 page 211 of the Hall Co records, & � <br /> with Dorathea Appeldorn who deeded the above described lot� $aid deed being recorded in book 4� <br /> page 467 of the Ha.11 Co record$, & are one & the same person, notwithet�.nding the discrepancy in . <br /> names. S.C.�iust vn <br /> Sub�cribed & sworn to before me this 17th day of Ju1y 1918 <br /> 1i�y commission expires July 16 1919 ' J.E.Dill <br /> gotary� Public <br /> Filed for reeord on the 17 day ot July 1918 at 1:20 o'clock P.M. , <br /> � �f�?��- <br /> Re�ister vf Deed <br /> �8r�w�.'``r��Q�.C�.Q�Q�Q�O�Q���Q�Q���C�(��Q�Q�Q�Q�Q�Q����"��j�O���O�Q�O�Q�O�(��Q�O�Q�.Q�Q�Q�Q�Q�Q�Q�Q���'��Q�Q <br /> k <br />� ' <br />