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bD� <br /> �. 403 <br /> �l � �C� � ��G,1 �1 �0 � � � �C� O � D � � � <br /> -- - _- _ ._ __ _ _ --_ - _ _ __ _ - _ _-- _ -- - - -= <br /> 3�]L19 CIOPPSBRR7LETTCO.�PNINTING,LITHOORNPHIN�f,8T/1T10NEHY�OMAHA � � - <br /> c�'_"._'_ _'�._-- _x.`.._ .. . � . . __ - . . . .. ._. . .. ._____..._- _-'�"_ ��_':- _ ___ <br /> _:.� . . . _-. . .. _._ . .'._' ._._�_ "_ <br /> �_ <br /> AGRt��'l�l?T- SALF OF F�FAI, F�TI�TF <br /> This Indenture, ��tade this Z9th day of Deeernber, A.D.1917, bettiveen O.P.Gideon, party of the first <br /> p�.rt and �T.,3.Gerdes, paxty of �:he second part �IT,��r�T��, Tha.t the party of the first part has <br /> . <br /> this day dold to the party o.f tne second nart, the following described property, to-wit; The South <br /> half of 1�he South East Quarter oF 5ect i on Eighteen (18} , T ov�nshi� Nine (9) North Range Ten (10) <br /> West of the �th. P.?Ji. of ^ection----� To�zn---�-, Range---�-, in i�iall CountSr �ebraska to�ether with <br /> all ay�purtenances tnereto bezor�gin� and notiv �hereon, for which the party of the second part agrees <br /> to pay the surr� o.f �ift�r nine hundr�d �pI,I,�??�, �59G0• �ay�.�le as follorvs: �ash in hand Five Hundred <br />, receipt whereof is he_e'oy a.ckno;�led�ed. Balance Fifteen hundred dollars i�ltarch lst. 1918. <br /> Balance �:�arch 1st.1920 secured by mort�;age on ai�ove described pronexty at 5j. from r�:a.rch lst. <br /> The �ar�y of the firs� part is to furr.ish to t��e pz.�ty of the second part, or �.ssigns, �. �rarranty <br /> deed and a �ood and sufficient abstract of title, on ox �efore I�'Ia.rch lst. , 1918, ass�bn all in- <br />� sur�,nce on s�.i:� buil�ings free of char�e pay all taxes and assessments a.�ainst sa.i.d real estat�, <br /> and if there is a m.ort�w�e on sai.d pro�erty, p�,y interest �,nd taxes thereon uy� to ��Farch lst. 1918 <br /> and give pos�ession by 1`�S�,rch l�t , 1918. It is mutually agreed that time is an essential element <br /> in this contract and it is fur�ner a�reed tha,t in case either of the t,art�es hereto shall fail to <br /> perform the stipulations of th�ig ecntract , or any p�.rt of the same � the fa:� ling partS� ghall pay <br /> to the other party of this convract , the sum of Five hundred Dollars �500 a.g da.mages for non- <br /> fi7lfillment of contract. <br /> IN TE�TIIvi021Y ��;R�,OF, the partie� afores�.id sucscri'oed their names the date above mentioned. <br /> �+'1tYlP.S:3 : 0.�.Gideon <br /> ' C.T,�.Carlson J.H.Gerdes <br /> File d f or re cord on t he 8 day ��f July 1918 at 9:45 0' c lock A.���. �� <br /> �_/(�;��������- <br /> Re�;ister of Deeds <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> . AF.F I PAV IT• � <br /> � State of ivTebrwska, ) <br /> }�s. <br /> :iall Count�� ) ,Tohn Dolzrn �ein�; first duly sworn, upon oath deposes �r�� says th�,t he - <br /> v�ell and pers onally �zcqu�.inted ��vith The o�ore �.Garc�ner t o ��ho:r� Ben,i.�.Gardner and wife c onveyed <br /> tna foll��ving descri'aed lands in Hall County, ?lebra��a, to-:��it: Zots Seven and Eight in Block <br /> Eleven (11) of ?i.G.Cla.rk' s Addit ion t o the City of Grand Islar.d by quit-clai.m deed, dated 3/8/97 <br /> an� recorde:i i.n book 24 of Deed Record on �age 186 in the Cour.ty Clerks office of Hall Count3� and <br /> tivitn Theodore B.Gardner vaho con�veyed said to Ben,ia,rnin F.Gardner by quit-clai.m �ead, dated <br /> 3/1/11 and affiant positively knowvs th�.t the s�,id Theoaore 73.Ga,rdner v�u,s on the lst . dag of March, <br /> 1911, a single man. John Dohrn <br /> 5ubscribed dnd sworn to before rne this 27th. 3ay of ��a,rch 1911. <br /> � :�y cornmission expires Oct. l8th. 1912. Fred W.Ashton <br /> (SEAZ} <br /> Notary Public <br /> Fi1ed for re cord on the 8 da:y� cf July 1918 at 3 0� clock P.I.�. �� �����-J✓ <br /> ./� <br /> Reg3�ster of Dee <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o- <br /> AFr IDF�'IT• �,,., <br /> In tiZe �atter of the title to Lots 3�:4, in Block 123 :of the Union Pacific Railway Company' s sec- <br /> ond A�dition to Grand Island, :��,11 County, Nebraska. <br /> 5tate of Tlebraska, ) <br /> �ss. I, John Allan, being first duly sworn, on my oath depose and say that <br /> Hall County ) I was well and pe.rscnally �,cquainted :�r�th t°1illiam H.�latt who ac�uir- <br /> ed title to above described lots by deed d�,ted April 14, 1883, and re- ' <br /> corded in �3ook "G", P�,ge 189, of the deed r�cords of said Hall County, also witn r'.H.Platt, who <br /> appears as grantor in a certain '�`farranty Deed, canveying said lots to �Tonn 5.2�[ullen, �ated January <br /> 15 , 1884, and recorded in Book 7,Pa�e 87 of said reeords, and I knovJ that said VJilliam H.Platt and <br /> said �'T.�i.Platt were one and the same �erson. • <br /> John Allan <br /> Subacribed in my �resence and s�vorn t o before rne this �th d�,y of July,1518. �� <br /> (��) �.�.��3i 1be rt <br /> My commission expires 12arch 15 + 1921 Notary Public <br /> Filed fcr record on the 8 day of July 1918 at 4 0� clock P.�lI. C�/����f� �`�J <br /> �.�-�.��_�- <br /> e� . e e c�_�-____." <br />