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� <br /> ��� <br /> r 11VLJ � NJ� � L� �L;1� �l�JU � Lfl] �UO � D LiU ❑ <br /> .37L1.9'-ClAPA6BARTLETTCO.�PRINT�NG.LITH06NAPHiNG,STATIONERY:OMAHR . .. . .. ... . . . . _,. <br /> now in his �ossession. <br /> It is therefore 'ay the Court considered, ad�judged and decreed tha,t the sai�3. - <br /> � purported deed from the said Ben?a,min F.T�orne to the said Levi T .Thorne, dated Janua.ry 28th� 1905 <br /> and on same date recorded in Book 33 of deeds at page 448 of the records of Hall Count3�, Nebraska, <br /> pur�iorting to cenvey the �roioerty a,'oove described be, �.nd same is here'ay recinded, vacated, cancell- <br /> ed, annulled and �vholiy set aside, and th� said plaintiff, ��idot�► of sai:� de,ce�,sed, is hereby ad�iud�- <br /> ed to have �, homeste�.�. ri�Tr,t an� life estate in the sai.d t�vo and one-half acres of land above des- <br /> cribed situ�.te in the Northti��est Quarter of the tlortheast Quarter of Section 20, Township 11, Range <br /> 9 V�est ; in Hall County, �Tebraska and is entitled to, xeceive and recover all and singular of <br /> the rents, profits an� issues, thnrefram from and after the death of her said husband Ben,jamin F. <br /> Thor_ne, �ischarged of all cl�.im.s of or debts or other obligations due or owing by the said deceased <br /> or by �is estate+ and that said plaintiff has a life estate in all of the remainder of the above <br /> descriped property, bein� Lots �3, 9 and 10 in Block 3 and I.ots 6, 7�8,9 and fract3 onal 10 in Block 4 <br /> in Westts Sub-di.jrision, as �.bove set forth a,nd is entitled during her said lifetime to all of the <br /> rents, and profit� therefrom, frorn and after the death of her said husband, the recei�ts from the l�.st <br /> descri'�ed property, ho;�lever, 'oeing suo�iec� to the rights of the administrator of said estate to re- <br /> cPive the rents and profits for the purpose of �aying the debts, if any, of said estate and the <br /> title of said property above described is h2re'�y quieted in Plaintiff for her lifetime, as in said , <br /> petition prayed. <br /> It is fuz'the3^ ad,iudged that the plaintiff pay thP costs of this action ta,xed a� <br /> ��3F3. 05 to all of which sai3 Defendants and all of them duly exce�t. <br /> Jame s R.Iianna <br /> Judge. <br /> Endorsed: �Io. 31?7 In Di3trict Court, �ia,11. County, �ebr. Anna B.Thorne Plaintiff. vs. Levi T .Thorne <br /> et all Defendant , 17ecree Fe'oy 3- 1910. Filed iday 11 1910 Frea C.I,angman Clerk Dist. Court. <br /> State of Ne�araska, ) t <br /> �53. <br /> �ount�� of Hall, ) I, 1�alter H.Rauert Clerk of the DistriFt +Court �vithin and for said County <br /> and State� do hereby certify that I nw�e cor.lp�.red the foregoing co��y of the Decree in the case of <br /> Thorne vs.Thorne� et als. filed by said Court of the llth day of I�'ia,y A.D. ,1910, with the original <br /> filed in rny office and tl�a,t the same is �, cor-r�ct transcri�t thereof, and o�' ths whole of said <br /> ori�in�.l. <br /> I'� I�' TE��'I'IMONY r. ,R�OF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the official seal of <br />, <br /> s�.id Court, at the City of Grand Island, this lst da,y of July A.D. , 1918 <br /> Walter H.Rauert <br />; {SEALj _ Clerk of the District Court. <br />� Fy Herman F.Buckow <br /> Deputy <br /> �ile�� for record on the lst day of July 1918 at 2 o' clock P.I+�. ' <br /> ��-��A�.O �-�r/-u�� <br /> Register of Deeds � <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o <br /> AFFIDAVIT: �: <br />� St�te of Nebr;�ska, �ss, <br /> Hall County. D.C.Gideon, bein� fixst d;�zly srvorn on his oath dey��o�es and says tha,t he <br /> is �. rPQiu��t of ?ia�Z Cci,nt��, Nebru,s!��.� and t1�.t iz� ��as acquainte� zvith Stephsn �.Bsnfierd, who re- <br /> ce:ve� title �o the south hal�' of the sautheast �uarter Qf section 18, in Township 9, North, Ran�;e <br /> 10 'L�es4, in Hal]_ CountJT, Neorask�,, by patent fronl tne United States Governi�ent, and �tephen B.Bin- <br /> field rvho conveyed said ;re�nises �y l�varranty deed recorded in Book 22, at page 53 of the Deed reaords <br /> of Hall Co,anty, Nebr�.ska and that af:fiant kno�vs of hi.s own �er�onal knowled�e th�,t the said Steph�n <br /> .�.�enfie�.d naa��e� as �rxantee in said �.�wtent , �,n� � �.Binfield, the mrantor in said deed, is one <br /> and the as�,me �erson, notwithstandin� the ��screpanc�r in t��e names. � D.C.Dic�eon <br /> :ubscribed in my �resenc� �,nd s��foxn to before tc!e on this £�th �ay of July, 1918. <br /> T�7y corrunissi.on expires �:�arch 29, 1923. (�AL) R.R.Hoxth <br /> Notary Public <br /> �'iled fer recor�a on t'�A � da;,�T of July 1918 at 9:45 0' clock A.�. <br /> � �� � � <br /> Register of Dee <br />