q--�::y.i�i�ty����t.��r@�$�;T� _ __. ?_�i`lt�s`�!
<br /> � .?'rl(��i�� ��wy���i `I'�2'yr�t�f'� - - i��� . .. . . T ;:( 1�` 5 -�� � ` �r.?.:.:
<br /> 0
<br /> .a�:il4dWl�ftaA#�W+q4w5wlA?....�.,...��Dfn.lydwlSWFi}�G�Iii1G"WY•W,:�1i. -.—.-_--.,_.,..-.z..e:rx•^b . .-ts�= '-
<br /> ��° �.a9��EY LV;s�__:
<br /> 17,Tr�nsRr ot tho Pr»neriy or�Acncltd�t lnlursi!n Aorrowtr.lf nll or nny pnh ot tho Property or any introst In it �r'
<br /> st
<br /> is sold or�nnsfcrn�(ar if n tienoiicial interost in Borrmver is solA or�mnsfcrra�t and Bnrm��er Is na a n3mr�1 person)whhurt t�:. 'r ,,
<br /> J.cndcPs pdor wriuen conacnt, I.cndcr nuy ai t�s option, nx�uIro Immcdinio paymcm in fuil of all svms sxurcd by �his i3';,�+,��._,,;,�.:
<br /> S�curity inslmmenl.Nn�vever,lhis option sh�`I nol bo exercisal i�y T.�nder if exercise is proniLita{4y falerai Iaw ns ut lhe Jote iu�j*z�.-,__:::
<br /> of Ihls Setufl�y tns�nimcm. �-^7��5 nr',,.F:�
<br /> Iti.cndcr oxcrtius thls opflon,I.cndcr shnll�ivo 6nrcowtr no0ca ot acecicmilnn.Tiw naln:shall rovldc a pedcd o!not -,
<br /> Icss�han 30 dnys from tho dnto tha noiica ix dd vcrcd or mnilnl wi�hin wldch Ilorrox�cr mmt pay alPsums sccurtyl 6y Ihis -..;- ?:;,��,,.,;
<br /> Situflty Instmnxnt.it Ootrower fails to��y ti�ue sums pdor ro tFe expintion of�his period,4cnder may invokc,ny rcmMles br,��,�I�; �
<br /> rmiucd b this Sanriiy Instrunxm wR ian funhcr naic�e or dc�uad on Aorrowcr. '� �
<br /> a 1$. IWrcnwcrs RlFiit to IIcinslatc. if linrro�vcr mce�s anain eondiitons, 6orroxrr shall havc the Agld to havo ���1'��`i ,
<br /> enforeement of thts Secunly Insimment discominnod a�nny tinx pflor�o the esdier nf: (a) 5 days(or such other period u q;1b i. ., ;.
<br />. epplica6lo law may s{KCify for minsta�cnxnt) Ixfon: saic of thc ?r�rly pursnnm to nny �rower of salo mmaincd in�his �l�u'; � '
<br /> Sccuriiy InstrunxnC or(b)cniry af a Judgmcn�cnforcing this Sccurity ns4umcm.Thosc mndi�ians arc�hat Ilorrower.(a)pays .�::f;Si�.`;;;;--_
<br /> Lender.II sums whteln @+en would M1e duo under thls Stturity (nsuvnxnt and�ho�nto as I(no aocclention had occurrcd;@) �, �,,v,�r,..
<br /> cun;s any dsCmAl of any ctt�r.r covcrtanis or aaax+nenrs;(c) pays all oxpcnscs incurrod In cnforcing�his Smri�y Instrunxnt, s n��-���{h:q;p�:.^
<br /> ir�l•:lin3,but r.oF lireit�ro,2�son�ilc�ttocra.�yi Cces:and(d)�akcs such ac�lon xs I.endcr may rwsona6ly n:quiro io a:surc �i��,'ti.*,';�!t�
<br /> i2r.x u`r.lirn o€41is Scrurity lnst(um:r.t,l.ecCcr s ri�[us in thc Propcny nnd Itorrowcr's obltguion ro pay�6c sums sccurcd by «�+_
<br /> tA& Sttu�ity inc�rum:nt shail cantim:e unchu�gat. Upon rcins�a�emem 6y Dormv:er. 0is Svanty Ins��umm�t am! tt�o � 4 }t "�
<br /> �, hs,v •'
<br /> a0iiga>.iom securod hcesby stul[ rercuin tuUy cttective a9 if no ecceleration had mcurnd. 6fo�ne+er,tlts riaht[o reinua.te shxlF h�, _,ti ti'?�::,:;
<br /> t�xpp)y in tho cau of Meekr.etivn urtdcr par�g�h t7. �.;��ti.3�.. -
<br /> 39. Snk ot Notr;CL*.nn�c a1➢.aam Scrrlctn 7fie Note or n partlal Intercst in tF.�Y�e R o�et wi�ti tRis Savrity ..;�';�'?`;;;,:.i_'�
<br /> lnsimnxnp may be sold ar.ot more tirm.s�vi�houi priar notice ro Rorrower.A sate may rc9�!t in a chxnge in t6e enlity(knowce _r:_.':.,;.�,,,__
<br /> as thc'Lwn Scrvlocr')ttut mlloc�s mmidzly paymcnts due undcr tha No�c and this Smrity Inunrmnt.71xre�Iw nwy ix ox ,.;�.��4,.�,_:.
<br /> or nwre changcs of th�c l.oan Serviccr nnRlatcd�o a snlc o(thc Notc.If tlxrc is a ct�an§c of tM d.�Yan Scrviccr,6orcowcr aiil ba :{�(.((Ft` ._
<br /> giru�wrn�en noticc ot�hc chartgc in rm�v:Jance with paragtaph 14 abovc arA ayplicab.c Imr.Ttrc�roticc will staro!hc na�o-:_t =
<br /> address of�he new lwxm Sen'r�r aod ihe addrcss io which payments stoufd i�u�x3:.Tl}e no�ice will also contain any at�er '�!"�j,-k'.;j:°;-
<br /> �.-�•
<br /> ia.•omiellos tet�ulnd FZ-a:f+[n::r's:!�m- .,tiwss Z�,�.`-`i.
<br /> 20. A"xir�rdous Suhs�mmrs• F'mr<u��er shall not cauu or p:rtni�the prucr.cr, usc. Ais}visal, srorzge, or rcleax ot any ,i�'1 w::v:4`_::�
<br /> Hazarv+rus Sxr:staaces on or in �At Pev7i�ly. I3orrou�cr shall nct J��, nor allow r.n��ox dse m do, anytning a(fating che 'Y�����'��'��"��
<br /> Propenp¢h:a is in violaiion of any S:n.�ur.:nxmal Law.7hc pra.Yling Iwo untenc.s shail not npply ro�he prcsence,nsc. or `�P?�.t�:$z''�:.f':
<br /> alorogc urs ch.Aroperty of snull quamnms of Hatan.lous Substem�thal are crtcrall rcco niard�o bc e ro riatc to uomul _�°""'
<br /> B Y E PP P ;-;:,t./� -
<br /> residential uses and�o maintenanee o(the 1'ropeny. :{;- .,z�`'��-
<br /> 6orroker shall promptly gfve Lender wm�rn nuti:e of any invesliga�ion,claim, demand, Inwsuil ar rnher aclion by any ��,�:>-[s"� ' '.
<br /> govcmmental or rcgula�ory agcncy or priva�c�any Inwlving the Pmperty and any IlaearJo�w Sr.hs�ancc or Cnvironmental law �J;"t 5�.;:;:;�_-�
<br /> of which R�amwcr has ac�ual knowlcdK�- 1f O�rtowcr lcams, or is mtificd 6y any gorcmmrnw.[or rcgula�ory amhority,�hat ��:,:%;;j.;('.:�.,;�'
<br /> any rcnwval nr aher renxdiation o(ur.p timardous Sut�s�ance affeaing the Property is neeeszxy.IIorrower shall promplly takr. �;r4_^4;4�;.>.,;
<br />. all neccssary rcmcdial acttons in acmrdanec with Er_vironmcntal I.nw. �;"T
<br />_ As used in�ius par.�nph iQ 'Narartiuue S�tbs:�:�..�n�e�hus subs�rN:e,'.�:,`;:.:d :;�oxl:o:h�rdcus:ub:tar.:e:by `•'� �-
<br />- Cnvironmemal la�w��c.t fi: (ollowlug subs�ances: ga+nline, keroser,�, oth:r tivamab�o or toxtc pevoleum products, �ox(c �-�,��%,�{..:�'��i.-"�-
<br />-= prsllcidcs ar,d Fxrbidd�s,vula�lic solvems,matcriale contatning acbenas or fnrmatd�,�yd.e,end redioaciivc matcdals.As med ia ��SjY; �
<br />= this paregiaph 20, 'Gnvironnxn�al Lsu�•' means (ederal laws xnA I�ns ot Ihe,jnri>di<Ifon wh.erc �he Propcny is Ixated rh�r. {�����,�,c. ._
<br />�- rclaic to huhl+h,safcly or cnvironmxn:at prnlcc�ian. ��r,!t?��`R ,��
<br /> NON-UNIFORM CUVGNAN'fS.4urrowcr anJ Lender funher corcnar,t ar,d a�rx as(ot;aws: �.._
<br />- 21.Acceleratlon;Re�r.eJles. l.ender shall glve nollee lo Borrower pdorlo nccelerulion following 13cvroxer's bre�eh �42h ,,; ,c;.;
<br />