.. --- f!d f�F I�! sY?`�'ftLy'�yM1'��y f)x C �.. _S r r� J P .� . _
<br /> C��1�I�5�'�'/tq r f ar � : / l it,r,r "
<br />....lA�11�1i1A11�+,]�Si..�i�.tAI+L{F3L{�IN{i��'.1i:3.:..x{a.t.tna{.:dYfIFY' "� ���' ` � 'j�iL.._ - '_�__�'__"""'_' '�..�' ." -
<br /> � ` V�~A �v���� _.___-_. _ _
<br /> . 5, Hnard or Yrontrty Inwr�nce. 8orrower e6at1 kup tho Improrenxms noiv exlsUng on c�rca�er cravrA on the —
<br /> tro�ity insurcd xg�inu loss Ly tiro,ha�uds includcd wl�hln tho mrm 'cxicndcd mveragc' and any ahcr huanis, Incindin� ��:_�
<br /> tloosl5 or Ilooding,for wLich l.endor r.qulres Insurancc.7LIs insumnw shall bc malnroincd In�hc anwums and for the pcdads �,,;z:;__:.,,,,�. _ .
<br /> thif i.eadEP it�qUlres.The insuranea Carrier pmvlding tF.e Irsunnca shali bo chosen by Borrower subJect ro Lender's approvd -�--� °�
<br /> whleh shell not bo unrcnsonably whhhetd. tf Borrower falls to mnimain covert�e deuribed above, I.ender nuy, a� Lender's ���+`"
<br /> oplion,obiein mvtngo tn prolcct Ixndcr's dgh�s in thc Propetly In nccordann:wfth pa�agraph Z �'�� �,n. `-.,
<br /> AII insuranca policla and rcnnvnis shall bc occtpablc to Lcndcr and shnll inchidc a s�andurd mnngagc cl,usc. I.cnder ra Cr , r ;-_
<br /> sluil luvc�ho dg6�to hoid tl�o poticics nnd renovnls. If Lcndcr ru�ulres,Dorrowcr shall pmmplly glvc m Isndcr all rcccipis of {t'a��`�
<br /> psld prrmiums and rcnc�val notias.In�hc cvcnt ot loss,Rorro�ser shnil gtvc pmmM nnucc�o�he insuranw cardcr and I.ender. ��!'::{ t'x�
<br /> Lender mry meke proof of loss If not mndo prompily by Rorrower. E`�;j'�? �t�:�£j,:;';'
<br /> Unless Ltndcr nod Oorrower othcnvise ngrca in wri�fng, inaurnnw pr�ccals shall I�e apptled to res�oration or rcpair of�ho �t'%�t°i€:-k�:%`-�,.-..
<br /> °n-:^'�'. ...y.i.�_.._
<br /> rcroa r is na e�rneomtcail ryk,�blo or I.endcr's sxudt�lu•ould bc Icsuned,th.c insu ncc 1ymcccdsl sl a I bc af�I cd to thc'sunu �r��;�,tY�����;�':`��•-:°
<br /> p Y Y P PP c.� �r -°'��i;.';:.
<br /> sanred by tHis Sec«rir�ta�n:ment, whedier or not then dno,tvitN any eamss gaid to IIorcn�cer. If 6orrox�cr abaadoas Nc �;;t?„�i�s r;,-
<br /> F�er=rty,or f,bes rrx enswez within 30 days a notico hom Lcnder tba.e eP.c iasuranw nueicr has otfend w sttite s ctaim,ihen E�un°.�`e " � �'-��
<br /> t�radcr may collert ilm inv�ra,--cz procads. Lendcr may use �he pra�eods ro repair or wstom the Propeny ar to pay sums �+4',�j?S' > -
<br /> r-y,;:"°.S_�r,._`
<br /> �
<br /> sxuad by Wis S::uriry]nstmmtr.i,wF.ziFxr or not thcn dnc.7i:e 39-day periad wflt begin whert tF.e nmiw is giren. 'i:_,,,..,: _,,�_,,,�:;-.
<br />' Un!as ¢.en1p end 6orru�ver ah:n�ise agree In writing, any applicatioa o(pnxY.ds to priccipal shall rtot eztewl or , f'.; t s��f:;
<br /> ,Qostpom.Rr. tiio:dale of the nwnttdy ya��aunts rcferced �o In paraSrs�hs 1 a�M 2 or change the a.-�r.um of th:papnw.n�:.If T��,Y'4ft}X..��„<,;,.,.
<br /> anJzr paea�,ngh 2l�tlw Pm�.my is acquirc.f by Lender,Oorco�vcr's rigMt to anp insurarzca pnlic'rc•��rt�nkmds�;mhing from +f��i h i�f��`� _:
<br /> +^a.
<br /> dsn:rye trx9r.ANpeny prior to Ihe acqvisitlon shall pass lo I.er.der to�he exmm of tle�sumc secun<I by titts Sax�yg lnstriau�t -���„ �� . _
<br /> im�n.wa'aaxg�xSot to�hc aa�uisilion. �'�'. �i�y� ry,;:�-
<br /> a
<br /> 6.Cltxpnacp,Presnvalbn,Maininwnee and llydectlon of i!ze f�royeriy;Borrower's I.oxn Appiicatlan;Le�jauF3�• 1+� �,+ —
<br /> Borrower sha!i.uRpy,es�abflsh,and use the Propeny u Aorrower'x prio,:i�!rufdence witliin sicay days aRer�he exccurior or ;;;�.�.;,.:.a,
<br /> �his Sccurily lruitmnent ra,3.shall mNinue m occupy�hc Property as Ronn��er'a Frincip�l residave(or a�Icast one year nG.r �+"s,',�d;;,5,-�-�
<br /> �tw dale of occupancy,un!w LerAer otherwiu agrces in wflting, ahich coeseN sha!1 not be unrruonably withhcid,or unless �- -'
<br /> extenua�ing circumslences exz� which an beyond Ilorrower's comrol. A+rro��er sha11 not d:xtroy, damage or Impair �he ��-� „ :.
<br /> Propcny,allow�ho PropeRy lo deterinracr,or commll wastc un tlre d'r.��eny. Qortowcr sh:Al 2._in default If any fodelmrc 'F fi s _
<br /> .�6,i[r.. .,r�,.
<br /> ectlon ot procecding, whe�her civil or cdminal,is begun that in Lcnder's geal faiih Judgnx�x ax<td raul�in forfcimre o(�he ,`�w�,,�I��Yy,_
<br /> Peopehy ot othetwise nuterially impalr�he Ilen cnated by�his Sccuriry Inswnxr.t or Lender'a securi�y Inleres�.Rorrower may �i:;_ .._,_n4�:ri�;-.:
<br /> eu:e such a detaull and reinslate,�s provided in paragraph IS,6y causfng the xctiw or proceecling io be dismisa_A wi�h a ruling ��s•��• ` `'�} ��,_-
<br /> d:at, in Lencler's good faith detemilnation, praludes fodeiwre of the�orrower x interest in�t*e Propeny<�s.SCr material ._�:,.-;t:�•,`!!��-�:_'
<br /> irpairrM1t�e .N Itci:.a::d by fhts�riry• (nstrum:nt cr L::�v...Mudt;in!ual. L�r.__.. stiall a!•^?,c la deta��L yr _-r�-�;r,:'d.;:-r3::�_-_-...
<br /> , �.:-,s r� `
<br /> Oorroxer,dr_c�na�he Ioan applfcation praess,gare ma�edally false�.Y maceurate Infomiation er v-a�ements io Lender(or faiwx --1-�,;� ---�
<br />- ro provida Lerd:r wi�h any materlel Infomutiun)In conna�lon wi�h�Ae 1mn evidenced hy iF�e Kam.including,bul noi Ifr�irat i.����R+„sii{„'°;
<br /> to, rcprcunlations conmmfag Dorrowcr's occupancy of ihc Pmpcny ax a princigat rrsl�rncv.7f 1Srs Socuri�y Ins�rumcnt is o�a �7�'�����`���<<�'"
<br /> vt 1�rt41_-
<br /> lcuchold, llc�trowcr sAa3 canply with aU thc provisfons of�hc Icasc. If IIocrovrr acqni:t�< �za tiilc �o t6c Propcny, �I:e L� ����'�''�[, ,:
<br /> Ic.uchold anci fit fcc titic shall no�nxrgc�mlcss I.enACr agrce.,�a�hc mcrgcr in wnung• r��sj�3�jL��Tt�y�j!..;r���-
<br /> th2s Sec�«t 5estmnxn4norCtherRe'Ishasle 1al erocerd nY�hat�ma �si r Ifican I�affM 6ender's i h•c m the Pre n nco�suchen<�a '���r��'{ivY7����``L•�-.
<br /> p S P 6 Y B Y F 4`� Y / 1��5ti .l nfy'- .
<br /> aae<!ir. in lunkru lc �toba�c, for condemna�fon or forfciwrc or�o enforee laws or rc ula�Sons �hsn L.eeder rna do and ���4b{�:��`��"'`��'--
<br /> fi` R P Y.1 S ). Y I'(f;,�� '.r,l����.:"='::
<br /> �p..}tor whntever fs neccssary m prolut the value of the Propeny and Lender's riphts in�he Propeny. lAr..Fr'x acttons may q•.:S-tt;;?;,. 4�_�...
<br /> inclnde a�in an sunu secured b a Ilen which hns riori� nvu �his Stturi�� lnsmroxr.t, a adn in eoun, pa in �•'�� ���;1'��'�'�-�1�
<br /> PY 8 Y Y P Y Y PP� B Y S ����•3 s,.r>,�o.:.
<br /> rcasonable-ntrorneys'fces and entering on tfie Propeny�o make rcp:�irs.Al�hough I.cr.Ccr may�a'cr.x�lon under thii paragra,nh .� ����_�.�j(�rc-�
<br /> i�:��{�t�-ir���°�,.._.
<br /> '��Any emountsidisbursed by Lcnder undcr�his paragraph 7 shaU 6ecomc :ddition�l dzh; uf Qorrower sceund by �his !`.a���f;?!�.�✓�'a��tr;S:;^'--
<br /> Sceurit Instrument. Unlcss 6orrower end Lcndcr a rcc m o�hcr�cmis of a mmi.�T.csc ar.munts shall bear in�ercst from thc f3��+ `�•���?i�*�����":..
<br /> Y S P Y �xi ttl�iri'r�-cs�;:i;�:::
<br /> date ot disbutsement at the Note rate and shall be paya6lc, wi�h intcrcs6 upnn rewice fm�a 1cr.dcr�o Oorrox•er requcs�ing �, __, �J,,;,JR�:n_-.
<br /> 7(�`
<br /> pay S^,MoHgoge Insurenee.If Lender nquircd mongage imurancr as a cnndiiinn of makmf eS:�.un securtd by this Seci�rity ' °��t�s ,5i`��-'�t^.s
<br /> ins�mmen4 t3orrower shall pay �he premiums rcyuireJ m maintain �he mohgage imumnce in effat. IL fnr any rcuon, �he y��;�',=>:;k..�fi�.f1 ` i>;'+'
<br /> mo�t a e insurance covera e uired b•Lender la ses or ceases to Ix.in ef(ec�.Durcmver sl�all a thc remiums re uv�d�o '""*�1f�4ii'a;7'.�-:���:.`-:_�
<br />-- B S 6 rc9 S P P Y P 9 � �;y >_ 1• -
<br /> obtain covcrogc substamial�y cquivalent m�he mongage insurnce prcviously in Ai.n,a�a cost subs�antiully equivalcnt m�he -�fi:�},��%iF��T�i�{:ti;
<br />_ mst�o Qorroo�cr of�hc mongagc insur.�a^c prcviousiy in cffcct, from an altcmatc mongage imurcr approrcd 6y Lcndcr. if �„jS.dy��;?F�y�-ti�t',;�±�
<br /> suUstantially equivalent mangage insur�rtce corerage is no� aeailabla Qorrower ihall pay to Lander cach momh a sum equai�o i.n;,ESl'N''�k':,`!%r�',.%%`�j'�.,:=
<br /> OnC-In'elllh of lhe yeady mntlgage insurance premium heing paid hy�(S�rm�cer�chen ihe inanrance cavenge lopced nr eeaud�o �fti�i�jU'^u {�-� L:
<br />._ be in effal. Lerder will::.rpt.use and rc�ain�hcse pa��ments as a Insa rrurve in licu o! mongage insu2nce. Inss reserve � .- :S�;at��f y'1jt-r:`_-
<br /> i.Stilr� � }���'i ..- .
<br /> �� �f�.
<br />._ iam302� !IM !iltA�!�l� !�i; �{fi.'��..:
<br /> v�xoe�t 'r,AC Xj.::•�- .
<br /> �'��YII]..{fi�':'� '.�
<br />.. MC3019-NFJ3 � -�•.
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