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� <br /> 4 0 0 �- <br /> � [� D �C� C���a�1 �0 � � � �C� O � D �l � ���� <br />_ _ .-_�,_--_.__ _-- --._ ._ _ . _ . --_ _ . � <br /> .37Z19-CLOPP6BAXTLETTCO..PRINTINO�LITH06RNP1iiNG,STATIONERV;OMIIHA .. . . . � ' <br /> .. . . . . --:'- _.__ . __..__ -..__.' ':-.�-K. <br />. . ... . - ...__...-._ _ ..�.:� . �..... :-__::. __-.� <br /> financ�ally liable or res�onsible for any 3ebts contracted or obiigations entered into by the party <br /> of the second part. <br /> It is further agreed that settlernent between the parties hereto shall he made semi-annually upon <br /> t'ri� first day of Janu�.ry an� July o�f eua?� year durin� the continuance of this lease; at said times <br /> t�iP �art�r of the second �art shall submit to the parties of the first part a fu12 and co*nplete <br /> �tatement of all .receipts and disbursements and shall pay to tr,em, as ba,lance of xent due, one-half <br /> the net �roceeds received from operations un�er this lease. <br /> It is understood and aF;reed tnat the parties of the first part �.nd tne �arty of the second gart <br /> shall �ach draw �1�iG. GO �er :t�onth after o�erating expenses are paid and before the second party � <br /> is reitn�urssd for equipment purchased, provided the receipts from the sale of the �ro3ucts from <br /> the lake �,r� sufficient to �neet s�ach p�.yments. i.e.. the proceeds of s�,ies shall be applied, first to <br /> operatin� expenses ; second to the payment of �100 per month to first parties an� �100 per month ta <br /> second partzr; third, to reimbursernent of the second party for e�uipment �urchased; fourth, the baI- <br /> ance shall �e di�ride:l P�u.�.11y bettiveen the parties hereto, as provi�ed above. <br /> It is further dgreed t;1at vvhere any part of �he pro�nerty or any right or privelege therein ahall <br /> be sublet, the terms thereof shall first be submitted to the parties of the first �art for their � <br /> a�;Froval. <br /> It is fi�rther a�reed that a,t the expiration of this lease all of the equipment then on said prop- <br /> erty and useci in c�nnection with the pumping and moving of sand and gravel, sha.11 be turrled over <br /> to the partiss of '�he first part an3 that they sh�.11 be the unconditional owners thereof. <br /> It is also agreed by the p�.rty of tne second p�.xt tr.a,t f�.ilure on his part to keeg and perform any <br /> of the covenants and agree�ents contained herein �hall 'pe sufficient ground to voi.-�. this lease �.t the <br /> option of the parties of the first part. In the event that the supply of gravel in the lake should <br /> be e;{:t�usted prior to the first day o�Iy:arch 1922, then at such tirne this lewse sh�,ll be terminated <br /> and the parties of the first part snall r.etaxe possession of all of s�.id pro�erty. However, if at <br /> the tirne s��cified for the termi�zation of this lease there reznains in the main body of thes� <br /> sand and grwvel in such ��u�r.�ities tr,,a.t the sU.r:v can be re�,oved profitably without interferring <br /> with the con�our o:f the lake as novT outlj.ned, then the party of the secon3 paTt is hereby given <br /> an o�,tion for the renes�ai of this lease for �, perioa not to exceed three years on the same terms <br /> a.nd conditions contained above. <br /> I17 �;tI'�rT�;SS `'h��rOF �he �arties have hereunto set tr.eir ha,nds the day and year first above tvritten. <br /> Witness: S.D.:�oss - <br /> He le n I.�ia�Te s r.�t.As ht on <br /> Parties of the first part. <br /> T. C. Cline <br /> Party of the second part. <br /> Fi1e� for record on the 29 day of ,Tune ?918 at 2: 30 0' clock P.:�I. <br /> /�" , � <br /> U(--���y��� ��-u_�-y <br /> Register cg Deed� <br /> -O-�-0-�-0-0�0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0��-3-0-0-�-�-0�0-��-3-0-�-�-0-��-0-�-0-a-O-O-D-�-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br />