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3 9.J �.� <br /> [� � �C� G� ��a� �0 � � � �� O� D �J � <br /> _ - � = __, _ - .- -- - <br /> 3��19-«OPP 6 6ARTLETT CO..PHINTING,LITHOGHAPHING,STI TIQNEHV;OMAHR . <br /> ` .... .- _ .._ ,.��:. �- ..-_ .. .._ -.-:_ ..::_ _�' <br /> �.. . ['-.. . . . . . � .. . . .-. .. . _ .. . -,-- _ . <br /> �reement- Sale of Rea_l_Estate: - � ' <br /> �.._.�.�.._.__�..�.- �. , <br /> This Indenture, �ade this Sth day of .Tune, A+7�. ,19I8, between <br /> Enoch A. Strawn and Alice Strawn his Wife, parties of the first part, and Ulyses S.G.Shirley, party <br /> of the �econd part pI� �,���x� That the p�.rty of the first part has thfs day sold to the party of <br /> the second part, the followin� d��cribed property� to-v�it: SouthMest Quarter, containing One Hund- <br /> red Sixty Aeres more or less of Section 20. Town Ten, Range Twelve in Ha,ll County Nebraska togeth- <br /> er with all appurtenanc�s thereto belongin� �,nd now thereon, for v�hich the party of the second par� <br /> a�rees t o pay the sum of Twenty �'our �housand And No/100 DOLI.ARS, �24,a�4 payable as follows: Cash <br /> in ha,nd Three Thousand And No/100 Dollars, receipt whereof is hereby c�cknowledged. B�.lance Four <br /> Thousand Do2lars Septerriber First, 1�18, Serenteen Thousand Doll�.rs on or before the First day of <br /> �tiarch,19I9. <br /> The party of the first part is to furnish to the party of the second part, or assigns, <br /> a �arranty deed and a good and sufficient a.bstract of title, on or before Ma.rch First, 1919, assi�n <br /> all insurance on said buildings pay all t�es assessed against said land� and if 'there is a mort�age <br /> on said property, �aay interest thereon uP to �arch lst, 1919 and give poss�ssion by �arch First, <br /> 1919 It is mutually agreed tha,t time is an essential element in this contract and it is further <br /> agreed that in case either of the parties hereto �hall fail to perform the stipulations of this <br /> contract, or any part of the sax�e, the failing party shall pay the other party of this contrao't , <br /> t he sum of ------ Lollars as damages fox non-fulfillment of contract. <br /> I�T: xESTIAt10NY �REOF, the parties aforesaid hr�.ve subscribed their names the date above mentioned. <br /> � �lli t ne s s; L.A.St r$wn <br /> F.A.I�i�brou�„h Alice St rawn___._ <br /> State of Ztebraska ) Ulysses S.G. hirle _, <br /> )ss. <br /> Buffalo County ) �n this 8 day of June, A.D. , 1918 before me the undersigned �'.A.Fir�b- <br /> rough a �3otary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residin� in said County, personally <br /> came Fnoch A.Strawn Alice Strawn and Ul�ses S.G.Sh3rley to me known to be the identical persons <br /> �rhose ndmes are affixed to the foregoing instrument as grantors and ackno�rled�ed the same to be <br /> their voluntary �et and deed. <br /> �Flitness my hand and I�Iotarial Sedl the day and year Iast� above written. <br /> (SEAL) F�A,Kimbrou�h <br /> I� � �Notary Public <br /> D�y comrriission expires the 29 day of Jan, 1923 <br /> I'I Filed fox record on the lOth day of �Tune 1918 �t 10 0' clock A.�. �;G�-L� �/d <br /> i , <br />� Register of l�eed <br /> -o-a-a-o-o-o-c-c-a-o-o-o�o-c-a-c-o-o-a-o-c-Q-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o� <br /> AFFIDAVIT; <br /> �----- �, <br /> �ta,te of Nebraska ) <br /> Suff�,lo Count3* }s�. I the �andArsigned being first duly sti�rorn do hereby s�lemnly swea.r tha,t I <br /> j am well acqu�,inted with William P.O�Brien and John J.O�Bra,�n. grantors in R�ortgag��;� to Cliff'ord M. <br /> Anthony� Trustee date�. Ap'riI 1(7'th 2901 for �19pp. and �400. and tha.t they are one and the <br /> persons as William O�Brien and John O�Brien who inherited the land described in above mentioned �Tort� <br /> �a�e (S.E.� N.Vn.4 6-9-12 and ZT� S.E.`� and S.E4 S.E.4 31-ZO-12 Ha.11 County Neb. � from their Father <br /> �illiam 0��3rien deceased. David Neely <br /> Subscribed and sworn to before n1e this 13th day of P�a.y A.D.1901. <br /> (SEALj M.G.Iree <br /> Notary Public <br /> Commission expires Jan. 13,1�04 <br /> Filed for recard on the 13th day of �Tune 1918 at llo� clock A.M. ��-�� � <br /> Register of �eeds� <br /> -o-a-c-a-o-a-c-a-o-a-o-o-�o-o-o-c--a-c-a-o-a-c-o-o-�a-a-c-a-a-o-o-a-a-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-a-a-o-o-a-a-o-a- <br />