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���� - <br /> � 39r:� <br /> �J � �C� G� ��G,l �] �OC� � � �C� O� D �J � � <br /> -- - - _ -- , - - -- - -_- - <br /> - _- :-_ _ : __ .: �_ . - -- - - - - <br /> 37ZI�J CLOPP6BARTLETTCO..PRINTING.LITHOORAPHING.3T/1TIONERY OMAHH � , <br /> ._ _. ... . .._ <br /> � ._._.:..:- .�:,�. �:.._ . .. . . _.. ... . - _.:� . ..:-.:' -_: _ <br />�� "'_ . .:. _ .. .. . �. . . . . .. _ �.' _ .' '_ _._.- � _..-�_�-- .._-_.._ <br />'� AFFIDAVIT:. � <br /> In the Pd�tter of t'ne title to I,ots 3 & 4 of the County Subdivision of <br /> the C�'est� of the South West � of Section 15 , Town 11, Rs,nge 9, �est, <br /> situated in the City or Grand Isl�.nd, �iall County, Nebraska. <br /> State of �v'ebraska) <br /> )ss. Henx�r J. Becker, being first duly sworn, deposes and �ays that he is the <br /> Hall County ) . <br /> Henry .T. Becker who appears as grantor in a certain �larranty �eed� re- <br /> ccrded in �iook 39,, Page 2"78, of the Deed '�ecords of sa,id Hall Ccur.tS�� by :�rhich he �.nd his :vife con- <br /> veyed the above described lots, (�ith other land) , to Richard Stross and he kr.ow� him to be the same <br /> �erscn as Richard T! Stross� who a�pears as �;rantor in a certain �'�arranty 1Jeed, reccrded in Book <br /> 40, Page 424 of said Records by t,vhieh he �.nd his wife conveyed the same �rernises to one Gustaf <br /> Dannha.usen � and affiant Knows thd.t the Richard Stross and Richard T. �tross appe�.rin� in the chain <br /> of title to said prer,;ises �.re cne a.nd tne s�.me gersor_. <br /> Henry J. Becker <br /> Subscribed in my �.reser,ce and sworn to before me this 2nd day of Ma� , 1918. ' <br /> My co�mi�sion ex�ires Jan.S-1924. (S-F-A-L) John Allan. . . .2�otary Public.- <br /> i <br />� Filed for rec ord thP 3 day of �f�ay 1918, a.t 11: 3G o� clock A.2t�. � I <br /> � V"�« <br />� RFG I STFR OF TjF�:D, <br /> -o-Q-o-O-o-Q-o-�-c-Q-o-0-v-0-o�Q-o-O-a-Q-a-0-o-0-0-0-o-0-a-�-o-0-0-0-o-C-c-0-o-0-0-0-o-Q-o-0-0-0-0- <br /> AFFI DAV IT : �. ' <br /> Stat.,e of S�ebraska, � <br /> (ss. W. .?. Burger� being first duly aworn on hi� oath says that <br /> H�.11 County. ) <br /> he is a resident of Ha.11 County� Nebrd$ka, and that he ha� <br /> been a. resident of Hall County for �r�ore than 45 last past. I� <br /> i Affiant furthex states that he �rras acquainted with Augustus H. Orcutt, Junior, durin� his lifQ I <br /> i <br /> tim�, bein� the Augustus H. Orcutt� Junior who homeste�ded the �outh � of the South-east � of See- I <br /> , <br /> � <br /> tion 24 in Townshi,�� 9 North, Range 9 V`dest of the 6" P.I�. in Fiall County , Nebraska� and th�,t he <br /> knows the Augustus H. Orcutt was never n,arried and tha,t he left as his sole heir-at-laev, his � <br /> father� Augu$tus H. Orcutt, Senior. II <br /> Affiant further states that he was well acquainted with Augustus H. Orcutt, Senior, and his <br /> wife Ellen Orcutt, the father and mothex of the above mentioned Au�ustus H. Orcutt, Junior, and <br /> being the same persons who, on the 2n d�y of August, 1884, transferred by warranty deed the S� of <br /> the SE � af Section 24 in To�vnship 9 North, R�.n�;e 9 �Iest of the 6" P.�t. in Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> to Mary E. �re�att, which said deed was recorded in Book 2 �t Page 571 of the records of Ha11 Coun- . <br /> ty, 2�ebrask�, <br /> That the said Augustus H. OrcUtt, Senior and hi3 v:ife Ellen Orcutt, ��ere the fa.ther and mothe� <br /> of tY�e Augustus H. fl;rcutt� Junior who hvmesteaded the above mentioned real esta,te, and that said <br /> father snd mother are �both deceased at this time. <br /> Witness my hand on this 4 day of �TUne, 1918. <br /> �l. J. Bur�er <br /> Subscribed �.nd swo rn t o before me this 4 d�.y of June� 1918. <br /> �y commission expires 3Jecember 18 1923. (S F A L) Cha.s. �C. Redman.. . . .�Tot�.ry Public. <br /> Filed fox record the 7 day of June, 1918, at 1G:3C o'clock A.a'i. � <br /> ����� � <br /> G I ST ER OF nFE S <br /> -o-a-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-�o-o-o-o-c-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-c-a-e-o-c-o-e-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-e-o-c-o-a-o-�-o=c-o- <br /> . <br />