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39� <br /> � � D �C� � � I�Q�l �O �J � � �C� O � D �Jd <br /> _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _- _ _ _ — <br />_ 372.Ir�-CLOPP66ARTLETTCO.�PHINTING,LITHOONAPHING,STATIOMEqY:OMAHA . .. . .. . � y . .. . . _ ` .. . ._. . ....___ � <br /> It is further agreed that the covenants �,nd agreements �n the reverse side of this instrument <br /> are hereby incorporated into and made a part of this iease. - <br /> The cov�nants herein shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors and adt:�inistra- <br /> ta�rs of the p�.rties to this lease. <br /> Signed this ---- day of -----, A.D. 191- <br /> Ed Borders. . . . . (�;EAL} <br /> �igned an� delivered in presence of <br /> � S.�.Axford. . . . . (, ,AZ,) <br /> Grand Island Nebr. Octo'oer 24, 1917. <br /> For �.nd in consider�.tion of the conveyance byr me of the North � of the Southwest �uarter of <br /> Section Thirty six, Tc�!n.ghip T�relve in Range 9 Hall County, Nebr�.ska, to E.I,.Bleakney, I hereby <br /> assign �.nd transfer the 1'oregoing le�.se to said r�.L.Bleakney. <br /> S.i�.A�cf ord <br /> �Pitnessed by; u.�T.i-iale <br /> Grand Island,Nebraska, �arch 28,1918. <br /> , For and in consideration of the ��,yment of �2�0. 00. reeeipt of which is hereby acknowledged, <br /> I hereby sell, transfer, remise, release, quitcl�.im and as�ign to Ted ��. F�nthony, all my ri�ht, <br /> title, and interest in and to my one thirci share of the wheat crop now in esse on the North on� <br /> half of the South west quart�r of Section 36, Townshi� 12, Range 9, Hall County, ��ebraska, and <br /> hereby assign .and transfer the foregoing lease to said Ted �!. A.nthony. <br /> Earl I,. Bleakney <br /> Tn presence of: G.N.Hale � <br /> Filed for record tl� 26 day of April, 1918, at 9:30 o'clock A.M. <br /> ���� ��- - <br /> RFGISTFR OF T)FE , • <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-fl-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-fl-o-0-0-0-o-fl-o-fl-o-0-0-0-0- <br /> AFFIl7fiVIT; <br /> � In i�he m�.tter of the title to the lands comprising Lots 3 & 4 of <br /> the CountS� Subdivision of th� ��'est � of the South s�'�est �- of Section 15 , Tov�n <br /> 11, Range 9 �est, situated in the City of Grand Isl.and, Hall County, Nebrsska. <br /> ;tate of Nebraska, ) <br /> )ss. John ti'�allichs, being first duly sworn, deposes and s�,ys, tha.t he was <br /> �-ia.l l C ounty. � <br /> ;�ell �.nd per;�onally acquainted with Hans Ubermuller who acquired title <br /> to the lands of which the above described I.ots 3 8c 4 consis�, by two tivarr�.nty deeds recorded in <br /> Book "D", page 220, �nd Book "F", page 14� respectively, of the Deed Records of s�.id Ha.11 Caunty. <br /> �.n�l with the Hans Obermuller who appeara as grantor in a certai� warranty deed to T. Henry Elsner <br /> dated Feb.23, 1884 and recor�ed in Eook 3, page 142 of s�id xecords� by �hich he and hi� vaife con- <br /> �r�y�ed the la.nds descri'�ed in the two first above m�ntioned deeds, and in which last mentioned deed <br /> {in the body of the instrument and acknowledgment ) the gaantors' surname is given as Obermueller <br /> �.nd affia,nt kro�rs that said Hans Obermullpr, Hans Ober�ri�ller and Ha,ns Obermueller were one and the <br /> samde person. <br /> ,Tohn Plallichs <br />� �z <br /> �ubscz�-bed in my �resence �.nd sworn to before me this 34th day of April, 193,8. . <br /> a�yT commission ex�ires Tan. 5-1�24. (S-E-A-L) John Allan. . . . .Not�.ry Publie. <br /> File� for record the lst d�,y of T1Iay� 1918, at 3: 30 o' clock P.�. <br /> ' ��ti��� <br /> RFGIaTER OF DFE� <br /> V <br /> -0-0-0-0-o-0-c-0-o-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-p-o-0-0-0-o-C>-o-0-o-p-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> v <br />