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�bDF _ <br /> � 393 <br /> . � Q �C� � ��Q � �� � � [� �C� O� D � � , <br /> _ -_:� _= - - _- -�- _ : - _ _ _ _- _ --- _ -- _ - <br /> _ � - _ <br /> � � _ _,�.7219 CIQYPABIIRTLETTCO,PHINTING.LITHOORAPHING,6TAT10NEHV'OMAMA . ..� <br /> . ,. _.."_ ___._.__'_ '._'_'. . . . ._ . <br />�,._"'_ _ ._..__ _ ....._,. . ,_...._..._ __ ..__.. ... ,.._ ._.... ..._ _. ... .. .... . . .. ._ .. <br /> F�RM LEASE: �'-- <br /> �HIS AGREEI�ENT , made and entered into this 10 day of Au�. A.D. ,1917 by and between <br /> � <br /> S.�'7,Axford p:arty of the first�; and Edward 13orders party of the seeond part, WITNESSETH� thr�,t the <br /> said p�,rty of the first part ha.s this da.y 1Pa�ed unto the party of the second part, the follawing <br /> described property, situFited in the county of Hall and state of ��ebraska, to-wit: <br /> The N� o�' SW� of Sec.36 in the Township of I�ake Hall County Containin� about 80 acres. <br /> together ��ith the buil�.ings �.nd impravements thereon and thereto appertaining from the 10 day of <br /> _ Aug. 1917, to the first day of Aug. 1918 a,nd the said second party, in consideration of the leasin� <br /> of tne above premise�, hereby covenants a.nd a�rees with the said party of �;he first part to pay the <br /> said party of the first part as rent for the same as follo�rs. t o-wit: <br /> �ne third o#' the wheat & straw tha,t may be produced on said land durin�; s�.id time. The �rheat to <br /> be delivered at the �levatars in Grand Isl�nd. And it is further agreed tha.t the said S.�V.Axford <br /> may if he chooses �o upon said land and build buil:iing he ta pay reasonabie dar�ages that ma.y be <br /> done to said wheat by said buildings. As a �art of s�.id land now h�is corn upon it� the wheat is to <br /> be put in in the usual +vay of ha.ndlin� such crops a.nd S.«I.Axford is to be allowed to �ather said <br /> c orn. <br /> AND IT IS FURTHER FXPRESSI,Y AGR�En by the p�.rty of the second part that -- will carefully pr o- <br /> tect r�ll buildings, fences and im�rovements of every kind th�t �.re now on said premises or that ma�r <br /> b� �rected thereon on d�arin� the continu�.nce of thia lease ; that -- will promptly� at the expira- <br /> tion of the term herein gra.nted, yield up possession of said pr�emises. without notice , unto the <br /> party of the first part� in as good repair as they novr are or m�.3� be At any time durin� the contin� <br /> uance of this lease, ordinary �ear and loss by fire eRCepted. Said second party also expressly <br /> agreES t o haul �.nd scatter upon s�.id land regulr�rly in the �onth� of ----- �.nd -----, all manure <br /> accumula.ted t:iereon and �vill keep the cultivated lands on said premises free from weeds and destro� <br /> all �reed9 along the fences and ab aat all the buildings, on the highway and ad�ioining the iand and <br /> along the norders of the fi�lds before they ripen their seeds; that he will keep the well, pump and <br /> windznill on said premises in good exceptional loss by heavy wind or fire excepted. <br /> � AND IT IS FU�?THER AGREFD by the party of the second part that -- will not sub-let nor in �.ny <br /> manner release any part of the described premises without the consent of the party of the first paxt. <br /> AND IT IS FURTHER AGRE�n th�,t the p�rty of the first part and --- agents may go upon said �remi- <br /> ses at any time to inspect the saane or to make improvements thereon and to plow for furturs crops <br /> and to sow sma.11 grain in corn and stubble ground in the fall before the expir�.tion of thi$ lease. <br /> AND I`T IS FURTHER F7�PR$SSZY AGRELn that the second party shall secure the perforrnance of the <br /> terms and conditions of this lease on --- p�.rt by giving to tha first �,arty on demand, a chattel <br /> mort�age upon all or any pa.rt of the crops �rawing or �;�.thered on said premises during said term. <br /> And if the s�.id second party shall neglect or refuse to give such chattel mortgage upon demand, or <br /> if -- sh�.11 at any time �ive or attempt to �ive to any person or persons a lien upon �aid crvps or <br /> any part thereof, or viol:�.te anyT of the con3itions in this contract then this lease shall thereby ; <br /> termina.te 4r_3 in order to enforce a forfeiture for non-payment of rent, it ahall not be necessary � <br /> ta make a dema.nd on the same day the rent shall become due, �,nd the said first party may at once : <br /> rpcover possession of said premises and all crops thereon �.nd the said second part�� shall in that <br /> event be held and considered to have planted and cultivated said crop for the benefit of �aid first <br /> party and shall be paid for such services as follows: Said first r_,arty ma.y sell said cxops and tl� <br /> unex�ired term for cash at private sale - - - rr��.y at - - option, procure crops to be further <br /> cultivated or gatnered and sold in such market as -- may see fit, �nd in either �vsrt t:�e proceeds . <br /> �hereof shall be a�plied, First , tc the �oayment of expenses incurred by the said party in the pr�m+- <br /> ises iMC].uding thP time sp�nt by --- in connection there�vith; Second, in p�.yment of said rent ; <br /> Tn.ird, the remainder, if any, sh�.11 be paid to the second pa.rty for --- services in planting ar.d <br />, tending1crops, and seed furnished by - - - -. <br />