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39� �_ �� o 0 <br /> � � �C� G-� L� L�Q� �O � � G� �C� O � D � � � <br /> _ . ___� _ - __- <br /> - -- _ _ __ _ <br /> 37219-CLOPP 4 6ARTLETT CO.�PAINTING,I.ITH06RACNiN2'i,5TAT10NERV;OMAHA ,. ._ . <br /> . � � . . . . , _... ..._.. :--'::_ "__. .. .:--: -:�- _ .-.-:�._... ,.. .: J <br /> ��zr.AVZ?r�:x � � <br /> State of Nebraska, : <br /> : �s. Gustav �rueger, being first dulv sw�rn on his oath s�.ys tha.t he is a resi- <br /> Ha,ll County . <br /> der�t of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,� and a son of Johs.nn Herrran <br /> Krueger, I�ceased, who died on t�e 31" day of December, 1915 , and �rhose last will and testament was <br /> admitted to probate in the County Court of Ha12 County, Nebraska, on the 31" day of .?anuar3�, 1916 <br /> and in whose Fstate a final decree was entered on the 13" day of January, 1917, which Fin�zl report ' <br /> is recorded in Book 2 of the Reccrds of Hall County, Nebraska, at Page 69. - <br /> Affiwnt further states that durin� his life time the said Johann Herman KruPger purchasecl said <br /> Lot 9 in Block 11 of Rollins Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska� from I,eavitt W. F.ollins, _ <br /> the said I,eavitt al. Rollins and his wife making t o the father of this affi�nt a warranty deed of date <br /> February 20" 1908, which said deed is recorded in Book 40 of the records of Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> at Page 614� v�here it was recorded on the 21" day of Febr. 1908. <br /> Affiant states tha.t in said v�arranty deed before r.;ent:.oned, the grantee, being the father of <br /> this �.ffiant, is named �s Herman Krueger. That said Herman Krueger and the �TOha.nn Herm,a,n Krueger <br /> whose last will and testament was grebat�d in the County Court of Hall County, Nebraska, as mention- <br /> ed herein, are one dnd the sa.rrie person and the father of this �.ffiant. <br /> Gustav Krueger <br /> Subscribed and sv�orn to before me this 6" da3T of April, 1918 by�`said Gustav Krue�er. <br /> R�y commission expires A�ril 1� " 1923• (S E A L) �T.Z.Cleary. . . . . .Nctary Public. <br /> Filed for record the 18 day of �ipril, 1918, at 1�:45 0' clock A.�S. <br /> �J� �-��, <br /> � <br /> R�GISTFR OF I?�'3� S <br /> -o-�-c-C-o-Q-o-G-c-�-c-�-o-C-c-O-o-�-a-0-o--�-a-0-c-0-c-C-o-Q-o-C-o-O-a-C�-c-�-o-�-c-0-v-�-a-0-c-0-a-�- <br /> AFFIDAVIT; � <br /> ST ATF OF NFBRASKA� ) , � <br /> )SS, S�n�.J.Cunnin�ham, being first duly sworn upon his oath, d�- <br /> COUTJ'I'Y OF H�!T.,L. ) <br /> poses and sa3Ts tha.t he �as personally acquainted �ith GeOrge <br /> W. Steadman, the grantox in a certain deed conveyin� Zot Ele4Eri (11}, in Block Five {5 }, in College <br /> Addition to �lest La�n, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, which deed was recorded in Book 53, <br /> at Page 98, and in �►hich deed tne �rantor re�erved a life estate. <br /> Affiant f urther states that said Geor�,e �1. Steadman died in the City of Lincoln� Nebraska, on <br /> the lOth day of August� 19Z5 ; that affi�.nt was employed as �.n attorney for the estate of George 1�1. <br /> I�� Steadzna,n, deceased; tha,t his esta.te was proba�ed in Hall County, Nebraska; �nd tha,t ths final de- <br /> r <br /> cree, in said estate, �ras issued on the 7th day of .7une, 1917. <br />'E <br /> Furt.�er affia.nt saye�h not. <br /> Ben�j. �T. Cunningham <br /> f Subscribed 3n my presence and sv�orn to before me this 24th day of April� A.D: , 1918. � <br /> �y commission expires �'ebr. l"-1919. (S�-A-L) Chas.G.'3yan. . . . .Notary Public. <br /> �'iled for reaord the 25 day of April, 1918, at 4: 30 0� clock P.3Q. <br /> ��������� <br /> RFGIST�R OF DF..� <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-fl-o-�-a-0-a-0-o-0-0-0-o-a-o-fl-c�-a�o-0-o-fl-v-0-�-0-o-fl-o-0-0-0-o-Q-o-fl-o-�-0-0-0- <br />