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� <br /> 39C) , <br /> �-_ � D �C� G�- � �Q� �O � � � �C� O � D � � <br /> _ _ �_ _ . <br /> n - -- _� _ _ _� � <br /> ,.�J�I+ID—�LOPPSB0.HTLETTCO.,PRfNTING.61TH06RAFHING,8TNT10NEflY:OMAHA .. _� <br /> . . . . . _,.. __: ,;_��., . ..: -�-- <br /> AFFIpAV,�T: �_ <br /> State of Nebraska, ) <br /> )es. <br /> Hall County ) �7esse C.Burkerd being first duly .s�o�n on his oath deposes and �ays . <br /> we 11 <br /> that he was persanally,�acqc�ainted v�ith Jessie G.�cKee, Earl C.?�aKee & ..7ames B�.McKee who canv�yed <br /> to Emery �.King by deeds, dated the 6 day of �ar.• 1908, the S28W4- Qf Section No.26� fn Towr��hip No. ` <br /> 11 l�orth ot' Range No 12 �l• of the 6th P.M. a-iall County Nebraskas and that he knows the said Jessie '�� <br /> i <br /> G.�cSee, Earl C.McKee & James �d.McKee to be the identical persona a$ Guy �cKee, Earl �aKe� 8c Same� ', <br /> �cKee �ho were mention�d as heirs of Samuel "K.r�ay, deceasc�d in probate proeeedings in Hall Co.Neb , <br /> and further �ffiant sa3th not. ` <br /> Je�e� C.Burkerd <br /> .�.,.�.— <br /> Subseribed in my presenee and s�vorn to befor� me thi� 17" day af April 1908 <br /> � � (s��� � <br /> Geo.�t.�iller <br /> �Totary. P�'�13c <br /> �,y Notary Commi�asion expires Nov. lp" 1910 <br /> Fi1ed for recard on the 8th day ot' April 1918 at 3 o' cloek P.M. <br /> ������ ��� <br /> Registex oP D�eds.__ �� <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o•o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o�o-o-o-�-o»o-o-o-o�-o-a-o-o-o-a-o-a <br /> DE� <br /> `� I� THE DISTRICT C4URT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> Lillie C. Ranz, Plaintiff, ) <br /> vs. ) N0.�4442. D E C R E F• <br /> ) <br /> �lixabeth Hughes, (commonly known as I,iazie Hughes) , ) <br /> and, if married�hPr �usband,Jo�n Pce,�rhose r�al name ) <br /> is unknown; �,nd Daisy Hughes and, if married,her hus- ) <br /> band,Richard Roe,�vhose real name is unknown; and ) <br /> Bessie Hughes und, if rnarried,her husband.John Smith, ) <br /> whose real n�me is unkno�n; and all other persons ) <br /> interested in or �vho h�.ve or to h�.ve some in- ) <br /> terest,right,title.,pstate ar lien in and to or on ) <br /> Lot Three {3) . in Block One (1) , in Burger's Addition ) <br /> to the T own of �oni�Y�n, in Hall County�?�ebrask�. ) <br /> Defendants. } <br /> NoW, upon the 8th day of �arch, A.�. � 1918, being �. day of the February term, 1918, of sai3 <br /> court, this cause came on for tria.l �.nd was submitted to the court, upon considerat ion e�rhereof, <br /> � <br /> the court finds tha.t it has iurisdicticn of the $ub,ject matter and of the parti�s to this suit ; <br /> that each and all of the defendants h�xein, failing ta answer, demur or otherwise plead to the <br /> petition of the pl�intiff, were each thrice solemnly called in opPn court and came not, but r�ade <br />! default ; dnd, it a.ppearin� to the court that due and legal service by publication of t�.e filing <br /> und pendency of this action has been had upon th e f ollo�ing n�.med defend�nts� towit; <br /> Elizab�th xughes, tco�rmonly known as Zizzie Hughes) , and if married, her husband, John Doe, <br /> II', whose rea,l nar�� is unknown; <br /> 3laisy Hu�hes and, if married� her husband, Richard Ro�e, whos� real narre is unknown; <br /> Bessie Hughes and� if marri�ed, her husbr�nd, John Smith, whvse real name is unknown; <br /> And all other persons interested in or who have or claim to ha,ve some interest, zight� title, <br /> � estate or lien in and to or on Lot T hree (3) , in Blook One (1) . in Bur�er' s Addition to the To�vn of <br /> Doniphan, in Ha11 County, Nebraska; <br /> It is ordered that their default 'QP entered hpr�in, und that the facts sta�ed in plaintiff' s -,: <br /> ' �;etition be taken as true, as against them and each of s�,id defendants, abone named. <br /> THF. COURT FU?�THER FINnS from the evidence adduced that the �laintiff, Lillie C. Ranz, is now <br /> and for more than eighteen (18) years� last past, has a�en the ovrner in fee s�impl� and in actua 1 <br /> pos�es$ion of the following described real estat�, aitu�ited in the County of Ha11, and �tate of <br /> Nebr�.ska, towit; I,ot Three (3) , in Block One (1) , in Berger's Addition to the Town of Doniphan,. <br /> in Hall County, Nebraska; that plair�tiff� s title thereto is deri4ed from a certain w�,rr�.nty deed <br /> from Hir�m L. B?odgett �nd �rife, under date of I�arch 17th, 1949; tY�a,t the title of Hfram L.Blod�ett <br /> to sa,id premises wa,s obtained from os;e �ary E. D�.lton� a widow, by vvarranty deed, issued on July <br /> 25th� 1904; th�,t the title of the said Mary E. Dalton to �aid premises was obtained from one Eliza- <br /> �� b�th Hughes by w�,rranty deed, issued under d�,te of April 6th� 1899; that the s�id Eli�abeth Hughe$, <br />